
Gifts and Curses

The world's messed up. Monsters started falling from the sky. Flesh-eating creatures that almost wiped out Humanity.But then, people began to awaken strange abilities—Gifts, they called them. Supernatural powers that gave us a fighting chance. With these new abilities, we fought back, and for a while, it seemed like we were winning. Life slowly started to return to something that resembled normal. That is, until the Curses began. No one knows where they came from or why they started, but one thing was clear: they weren’t Gifts. They were something darker, twisted, as if reflecting the worst parts of humanity. People whispered that the Cursed were dangerous, unstable. Some even believed they were monsters in human skin. I used to think having a Gift would be the best thing that could ever happen to me. I dreamed of it, even. Too bad I didn’t get mine until the darkest moment of my life. And it wasn’t a Gift at all. But hey, like I said before, the world’s messed up.

_ITACHI_ · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 10 : The Forgotten Omen

"Growing up, I watched the awakened with a mix of admiration and envy. I watched  their extraordinary lives from the background, I know every single detail.

I've memorized every gift, every curse, and every flaw, I watched them on the news, I read about them in articles, learned about them from the history books. From the Flame King, Alexander Morningstar, the man regarded as the most powerful of all the Gifted, to the Madness Maker, the most terrifying of the cursed, I know them all."

Kai spoke with a look of fascination, his eyes filled with the fire of his lifelong obsession.

"Ever since I was a child, I spent every day praying, begging for that chance. It was my dream, my desire, my obsession," he continued with unwavering determination.

"And then, all of a sudden, boom!" Kai's voice held a nostalgic quality as he recalled that pivotal moment. His gaze was fixed on the lightless sky, his thoughts drifting back to that fateful day.

"It finally happened. I became one of them," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mixture of wonder and melancholy. "The sudden surge of energy was intoxicating. In that moment, I felt like I could do anything..."

Kai's words trailed off, and he closed his red eyes, as if reliving that particular moment in his mind. The memory, both powerful and bittersweet, seemed to wash over him, leaving an indelible mark on his soul.

"And then I met you," he said, locking eyes with Azrael, who had remained silent

Kai's voice quivered with a mix of admiration and a touch of madness as he continued, "Your fight with Richard was mesmerizing. The way you handled the sword, your movements, your confidence, your... power."

He couldn't help but let out a crazed laugh as he recalled the encounter. "The way you made Richard, the first awakened I have ever met, look absolutely... pathetic."

"I want it, I want it all," Kai declared with fervor, but a sudden somberness overtook him.

"And yet, I haven't been able to feel that way since that day," Kai's voice trembled as he recounted his disappointment. "That momentary surge of power just disappeared, like it wasn't there in the first place. The assessment further proved that."

Kai continued, his energy waning, "I was so blinded by my excitement that I didn't even realize that I don't have a clue about what my powers are." The frustration in his words was palpable, as he grappled with the harsh reality that had unfolded after the initial thrill of awakening.

Kai regarded Azrael with a searching gaze, his voice laced with uncertainty. "Is it you? Are you some sort of guardian for me? Because if that's so, it sure doesn't feel like it."

He pressed on, aware of the rules Azrael had set. "You said it yourself, an answer for an answer. I just told you everything, so let me ask you this: What curse do I really have?"

Azrael's voice rang out once again, each word echoing in the boundless darkness.

"The most powerful of them all... mine."

Kai's eyes widened as azrael answered,

"That's... That's impossible, right? "

" I thought that two people can't have the same ability unless they are related by blood."

"This situation is quite different," Azrael answered. "Be it gifts or curses, they all manifest from a person's soul. Since your soul and mine are now one, that means-"

"We share the same curse ," Kai interjected, his expression reflecting his growing understanding of the situation.

" Exactly"

" The reason you couldn't use your abilities is because of my intervention. I would rather die all over again than allow some 'boy' to stand as my equal," Azrael spoke with a stern resolve. "I brought you here because I wanted to be certain that you're actually worthy."

With hesitation in his voice and uncertainty in his eyes, Kai asked, "Do you think I am?"

Azrael's response was swift and decisive, casting a heavy sense of responsibility on Kai, "If I did not think you were, you would not be alive."

Hearing Azrael's words, Kai's anxiety intensified. He didn't stand a chance against Azrael.

"So was the  question you asked was some sort of test?" Kai inquired.

Azrael replied, "I already knew the answer. I simply wanted you to be honest with yourself."

  " I despise liars," Azrael's voice resonated with a chilling intensity, "be honest about everything, for deceit will render you no different than the rest."

Azrael began to walk towards Kai,but this time he wasn't afraid, He finally understood that the being in front of him wasn't his enemy nor was he a haunting presence that was sent to torment him. He was something much more

"Be careful, boy," Azrael advised, his voice containing a cautionary tone. "You must never reveal your connection to me to anyone until you are strong enough to face the consequences. I have made many enemies, both man and god. Train in the darkness and show your brilliance in the light. Use whatever means necessary to become the strongest, because, in the end, that is all that matters in this world."

Azrael's words resonated with Kai as he began to grasp the magnitude of his role in this new chapter of his life.

"Over time, you will come to understand everything about our curse," Azrael assured.

"You are not a hero, boy, and you might never be," Azrael continued. "But that doesn't matter. Make allies, work hard, and let that brilliant mind of yours become your greatest weapon. Live that way and not even the gods will be able to stop you."

Azrael and Kai stood face to face, their connection sealed in that boundless dark space. Azrael's hand slowly descended upon Kai's head, a gesture filled with purpose and gravity.

"And with that," Azrael declared, "I grant you the gift of power—or should I say, a curse."

Suddenly, an eerie dark-red light began to radiate, illuminating the infinite void, and as the light gradually dissipated, there remained not a single soul in sight.


Back at the Order's headquarters, Director Jacobs, a middle-aged man with distinguished grey hair, sat in his office, a contemplative expression on his face. He held his phone, engaged in a conversation with a particular individual.

"So, not even you can find him? How is that even possible?" he inquired with a tone of concern.

The voice on the other end, belonging to a woman with a sense of allure, responded, "It has never really happened before. I can pinpoint anyone's exact location as long as I have something that belongs to them"

Director Jacobs further pressed, "Do you think he's dead?"

The feminine voice emitted a small giggle before answering, "Oh my dear Director, not even the dead can escape my reach. This is something else entirely."

"I see," Director Jacobs replied, acknowledging the unique nature of the situation. The woman on the other end of the line was Lilith. The Order's number 2 ranked agent

"We must find him by any means necessary."

"Why are you so fixated on this particular boy?"

"The Forgotten Omen. I believe he's the one the people we've been searching for."

The director answered

Lilith's tone shifted abruptly. "Director, you know as well as I do that such words should not be uttered lightly"

The Forgotten Omen

behold a time to be,

When chaos rises in splendor, for all the world to see,

The heavens shall tumble, the oceans run dry,

Humanity's twilight, impending and nigh.

Yet in this dark hour, when hope's light does wane,

Two warriors, crimson and azure, may break destiny's chain,

To avert the nightmare, to hold chaos at bay,

And in their united valor, keep doomsday astray.

This thousand-year-old prediction foretells the downfall of humanity. It can only be averted if two warriors, one donning the color red and the other in blue, join forces to prevent this catastrophic future.

"That should tell how serious I am about this"

"You won't believe the outcome of his assessment."

" humor me, Director"

Director Jacobs was about to reveal the shocking news, the implications of which would sent ripples through the organization. However, before he could respond, his assistant burst into the room, eyes wide with urgency.

"Director Jacobs, we've found him! We've found the boy!!" his assistant exclaimed, breathless from the haste

Gradually regaining consciousness, Kai stirred and climbed to his feet, his world a swirling maelstrom of disorientation. He found himself positioned just outside the colossal structure of The Order's headquarters.

"Ugh, my head," he groaned, clutching his temple.

As his senses returned, Kai's surroundings sharpened into focus, revealing a disconcerting sight. He was surrounded by a group of stern-looking agents, each clad in the Order's distinctive black suits

"Put your hands in the air!" one of them barked, his voice carrying an unmistakable air of authority.

Kai, bewildered and disoriented, quickly raised his hands in compliance. Fear and confusion raced through his mind as he questioned the situation.

"What the hell is going on?"

Unbeknownst to him, hovering just above his head was a magnificent and ominous black crown.