
Gilgamesh’s Fanboy Reborn in Marvel

"Listen, kid, I am a jackass, an asshole, a mini tyrant, a fanboy, but never a father." How I got here is a mystery to me. Me? It just so happens that I am a multi-billionaire, but other than that, I am just an ordinary bossman. My name is Kaiser Elliot Asquith, and I dream to be a tyrant. ======== Additional Tags: Anti-Hero, Kingdom Building, Weak to Strong.

Crazy_Penguin · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Morgan le Fay

"Hello Mr. Gilgamesh. We are from Kirkland & Ellis -" Morgan abruptly ended the call before he could finish listening to them.

"Meow meow meow meow"

"Shut it Cat! The nerve of them to ignore Master's summons! Should have been on their knees, worshiping the grounds he walks in for being personally called." Morgana, his temporary assistant, remarked.

Kaiser's eyes were sparkling with mirth as he observed the pair. Only one day after his public declaration, the law firm he first contacted in search of legal counsel is already licking their boots over him.

As Kaiser didn't have much expertise in magecraft, such as casting spells, he questioned Morgan, "How skilled are you in Magecraft?"

"They refer to me as the Fae Queen and the Witch Queen. I am an expert in all forms of magic, but my forte is in Fae and Black Magic." Morgan made a braggadocious claim.

Esther curled her cat-like eyes, and after giving a kitty scowl, she went back to sleep.

"How much would it cost you to teach me your skills in magic?" Kaiser was willing to barter with Morgan in order to learn from her. For someone who was notoriously selfish and proud, it was unusual for him to seek assistance from anybody else. To put it simply, she is just that good.

Morgan, with a smirk so wicked it nearly reached her eyes, said, "A favor. The kind of favor you can't refuse."

To which Kaiser replied, "As long as the favor doesn't go against me, my goals, or the people I cherish, I will accept."

Morgana nodded; she didn't mind imparting her knowledge on Kaiser, especially after learning about the world's powerhouses and realizing they would need to be powerful and cautious.

"Very well, Master. The first lesson is going to be about Curses."

Kaiser was lying on the ground, panting heavily, with sweat pouring in large drops from his forehead.

"I am surprised, Master. You have the same parameters of a servant. Your Od is almost 12 times the size of an average mage!" Morana, who is standing elegantly, said.

'Dian, show me Morgan's Status'


[Status] ◈ [Quests] ◈ [Gacha] ◈ [𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒]


『True Name』: Morgan le Fay

『Class』: Caster

『LVL』: 100

『Race』: Fae - Servant.

『Health』: 13,628

『Bond Lvl』: 0/10


Strength: E

Endurance: E

Agility: C

Magical Energy: A+

Luck: A+

『Noble Phantasm』: EX

✶「Excalibur Accolon」(A+ rank): Illusory Sword of Ever-Distant Victory (A+(+))

An imitation of Excalibur so perfect that no even King Arthur could tell the difference, partially due to the fact the blade was forged from the remains of Caliburn to further the illusion of familiarity.

Reflecting the legend, the Blade possesses all the same parameters as Excalibur but will lose against the original & be destroyed. As Morgan never wielded the sword herself, it is a Noble Phantasm that can be wielded by her Master.

✶「Kingdom of Avalon」(EX rank):

Similar to Merlin's Garden of Avalon, it allows Morgan to pull her & those she chooses to the Isle of Avalon, granting them all a Rank Up in all parameters whilst also rendering them invulnerable to certain attacks.

When not active, it manifests as a 'Blessing' that passively allows Morgan & her Master to regenerate from all wounds, similar in effect to Avalon (Scabbard)'s passive ability


✶「Magic Resistance」(A rank): Nullifies magecraft or any spells that are Rank A or below —Increases own debuff resistance by 20%.

✶「Independent Manifestation」(A rank): Like Merlin, cannot be summoned normally.

✶「Item Construction」(EX rank): Item Construction is a Caster-class Skill. It is the Skill to manufacture magical items, from implements of war to items for daily use. Also, this Skill requires time to gather components and manufacture items.

She created an imitation of Excalibur, which even fooled King Arthur.

✶「High-Speed Incantation」(A rank): Is the ability to speak magical incantations at an accelerated speed. She is Merlin's equal, after all.

✶「Protection of the Lake」(C rank): A blessing from the fairies of the lake. The rank has been lowered due to wandering too much.

『Unique Skills』:

✶「Fae Queen」(A+ rank): Upgraded Protection of the Lake, grants effects of Protection from Beasts & Mana Burst-Water. As a Fae Queen, she can see through "lies."

✶「Territory Creation」(EX rank): Is a Caster-class Skill. It is the Skill to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus, such as for the purpose of collecting mana —Tied to her Noble Phantasm

✶「Witch Queen」(A+ rank): Combination of Witchcraft, Healing Magecraft, Illusionism & Familiar-Ravens.

✶「Medical Knowledge」(C rank): Working as can an court physician in Camelot's court, she has gained many arts.


"Fucking OP' Afterthought of Kaiser as he looked her over status.

Kaiser sparked the haughtily upright Morgan and mused, "Bless my luck!"

He got to his feet, shook himself down, and told Morgan, "You may remain here. I have a meeting with someone."

Morgan started at the back of Kaier, seeing him leave wearing a casual suit consisting of a white shirt with black trousers and Esther on his shoulder.

Morgan let out a long sigh, and her "proud" expression changed. She fetched a copy of "Tales of King Arthur" and began reading.

Morgan is known for being cruel, self-centered, and, some would even say, lecherous. She had several suitors, but she never really committed to any of them. She abused them, then abandoned them after using them for political gain.

A long time has passed since she forgave her half-sister Artoria, and she now bitterly regrets her deed as "Witch Queen," yearning only for Artoria's happiness as a woman.

It's quite sad that she had to resort to witchcraft to have children rather than having natural pregnancies conceived from love and sex. Thus, all ended up cursed with misfortune.

Everything we learned about the past was completely inaccurate. She had never even had a man touch her body, so it seemed absurd to make fun of her sister for having greater experience.

When she married King Lot, she later used her witchcraft to control him like a puppet. Then, years later, she usurped his throne and, with the aid of witchcraft, birthed his four offspring.

The entire of history was false. One fact, however, was undeniable; she did at once have feelings for Lancelot. But now only bitterness, and guilt remained, for even having liked him in the first place.

But, again, it's been so long that her ambitions are now inflated myths. She loved all five of her children, but Mordred was the one she felt most for.

Her desire to restore her family to the throne of Britain was fueled by her encounter with the haughty Kaiser.

"It's all in the past now"

Once again, Morgan had reverted to her crude nature; the more she learned about the world, the more she wanted to rule it.

'Bastard,' She cursed vengeance on Kaiser for having her taste the sweetness of his lips.

The only sound in the empty halls was her approaching footsteps. She pushed through the heavy oak door to see a vast reading room with surprisingly few books.

A few modern science books and several other tomes littered the desk. What piqued her curiosity, though, was a rusty diary titled "The Book of the End."

There was no mystery about what her master wanted. His methods of ascending to prominence were shrouded in mystery, but she sensed that he was concealing something. This bothered her not at all, though.

Morgan mumbled, "A book that will expose user wishes."

'He was looking for this?' Several times she heard his book from her master's mouth.

Being a Witch and all, Morgan found the prospect of reading a book that contained all forms of Black Magic and could reveal all knowledge very appealing.

More reading did nothing except dissatisfy since it failed to provide any information on where or how to locate the book.

It was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt, the text said.

"OH~" She learned that there is another version of herself out there by reading a few other papers and is now looking for the book.

Morgan reluctantly put the books back since she sensed that the Boundary field was at full capacity. The master cautioned that any more increases would notify "the bald woman."

She reached into the air and pulled out a crystal, mumbling, "Need a lot more to summon my fortress."