
Gifts and curses

"In a world divided by extraordinary powers, two distinct abilities have emerged: Gifts and Curses. Those fortunate enough to awaken with a Gift possess remarkable talents, while those burdened with a Curse find themselves haunted by Flaws, crippling drawbacks to their use of cursed energy. Worse still, the relentless use of Curses leads to a malevolent force known as Corruption, a creeping madness that threatens to consume their minds. In a society riddled with prejudice, Curse users often find themselves marginalized and pushed to the fringes of civilization, many driven to lives of crime. However, amid the chaos, an organization known as 'The Order' rises to counter the threat of Corruption. Comprised of Gifted individuals who harness their powers for the greater good, they stand as the last line of defense against the malevolent forces that threaten to plunge the world into darkness At the heart of this tale lies a young boy, an unlikely Curse user, whose Flaw takes the form of a haunting presence—the ghost of the very first Curse user. As he navigates a treacherous world teetering on the brink of chaos, he must grapple with the relentless pull of his Curse, the discrimination he faces, and the enigmatic existence of 'The Order.'

_ITACHI_ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 20 : Hallway Brawl

"So, what are your thoughts on the newcomer?"

Rebecca inquired, her fingers expertly handling the bowstring as she prepared to release an arrow. The target locked in her gaze, she let the arrow fly.

Swish! Thud!

"I don't think about him at all," Alexandria replied. The two girls had formed a growing friendship in the short time they'd spent together.

"Oh?" Rebecca raised an eyebrow.

This time, she unleashed three arrows simultaneously, each hitting the bullseye with precision.

"I honestly thought you would. I mean, you've never liked Damian. Seeing someone wipe that smile off his face surely brought some satisfaction," she remarked.

As the twang of the bowstrings echoed in the practice area, Rebecca cast a sidelong glance at Alexandria, probing for more insight into her seemingly indifferent stance.

"I've learned not to invest my emotions where they're not warranted," she remarked, her tone suggesting a guarded past. "Newcomers come and go; it's best not to get entangled in their stories."

Rebecca nodded, understanding her sentiment.

"Class will be starting soon, let's go "

Together, the two girls left the archery practice area, walking toward their next lesson. The brisk hallway air offered a welcome change from the archery tension.

As they navigated the corridors, Rebecca couldn't help but bring up a topic that had been lingering in her thoughts.

"What about Isaiah?" she asked

Hearing his name, Alexandria stopped in her tracks. Without turning to face Rebecca, she questioned, "What about him?"

Rebecca grinned mischievously."Hehe, nothing, just... it seems like you guys are getting along quite well."

"Stop it, I know where you're going with this."

"Huh?" Rebecca continued to play dumb. "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about." She added an exaggerated innocence to her expression, teasing her friend.

"but.. You do seem to be investing your emotions quite a lot in him"

Alexandria turned, her eyes narrowing with an amused yet knowing glint. "You're impossible, Rebecca. Let's just focus on cla-"

Suddenly, their conversation was brutally interrupted by a gut-wrenching scream of pain echoing from a distance.

The two girls exchanged a quick glance. their playful banter instantly forgotten. Instinctively, they ran towards the source of the agonizing sound. Turning a corner into another hallway, what greeted them was a scene of unexpected chaos.

"What the hell is going on here?" With widened eyes, Rebecca took in the unfolding situation.


Moments earlier

Kai and Micheal were on their way to class, engaging in their typical day to day arguments

"A harem is just a glorified word for cheating, I'm not into that sort of stuff" Kai stated

"It's not true love if it's with more than one person "

He added

Michael, with a dramatic sigh, tapped Kai on the shoulder. "Kai, you poor, poor soul. Why the heck wouldn't you want a harem? Everyone wants a harem!"

"Imagine being surrounded by beautiful women from all over the world, women loyal only to you," Michael continued, his eyes widening with enthusiasm.

Kai deadpanned, "Have fun remembering all those birthdays"

As they turned a corner, a group of students approached, walking with an air of arrogance. Without warning, one of them bumped into Kai, purposefully shoulder-checking him.

Kai frowned but continued walking. Michael shot them a disapproving look, earning a dismissive scoff from one of the students.

"Umm, I think you owe my friend an apology "

Micheal said

The boy responsible Marcus, had an air of arrogance, styled with dark hair and athletic build suggesting he had combat training

"Apology? Cheaters don't deserve an apology "

Marcus retorted

" Who are you calling a cheater?"

Kai asked

"Oh come on, you were getting your ass kicked in that fight, you barely even touched Damian". One the boys jeered

"I dunno how you won, but you definitely cheated "

"We all know it, so why don't you just fess up"

Another added, carrying an intimidating edge

Both of them could already tell that that was a not- so veiled threat

Micheal whispered in Kai's ear

"I recognize a few of them, they are Damian's lackeys. Let's just ignore them "

However, Michael had no idea how stubborn Kai can be

"How is he anyway?, I haven't seen him since that day."

"Is he that scared of me, so much so that he had to send his goons to do his dirty work"

The group of boys were practically seething at this point "Damian can never to be afraid of someone like you".

"Sure doesn't look like it. Kai responded looking calm as ever " I won that fight fair and square, maybe Damian isn't as strong as you think he is"

"Let's get out of Here, Micheal"

After gotten fed up with the conversation Kai started walking away with Michael walking beside him


the leader of the group Marcus infuriated, dashed forward.

As they turned around Kai saw a fist rapidly his face inches away, and the only thought in his mind at that time was:


Kai intercepted the punch, blocking it easily, slightly surprised, the leader threw another but Kai nonchalantly dodged it with ease

As the attacker intensified his assault, Kai readied himself

In a blur of motion, Kai ducked, weaved, and sidestepped every attack, his senses finely tuned to the rhythm of the fight. Kai wasn't a trained martial artist so he put everything he had into dodging and blocking

It was like a dance, a choreography of evasion and precision. The student. frustrated by Kai's seemingly supernatural reflexes, grew more desperate.

With a war cry he threw yet another devastating blow at Kai, however Kai easily parried the strike and proceed to slap his assailant with the back of hand


The huge slap caused the boy to create some distance between him and Kai

The slap had heavily disoriented group's leader but before he could get back to his senses, with a burst of speed Kai appeared at side and deliver a massive punch to the boys face sending him crashing into the wall

He was completely out cold

Silence settled over the scene as the remaining students stared at their fallen comrade. Kai, panting lightly, realized the extent of his abilities.

He was stronger and faster than he thought, a lot stronger, perhaps it was because he had been in  with powerful foes like Damian and Richard he didn't realize how strong he was compared to the others

Michael, breaking the silence, couldn't contain his amusement. "Well, that was a show, wasn't it?"

The rest of the group grew hesitant as they witnessed what unfolded, they exchanged glances at one another

Micheal noticing this, spoke up

"I think It's best you guys just walk away, you really, really don't want to do this"

However his words fell on deaf ears as the group began running towards them

"sigh, why don't lackies ever listen"

Michael lamented, taking a combat stance.


A large crowd had gathered, all with their eyes glued to the ongoing altercation

At the center stood Kai and Michael, panting and sweating, with seven individuals lying on the floor around them. Some were crying out in pain, while others were completely unconscious.

" These guys just don't know when to quit, do they?" Michael said out loud.

Kai observed the boys getting back up, seemingly eager to continue the fight. Michael executed a dazzling somersault, skillfully neutralizing two assailants with a swift elbow strike.

"Why are they doing this?" Kai wondered, perplexed by the seemingly irrational behavior of their attackers. 

It was clear that they couldn't win yet they kept relentlessly attacking, It was almost like they wanted to take a beating.

"We will never let people like you have your way," the leader of the group spoke out, portraying himself as a tragic hero. "Your kind will never change," he added

"Huh?, what are you talking about?

Kai asked

"What the hell is going on here?" With widened eyes, Rebecca took in the unfolding situation.

Hearing Rebecca's voice, Kai turned around, and only then he realized the large crowd that had gathered. The students especially the Gifted all had looks of shock and disdain

"Why are they looking at us like that? We're the victims here," Kai thought, only to notice the state of the seven boys versus his and Michael's bloody fists.

To an outsider, The guilty and the innocent was all too clear

As instructors and teachers arrived to break up the fight, Kai muttered under his breath, "It was all a plan."

The leader of the group couldn't conceal his triumphant grin.