
gin silk

This work is not participating in WSA2022 . What happens when torture gets too much.When misunderstandings can break relationships to the core.When innocent souls gets involved in players wicked games.They break like a glass doll Hazel after living as a lesbian whole life gets married to Mr Knight who is the CEO of knight industries but deep down every big man has something to do in darkness The story of a women getting used and played by wicked devil who had ruin her and made her hide her identity

the_shias128 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
108 Chs

A pet dog

Hazel got out of room at almost noon. She drank water and let's out a " hiss". Tears blurred her vision again when she remembered how Sebastian brutally burned her. She was hungry but she can't eat any hot food so she took out the tub of ice cream from freezer . She took a bite and even if the ice cream was cold . The ice cream felt like someone was stabbing a knife in her throat. She puts it back and went to living room. She was sitting lost in her thoughts when Alex clapped his hands behind Hazel. Hazel looked behind and heard Alex gasped . He said " HAZEL!! what happened to your mouth and neck". Hazel tried to speak but her tongue was so burned that she can't even speak a word. Alex said " How did it happen?!" Hazel showed him hand signs and told him that she was cooking dinner when hot water spilled on her. Alex looked convinced and said " Did brother took you to doctor?!". Hazel nodded " Yes". And Alex replied "Hazel you should take care of yourself". Hazel bowed her head and nodded.

Alex said happily " You know I have a gift for you". Hazel looked at blankly when he called " Lily!! Lily!!". Lily came running and hugged Hazel and said " OMG I missed you so much". She asked " Didn't you missed me ?!" Hazel nodded smiling . Lily gasped and asked " AHH! what happened to your mouth and neck". Alex told her how Hazel got this and Lily angrily scolded Hazel . " Hazel you are not going in kitchen anymore". Hazel showed her signs that she is okay and Lily sigh and said " Be careful next time Hazel". Hazel nodded and Alex said " Look what I got you Hazel". Alex gave her a box and she opened it . It was a dog ' a baby dog. Hazel smiled widely and Patted the dog . Dog let's out a woof . And Lily said " What should we name him?!" Hazel told them the dog name will be Broody by her index finger writing in the air. Hazel always wanted to have a pet but grandma was allergic to them but now she got it .After her wedding something good happened to her . She hugged Alex tightly and Lily said " I'm jealous ". Alex stick his tongue out to Lily and Lily pulled his ear. The mansion was full of " woof woof" . Broody liked Hazel alot . Hazel was running here and there happily with Broody. Alex and Lily sweetly watched her playing . This was the first time Hazel was showing childish behavior. Lily looked at Alex and genuinely said " Brother again got a fantastic women. I hope nothing happens to her ". Alex nodded and said " I'm Hungry". Hazel stopped and said him with signs that she can make him something but Alex denied and said " We will order today". Lily clapped her hands excitedly and Roman and Sebastian entered. His eyes caught Hazel laughing playing with a dog. He looked at Alex and said " Who's dog is that?!". Alex replied " I gift that to Hazel" . Something burned inside his heart when he saw Hazel smiling .

Food came Hazel excused and tell she can't eat food . She sat on the couch in dining room where everyone was having their food. Sebastian and Roman's focus was completely on Hazel. Lily cleared her throat and said " Brother Sebastian Hazel will not go in kitchen from now on". Sebastian said " Why?!". Lily looked at him with disbelief and said " Brother your wife is burned because of your carelessness. And where are all the maids?!". Sebastian casually replied " I fired them and Hazel is not a kid that I will take care of her". Lily asked " Why did you fired maids" and Sebastian replied " I have a wife now .She can do households now". Lily said " I can't believe it brother". Alex was just looking at his brother . He thought that maybe someone you love can completely destroy you. Everyone was in their room and Hazel was also playing with Broody . For Hazel she got a friend after breaking up with Skyla . She was ok with what she had. Little did Hazel know what she is thinking as a hell is not even the start of hell
