
gilgamesh in AOT

a story about a boy with the powers of gilgamesh in the world of AOT trying to make the best ending possible and make sure eren dosen't turn out like his canon self. (I'm gonna put this on hiatus and work on something else)

dender104 ¡ Anime & Comics
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gil's in AOT baby

well I don't know if this is my best day ever or my worse day ever, because I'm dead and is currently floating in the void with most of my memories gone exept a few things like caster gilgamesh and AOT along with other memories about anime.

I was floating around for who knows how long until I meet a rob who happens to be passing by and seeing me.

rob"hey why are you here little fella"

me"oh you know just chilling and floating"

rob"well you look bored as hell"

me"damn straight"

rob"tell you what I'll do you a favor by puting you in another world"


rob"sure, so what wishes shall I grant you"

I thought about it for a little and came up with a plan" I want the powers of caster gilgamesh from the fate series and put me in the world of attack on titan"rob nodding at this said"sure thing but why AOT?"

I responded with"well the story's great and everything but yesh did eren turn into a big jerk and marley being the main cause of it so I might as well do what I can for him"

rob looks at me in a thoughtful gaze and nodded saying"hmm yes I'll agree with you there, with that world being full of tragities it's hard to look at"

well with that agrement he transported me in gilgamesh's body and say that I'll be a week before canon starts so I'll have time to get use to my powers along with the help of gil's memories but I need to do it fast and so my time in AOT has begun.


I woke up under a tree's shadow and held up my hand I see a golden gauntlet and I look at myself and I have gil's body and clothes, I stand up and walk to a nearby lake and see that I had gil's face and damn does he look good.

I look around to see I'm outside the walls so I decided to train using the titans around the area and for the past week I trained with the titans casting magic at them and using the gates of babylon familiarising myself with my new power and my combat skills.

and so I traveled to a gate by the wall and the colossal titan apeared in front of me kicking the wall in "fuck I need to get in there quick!" as I created a portal and teleported in and see titans already pouring in so I need to be quick.

I ran around looking for eren's home and found it, and it was crushed but I see eren trying to dig his mother out along with mikasa so I immediatly went toward them.

"hey kids you need to get out of here!"and eren says "not until I free my mom!" I sigh at the kid, how did such a loving child became a crazed mass murderer,"alright let me handle it I'll lift while you guys pull alright"as I put my hand on the rubble.

eren and mikasa look at me and I look at them and we nodded at each other as I lifted the broken house up above my head with a grunt which suprised eren, mikasa and his mother but eren and mikasa snapped out of it and pulled her out as I let the building down.

"come on we need to get out of here!" I shouted at them and a titan was getting closer but noticed that eren's mother had broken legs so I carried her and we ran toward the boat as armin found us and came with us.

I dropped them off and told them I'll try to save as many people as I can and went back into thhe fray as I see the armor titan getting ready to charge at the gate, like hell I would let you do that.

I immediatly got in front of the gate and the armor started charging toward me I got my ax from my treasury and ready myself as the armor got closer people keeped yelling at me to move but I ignore them.

when the titan is close to my face I swung my ax and homerun the damn thing over the outer wall so at least it would buy more time before the inner wall was destroyed.

I got stares from many people that saw what I did and I don't blame them but I gotta buy more time for them so I stand guard and opened my gates of babylon above the city targeting the titans and let loose.

of course I targeted their weak spots but some survived the initial attack but less titans to worry about and with that I disapered like the marvels thanos snap in front of many many shocked people.

pov change to eren

we were suprised at what happened at the wall today and it will scar our lives forever but a good thing came out of it and that is our mother is alive and well thanks to a blond haired man helping us by lifting up that rubble and he was stronge.

I asked the man what his name is and he told us his name was gilgamesh and he lived a little far from us he said he saw a rubble land on our house and decided to come help out and heared about what he did to save as many people as possible.

I was grateful for what he did that day and I would vow to help as many people like him when I join the servo corps but first we need to get ourselves a new home.


5 years later

it's been five years and I saw eren grew into a well mannered teen with being a hero as his wish instead of killing all the titans in the original so thats good for the long run though he still has the attack titan with him and his dence skull still haven't realised mikasa's feelings for him.

and theres the legend about a blond man wearing golden armor and red tattos on his body with a giant golden ax capable of matching a titans strength and summoning weapons out of no where and saveing the lives of hundreds of people maybe thousand lives from getting eaten by titans.

but I'm happy to see where this is going to go, but I'm going to have to change my appearance a little because of what I did 5 years ago to get into the serve corps and meet eren agian without all the comotion.

new fanfic with gil in AOT because I'm startim all over agian.

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