
beginning after the end

(A.N. Gilgamesh extra skill is all same as millim am instrist skill is also same )

(3rd person pov)

in a cave you can see a magistic dragon

(veldanava pov)

vedanava - ohh I am going to get a new siblings but something is strange let go and see

and so veldanava aka creator of the world go and see the new phenomena

( 3rd person pov )

you can see a very beautiful kid sit in a majestic chair radiating majestic golden light the seen is like screamning like bow down to the king 👑


??? is seeing left and right up and down then he speak in a low voice

Gilgamesh - siduri are you there . it seem like I died . (spoken like tell ing the joke )

the sceam and said

Gilgamesh - it no time to joke around !!!!!!

????? - report after dying master is reborn

Gilgamesh - pathict mongrel show yourself who are you

????- ans master I am your unique skill called great sage

Gilgamesh - ohh so when I am dying I somehow reincarnated and when dying the voice spoke to me some skill and that . ok great sage is it what you do as my skill

g.s. - ans master my job is to explain you skill modifi your skill and repot to you if something happens

Gilgamesh - so explain everything about me

g.s. - master skill is ranked as skill extra skill unique skill ultimate skill and there is racial skill race skill or knowas instrist skill master is a magic born or as know as monster . master is a upper teir spirit . at this moment you as also un named monster

Gilgamesh - haaa I the being of heaven wise king of urak is become a monster don't joke around mongrel

(great sage pov)

after giving explaination why my master seem angry and sad I am just doing my job .

great sage feel that a powerflu being is approaching here

g.s. - report master it seem that someone very powerful is approaching

(Gilgamesh pov )

someone powerful is comming and my skill is also say the same so what do you think I king of hero Gilgamesh will run away from someone strong

(veldanava pov )

in my sight a boy come he look very cute so he is my new siblings bout something seem odd and is it my imagination or what that light it like screamning bow down to the king

veldanava - Hello ther little one my name is veldanava aka creator of the world

Gilgamesh - Hello I am the one true king of the world all other mongrel are pretender to the name !!! . what do you want

what the fu*k how high is his ego but in the end he is my siblings or not ??? I lost my omipoetenc is beter let ask

veldanava - I come here to check the birth of the new true dragon but it look little different can you explain

(Gilgamesh pov)

what is this old ass dragon is talking

g.s. - ans master you were reincarnating as a true dragon but because of your wish you do not want to give up on your humanity so that why you are a new race of dragnoid mix 2/3 true dragon 1/3 human

ahh so that it is but why is he here

g.s. explain because all true dragon are siblings bybthe rule of the world

ok I understand . so that means I have a family !!! ok let's explain it to him

(veldanava pov )

Gilgamesh- after my deth I reincarnated and some how here because my will to not to let my humanity in the process of reincarnation of I become 2/3 true dragon 1/3 human

ohhh interesting I never even thought that a true dragon will be reincarnated but also 1/3 human but what he is my brother so I will also name him

veldanava- it is interesting so as your big brother I will name you

Gilgamesh - I wish to have my name from the past life

veldanava - say the name

Gilgamesh - u want my name should be gigamesh

veldanava - from now on your name should be gigamesh

3rd pov

after veldanava gave him name his half of his magicule also use in the process of nameing

voice of the world - attention individual gigamesh is eveloving into a demon lord harvest festival will start

Gilgamesh goes in the sleap mood and that how world first saint and the first demon lord is born