
Gilgamesh’s Fanboy Reborn in Marvel

"Listen, kid, I am a jackass, an asshole, a mini tyrant, a fanboy, but never a father." How I got here is a mystery to me. Me? It just so happens that I am a multi-billionaire, but other than that, I am just an ordinary bossman. My name is Kaiser Elliot Asquith, and I dream to be a tyrant. ======== Additional Tags: Anti-Hero, Kingdom Building, Weak to Strong.

Crazy_Penguin · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

EX Luck

"God forbid, does no one have any cash on them?" Kaiser mumbled to himself as he held two hundred dollars. In the early 2000s, $200 was a significant sum of money.

Kaiser didn't only loot everyday people; he also robbed the other beggars, and still, he only had $200 in his pocket.

He is not charitable; he suspected that he had taken a week's wages from these buskers, but that life. It may be a bitch at times.

After some inner grumbling, he decided to go shopping for new clothing. Since he hadn't been hungry since arriving, he didn't need to worry about running out of food or water. He speculated that it had something to do with the "Half-Heroic spirit" of his new race.

'Dian, are you certain that nobody will find out?' Kaiser questioned, concerned he might wind up in a lab.

{I am confident Host. The vast majority of the magicians in this reality get their power from some kind of artifact, other realms, or divine intervention. Od is a special energy that is generated inside you and converted into Prana without any conscious effort on your part.}

[A/N: I learned Prana gets converted from mana or Od in Fate series. Idk if it is true or not, but I am sticking with it :)]

Kaiser agreed, but he still wasn't willing to use it around the bald lady or gods like Thor without taking precautions.

Since he had only seen one Gilgamesh show, he couldn't be considered a geek in the nasuverse, but it was all it took to spark an infatuation.

So, he didn't know much about their magic since he didn't watch enough Fate series. From reading about Gilgamesh on Reddit, though, he did learn a bit.

When he reached the front of the closed clothing store, he made a choice to steal rather than shop. But, unfortunately, he doesn't have any lockpicks with him.

Lock picking is one of the many practical talents he picked up in the military and the special forces.

'Wait! I am a magician.' Kaiser remembered the Od present in his body, which he could utilize to either improve himself or cause mysteries.

'Dian, teach me the ways of Magecraft!' Kaiser inquired, well aware of Magecraft's many benefits.

{I must apologize, Host. The level of my understanding is about equivalent to yours. However, as a Half-Heroic spirit, you do not have magic circuits yet can use without them. With your ability, I have no doubt that you can understand fundamental ideas like reinforcement on your own; all you need to do is come up with a mental trigger. Your Od is already ten times as powerful than that of a typical magician, and it has plenty of room to grow!}

'Oh well,' Kaiser wasn't worried since he planned to educate himself on Magecraft in the near future.

In the midst of the dark streets, he sat down and took a long breath.

Kaiser came up with an idea, a very powerful, that can materialize things out of nothing.

'A Trigger, Huh?' Kaiser pondered this idea introspectively; it would serve as a catalyst for his magecraft. Something simple yet effective.

A basic gun trigger sprung into his thoughts, which made sense to him as a military man.

Kaiser has been sitting on the ground thinking for an indeterminate amount of time, but his thoughts of the trigger have had no effect.

With his eyes closed, he made the decision to do something really stupid: he pointed his palm upwards in the form of a pistol.

From his neck to his eyeballs, big, bright crimson veins sprang out of nowhere. When Kaiser opened his eyes, they were a brilliant shade of scarlet.

"What are you doing here, kid?"

Kaiser turned his head to see an officer who had been hit, motionless with his eyes wide open, and the light from a spotlight glaring directly in his face.

"What sort of witch-" Kaiser moved with such speed that he penetrated the frozen officer's chest before he could finish.

'That's some serious firepower.' Kaiser's face twisted into a grin as he thought of the power, but the grin quickly faded.

"Tch..." While Kaiser began wiping his hands on an officer's uniform, he clicked his tongue.

{Congratulations on opening your Mystic Eyes of Binding Host!} Dian's elated voice distracted him from his unkempt appearance, and he cracked back the grin.

Yes, he had acquired Mystic Eyes of Binding from the Beginner Pack.

『𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠』Lvl (1/20): Casts a suggestion spell that cripples the target upon eye contact.

Despite its apparent simplicity, it is probable that it will undergo yet another mutation at maximum level or strength. The Kaiser's gut told him so.

Kaiser accepted the pistol but chose to purchase the clothing later rather than risk being caught while wearing them since he thought his partner could be arriving soon.

By the time they got back to the shelter, the sun had come up. To completely erase all traces of his evidence, he had to spend some time cleaning up. There was no proof save the little explosion his dash had generated.

Most of the homeless have left for their begging areas. Begging is rather competitive.

"Kaiser, where have you been? All the popular places are taken. The police may try to bring us back in if we leave now." A young boy questioned relentlessly, the same as his age.


A single command quieted the kid. The young boy is at a loss to explain his impression that his buddy has changed much since yesterday; he felt quite ominous.

Kaiser took a glance at the boy. He had assumed that the previous body and the boy had been friends, but he had no intention of getting chummy chummy with a 15-year-old.

Still, he considered how a servant would help him out now.

"Do you know anything about Princess Diana?" Kaiser inquired, knowing full well that Diana in this universe is not the same as the Diana he knew. Even yet, he saw in himself a continuing need for knowledge.

"Okay, Kaiser! Don't call me a "kid." My name's Harry. Also, wasn't she killed in a vehicle accident some eight years ago?" Harry then reflected. "It was really huge news."

Harry recalled that the whole country of Britain was in grief.

'So, she still died the same death huh?' Kaiser's eyes were shadowed by sadness and even some loneliness.

"You know, I had no idea you were a big admirer of hers. I overheard rumors that she was a chea-" Suddenly, Harry was paralyzed with terror as he stared into two demon eyes that seemed intent on devouring him.

Harry gulped loudly and felt his knees tremble in fear. He is now really terrified. He realized that his buddy is possessed by the Devil.

Oh Satan! Is he going to get his soul sucked away? Was Harry's thought process.

"Listen kid, where can I get some fags?" Kaiser inquired as he returned to normal.

Harry's trembling palms pointed nervously in the direction of a little hut not far from the safety of the shelter.

Kaiser nodded and left, but not before flashing Harry a warning gaze that said, "Keep quiet," and Harry definitely got the message.

"Give me a pack of Camel Blue!"

The shopkeeper was gazing at Kaiser in shock as Kaiser inquired. He was just about to make fun of the boy when he was chilled by what he saw in his eyes.

Kaiser realized he had asked a dumb question. Of course, there won't be a premium in this shit shack.

Kaiser responded resentfully, "Just give me pack of your most expensive fag," while knowing that his current state of mood would not improve with the purchase.

The shopkeeper rang up a pack of Marlboros and told him "They would be $12.75."

After snatching the pack, Kaiser threw the cash on the table and walked away.

The store owner was insulted, but he was wise enough to accept without saying anything. When especially it was a twenty-dollar bill.

Kaiser popped a cigarette into his lips and lit it by snapping the finger on the end.

"Haaa~" Kaiser took a long breath, then leaned back against the wall. He reflected on his past interactions with Diana.

That decision was the one thing he most regretted. Too infatuated with her, he advised her to leave the Royal Family, where she was pampered like a queen so that she could be with him forever. He knew and admitted to her that he was a control freak.

Unfortunately, his time for unwinding was cut short when a stunning lady stole his cigarette.

The stunning lady with raven black hair, luscious red lips, and a beauty mark over her lips chastised him, "Smoking is bad for you, especially at your age!"

'Is this my EX-luck or what?'

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Crazy_Penguincreators' thoughts