
Girium Vel and the God Constructs

Story of a man on his quest to destroy all the divine constructs left by the gods. Whether he will succeed on his blasphemous path or fail, let's find out. Alternate Synopsis: Girium, a lone man with one goal in his life, to destroy the Divine Constructs left by the gods. On his path, he will encounter those that wish to seal these constructs, those that wish to worship them, and then some who wish to control the enormous power hidden in them. Will he succeed or fail, let's find out.

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17 Chs

1.08.1 The war begins.

At the moment, Girium's body was vibrating at a unique frequency that couldn't be perceived by normal people. A kind of vibration that starts with his heart, before spreading throughout his body using his blood vessels.

And after that, it spreads through his body to the water around him.

"Just what is going on?" Teerath questioned what he was witnessing, and the same was true for the two who were watching everything through the camera feed.

"Is he doing something dangerous?" Risa thought, before being denied by her Boss.

"He is not the kind to do something dangerous so close to the population." As someone who had fought him one on one, she knew Girium better than anyone in the place.

"From my understanding, this should be the reason why he is so strong," Sia explained.

As someone experienced in the world of artifact users, this was the most unique and weird kind of ritual she had ever seen.

As for what this ritual was for?

Sia didn't know at the moment. But she knew the answer was not so far off as the boiling in the water started to slow down and Girium slowly rose out from the river.

His steps were stable unlike before and the cast that was covering his legs dropped down piece by piece, exposing a completely uninjured leg to Teerath and others.

"Healed so fast?" Teerath asked, surprised at the fast rate of recovery.

And Girium was not a bit worried about his secret being out, he just nodded his head toward Teerath and said. "Yes."

Then turning in the direction of the camera, which was hidden from direct eyes, and stared straight into it.

"I wish to participate."

Girium said, showcasing that he knew the existence of the camera from the start and still let himself be recorded by others.

As for what to participate in?

"He is smart," Sia said.

Knowing that she is at a disadvantage now. Her attack on Dragon Star Clan might succeed with a lot fewer losses, but if Girium joins the war, it will be impossible for Sia to secure the DragonStar's artifact.

"Will you let him?" Risa asked. Curious about what her boss would choose in the end.

But much to Risa's surprise, Sia just shook her head. "Of course not."

Of course, she can't let him ruin her plan. A plan that was already underway.


Zig hasn't been the same since he saw Girium. But it doesn't mean he was incompetent. There was a reason Sia trusted him enough to make him an executive of Bear Bastards.

And the proof was right here.

In the northern part of the city was the biggest fish market in Goldfern city. One can find seafood from many places in these places and the economy of this market has also adapted to this market, opening many seafood restaurants in the outer areas.

But that was it, there were no rivers big enough to support the consumption of seafood in the city. So most of the fishes were brought over from seaports in a frozen state.

And this is where the DragonStar Clan came in.

Eyeing the street in front of him, Zig knew the fish market in front was just a front, and a perfect one at that.

For the common public, it was just a place to buy fish. But those in the know knew that the fish market was the center of the drug trade.

The fishes they so delectably ate were used to hide small packets of drugs and shipped to the city.

A fact is known by many but rarely did anyone dare to speak out against it.

As for those that were courageous enough to do so, they don't get to live too long in the city. And the government of the city won't even bother to help even if someone asked for the protection.

This was the reality of the city.

The reality of its people.

But Bear Bastards were different, if not for the wish of their boss for sustainable development. They would have attacked these drug markets that poison the youth of Goldfern city.

And this was the time to do it.

It was midday and the time of the day with the least crowd. As it was truly rare for the tourist to go out to explore the city during this time of the day and the summer of Goldfern was nothing to laugh at.

Which made it the perfect time for an attack with the least collateral damage.

"Everyone in position?" Zig asked on the comms and after everyone confirmed that they were in the position, Zig ordered all of them to stay there and wait.

The target was not the market itself, but the drug operation.

Destroying this market unceremoniously will just make the enemies alert from the start, and the operation will fail.

Which Zig can't have.

'They change the position of the drop zone every 2 days.'

This was done to prevent anyone from tracking their operation and makes it harder for an enemy to attack them.

Because one mistake by their enemy would give them enough time to secure their load.

So before attacking, Zig had to watch each and every truck with frozen fish that was coming into the market and tail them.

For he was not sure which one held the real product.

"How many trucks have there been?" Zig asked his henchman.

"As of now boss. It's around 37 trucks."

'So many… I knew that there would be some decoys.'

There was no way that so many fish would arrive in such a down season for the tourists. Which meant that many of these trucks are just decoys set up to fool them.

And it was doing its work. Zig was struggling, he didn't know which one was the real truck and what was the new location for the drop.

Which left him with a singular option left.

"Everyone in position… right?" Zim asked, intending to use plan b.

"Yes boss, everyone is ready for your order…. Should we do it?" He asked, at which Zim nodded his head and said. "Blow up all the tires. And run from the scene."

If it was impossible to hide from DragonStar's eyes, then he won't even try anymore.

A man needs to be divisive during battle because if one wastes their time thinking, a good opportunity like this won't come in the future.

So he shifted to plan B the moment he was sure that the first, which was the stealthy method, can't be used anymore.

After receiving the order, people in different positions around the market shot at the tires of the trucks and left the scene before anyone could react.

While maintaining their eyes on the truck from afar.

There was something that Zig was sure of.

For normal transporters, the moment their tire flattens. Their first reaction will be surprise followed by frustration. There might even be curses thrown at fate or whoever was responsible for the tire.

But none of them will have a feared expression. And those that do must probably be transporting something seriously important, where a single mistake might cost them their life.

'So will you abandon that truck in the middle of the street or come to recover it.' Zig knew that like they were keeping eyes on the trucks, the Dragon Star Clan may be doing the same.

This was their area. And even a small fish vendor might be part of their gang and keep an eye on the truck.

So, staying there was a dangerous thing to do.

As Zig expected, after shooting the tires, he started to get reports on the potential drug transporters from his men.

Not much to his surprise, there was only a singular person showing an expression of worry on his face.

And this stupid man was even looking for help, giving away the position of his own group to Zig, accidentally.

"Guess our plan worked out." Zig was happy.

He also knows that his actions have probably alerted the Dragon Star clan. The upcoming fight will be going to be tough.

But that was why he was here.

The drug operation was actually managed by Haisel, the same man crippled by Girium not so long ago.

Making this place pretty undefended in the early days.

And as the drugs were a great source of income for the Dragon Star Clan, they must have placed another executive in this place.

More like shifted.

And from where they would shift.

'Just hope the plan goes well on his end.'


This was a two-pronged plan.

One side would attract all the attention the other side would raid the compounds of the Dragon Star Clan.

Being part of this city for so long, the Dragon Star had made countless relations with multiple merchant groups along with rich families.

They provided these families protection in return for money and connections. They even named this wing of their clan, Dragon Star Security.

Their leader was one of the executives.

But since a few weeks ago, this executive has disappeared from his base.

Leaving their building pretty open and its security pretty lax.

And watching the people leave the scene in hurry, kale knew. It was time.

The Dragon Star Clan members have gotten too used to their supremacy. Never being the one to get attacked first by anyone, they had a kind of arrogance about them.

And with the arrogance of strength came laziness when they were at their job.

So when half of their members left for the fish market in fear of an attack. The building which held countless papers and contracts was left undefended.