

In this world of normal, there are things happening that not many people could see. A world where extraordinary things happened, a world where extraordinary people live and a world where the impossible becomes possible. You think you know everything but in the shadows Gifts and Chaos clash. Where Shadow creatures wrecking havoc in our land, where Chaos takes human forms and where people with extraordinary Gifts protect our world. Remember two things: That things aren't always what they seem and That everything happens for a reason. Chapters 1-10 are told in June's Pov and the rest will be a Third person Pov. Warning: This novel contains Graphic content, Sensitive topics, Violence and any other 18+ content related. You've been warned GENRE: Young-Adult, Teen Fiction, Supernatural, Contemporary Romance, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal, Action, Superpowers. Thank you so much for reading!

harpdance26 · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Like Father Like Son

After a night, full of tears and joy, Arisa and June peacefully fell asleep. Although not really that big, the family of three managed to fit themselves perfectly on the hospital bed. With June in the middle, Arisa took his left side, while Jonathan took his right. Jonathan comfortably leaned his back to the headboard of the hospital bed, as he watched over his wife and son with a soft smile on his face. As the sun slowly started to rise, it's beautiful rays entered the room. Not really getting a wink of sleep ever since reuniting with his family, still Jonathan felt rejuvenated and alive, more that ever. Lettings out a contented and happy sigh, Jonathan felt like he could face anything, with his new found life that has been restored.

It was still about six in the morning when Jonathan heard a light knock on the door. Not really wanting to leave his position, Jonathan decided to ignore it. But when another set of knocks happened, Jonathan reluctantly got up and quietly moved over to the door. Sliding the door as quietly as possible, Jonathan was surprised with the face that greeted him.

Standing before him is an aged man whose about in his late sixties, wearing a calm expression in his face. The man wore a dark colored yukata and a traditional Japanese sandals. Even though the man before Jonathan is visibly aged, he still exuded an extremely powerful presence that could make anyone tremble in fear or awe.

"Ryu-sama? What are you doing here this early in the morning?" Jonathan asked in confusion, while keeping his voice low, as to not wake up his family. The tone of his voice held great respect as he spoke to the aged man in front of him.

The old man kept silent and simply smile at the confused man in front of him. The moment the door slid open, Ryu had already received a perfect view of the mother and child sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. It was then that his purpose for coming had already been fulfilled.

"I see" The old man had just said in deep understanding, while his eyes never left the mother and son. "So the reason why you've risked everything, is because of them."

Turing his head towards his sleeping family, a gentle and soft expression filled Jonathan's face.

"Yes, elder." Jonathan answered, before returning his gaze towards the old man. "Ryu-sama, everything was my decision. I was aware of the great risk that my decisions had made. Nevertheless, I had still gone through with it with a clear conscience. I am ready to fully receive the punishment that the elders has for me, due to the consequences of my actions." Jonathan said with a sincere and humble voice.

Letting out a soft chuckle, the elder then turned to Jonathan "There is no need of that."

"But-" Being the righteous person that he is, Jonathan knew that his actions has placed thousands and thousands of Gifted lives in great risk. He knew that his actions warranted punishment, no matter what his reasons might be.

"Child, you know more that anyone in this Island how much we value family. I know how much you have suffered over the years being separated from yours. You have sacrificed your own life for the sake of other's. Isn't about time that you finally get the happiness that you deserve?" The elder said with a fatherly tone is his voice. "I understand better that anyone how much you have longed for your family."

"Ryu-sama..." Jonathan heart was deeply touched, hearing what the elder before him had said.

Over the past seventeen years of being separated from his family, the elder standing in front of him became his family. His personal confidant. The only person Jonathan has ever trusted with his personal story. The elder became a close friend to him; A father; a shoulder to cry on, when he couldn't handle the sadness anymore.

Putting a hand on Jonathan's shoulder, Ryu spoke "I will explain everything to the rest of the elders, so you don't have to worry. Take this time to spend more time with your family. You deserve it."

"Thank you, Ryu-sama" Jonathan said gratefully, as he choke on his tears that were threatening to fall.

The elder tapped Jonathan's shoulder a few times before he started walking away. But as he was walking away, he spoke.

"Your presence will still be required at the gathering. Make sure all topics of important discussion are fully prepared."

"Yes, elder!" Jonathan said as he took a deep bow of respect.


When it was about, around nine thirty, Arisa has finally woken up. Although unwilling to leave his family for even a second, Jonathan didn't have a choice as he had to tend to some important matters. Arisa told him that they would be fine, but Jonathan was still reluctant to go. It was then that Arisa had to take matters into her own hands and physically kicked Jonathan out of the room and pushed him to go attended to his matters. Arisa kissed his husband for quite some time, before letting him know that they'll be right where he left them when he returns. And with that Jonathan kissed his wife on the lips one more time, before he begrudgingly left and tend to his matters.

About half an hour from the time Jonathan left, June finally woke.

"Morning sleepy head!" Arisa greeted his son with a bright smile.

"Morning" June greeted back groggily. Immediately realizing that someone was missing, June asked with a yawn, "Where's dad?".

"He needed to attended to some important matters. He said he'll return right away, once his matters are finished." Arisa said as he hand June a glass of water.

With a thanks, June took the glass of water and downed the whole thing. Feeling refreshed, June stood up and placed the empty glass on the bedside table. Going to the bathroom, after he finished doing his business, June then washed his hands before washing his face. After drying his face with a dry towel, June called out to his mom.


"Yes, honey?" Arisa answered from the hospital room.

"Is there an available toothbrush I could use?" June asked

"There should be one available in one of the drawers." Arisa said

"Thanks" June said as he began rummaging through the drawers under the marble sink.

Finding the tooth brush that he was seeking, June put a healthy amount toothpaste on it before he began brushing his teeth. After rinsing his mouth and finally feeling refreshed, June felt like he was finally ready to face the day head on. Walking out of the bathroom, June walked towards him mom with only a single thought in mind.

Surprising his mom with a sudden hug from the back, June said affectionately "I love you mom!"

"I love you too, honey!" Arisa said back with just as much affection if not more. June has never been one to be really show affection, so Arisa was slightly surprised with June's openly affectionate behavior, but she welcomed it nonetheless.

As the mother and son hugged, a light knock came from the door before it slid open. A man, standing at about five eleven, entered the room. He has short dirty white hair, smooth facial features and is quite the looker. The man sported a soft smile on his face as he walked inside.

June immediately recognized the man from last night's encounter.

"Good morning to you both. I'm just here to do some daily rounds, and check up on June's condition." The man said. He had a very soothing and gentle tone in voice, as he spoke.

"Now, if you could please on the bed for me." The man said, motioning for June to sit.

June complied without question and silently do as he was told. After he got himself comfortable, the man immediately started checking June's vitals.

As the man was doing his work, June suddenly spoke.

"Thank you for pushing my dad into talking to us." June said with a quiet but grateful tone in his voice.

Hearing what June said, a bright smile appeared on the man's face.

"So, I'm guessing everything went well." The man said with a happy tone as he continued doing his work.

"Also, I- I want to apologize for being rude to you last night." June said, as a tinge of pink colored his cheeks in embarrassment.

"That's no problem. We're all good." The man said as he straighten his body while hanging his stethoscope around his neck.

"Alright, all finished. June's recovering pretty nicely." The man said happily, as he look at both June and Arisa. "With a few more days of rests and you're gonna be good as new."

"That's great!" Arisa said cheerfully as he gazed at her son with relived expression.

"Well, I have other patients to attended to. So, I'm gonna have to bid farewell for now." The man said, but as hew as about to leave June suddenly called out to him.

"Umm... Doc?"

Turning around, the man spoke with a smile "No need to be so formal. You can just call me Anselm."

"R-right... Anselm." June felt awkward calling him by his first name, as he still felt embarrassed from what he did last night, but he did his best to do as he was told.

"Umm... Basing everything from what you said last night, you said that all my friends are doing okay and safe right?"

"Mh-hmm." Anselm confirmed.

"Can you take me to them?" June asked, nervously. Not knowing if he's allowed to.

"Of course!" Anselm said in approval "Actually a lot of them had been asking for you, for some time now. I'm going to be passing by their room, so why don't you come with."

"Thank you" June said gratefully. Feeling excited, at the same time nervous. Excited because he's about to see his friends again. Nervous, because he knew what everybody had went through. And June is concerned about how everyone's coping.

Getting out bed, June wore the slippers that Arisa gave before they both followed Anselm out of the room.

As the three of them walked down the white halls of the hospital, many nurses and doctors that passed by them, briefly greeted Anselm before continuing on with their jobs. Anselm, being the celebrity that he is, greeted them back with a bright smile on his face.

After about a couple minutes of walking, they finally arrived at their destination.

"Now, before anything else, a disclaimer: Everyone that was saved from the Castle is currently inside this one big room." Anselm said with a cautious tone. "Now, the only reason why you were separated from them, was because of your father."

"Wait, you said everyone?" June was surprised and confused at the same time. "How big is this room? It looks just like any other regular room that we passed by."

"It's from a Gift." Anselm just said, to which June nodded in understanding.

"So, ready to see them all?" Anselm asked as he held the handle of the door.

Letting out a nervous breath, June looked forward and nodded his head.


Jonathan finished his job in records time and rushed back to the hospital as fast as he could.

"Dude, can you slow down just a little? It's not like your family would disappear." A petite woman said breathlessly, as she tried her absolute best to match Jonathan's pace.

"Hurry up or I'll leave you behind!" Jonathan just said in slight annoyance.

The pitiful woman could just stare daggers at Jonathan's back, as she continued following him.

Entering the hospital, Jonathan almost bursted out into sprint if not for Anselm bumping into the duo.

"Whoa! You back already?" Anselm said in surprise when he saw Jonathan back in such a short time.

"I speed ran it!" Jonathan answered curtly. Anselm could clearly see Jonathan being super ansty to see his family again, but unfortunately for him the Hospital is Anselm's territory. So although Jonathan has a high standing and they are close friends, he still had to show respect to Anselm in his territory. That means, Jonathan couldn't just leave when Anselm is talking to them.

"Hi Lily!" Anselm then greeted the woman behind Jonathan, who currently looked like she ran a marathon, which she probably did.

Lily just waved back at Anselm, as she continued to catch her breath.

"How's my family?" Jonathan asked, only having his family in his mind.

"They're the same as always." Anselm said with a helpless smile. "Actually, June wanted to see his friends, so he and Arisa should still be in their room."

"Thanks. Can I leave now?" Jonathan asked impatiently.

"Do you even know, where the said room is?" Anselm asked, lifting a single brow up.

The question caught Jonathan off guard and made him calm down.

Seeing Jonathan's reaction, Anselm just let out a sigh. "I'm guessing that's a no then. Very well, since I'm such a good friend, I'll lead the way." Anselm said with a helpless smile on his face.

As both Anselm and Jonathan begin walking, Lily let out a groan of frustration. Having just recovered a miniscule semblance of her composure, she was then forced to move once again.

"If It weren't for the fact that you're an amazing employer, I wouldn't have tolerated you for this long." Lily muttered begrudgingly as she follows Jonathan and Anselm.


The moment the door to the room slid opened, most of the people inside turned their heads.

"June!" Andrew and Jordan immediately rushed to their brother upon seeing his face, nearly tackling him to the ground. Two pairs of arms wrapped around June, enveloping him in a tight embrace.

June could feel his brothers' bodies lightly trembling, as he hugged his two brothers back.

"I'm so glad that you're okay!" Andrew said in relief.

"They wouldn't let us see you!" Jordan said in complaint, but he was just as relieved to see June, just as his other brother was.

"It's okay, I'm here now." June said in a soothing voice of comfort.

As the three brothers broke away from the embrace, June turned to Andrew and said.

"There's someone else that have been wanting to see you."

Andrew stared at his brother with furrowed brows of confusion. But as June step to the side, revealing the person standing behind him, Andrew's eyes started turning glassy.

"M-mom?" Andrew said breathlessly, in surprise and disbelief.

"Hi snowflake." Arisa said with a teary smile on his face.

Not a second after; next thing Arisa knew, a pair of arms wrapped around her torso, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

"It's okay snowflake. Just let it all out." Arisa said in a motherly voice, as he gently pat and brush Andrew's hair. Andrew freely cried in his mother's embrace, while Arisa comforted her son.

Watching the scene in front of him with a teary smile, a few silent tears escaped June's eyes. It was then that another voice called out to June, making him turn to the source.

There, Halberd stood about a meter away from June, with bloodshot and glassy eyes.

"I'm- I'm glad you're okay" Halberd said with a relieved tone in voice.

Having the connection that they have, unlike how Andrew and Jordan reacted upon seeing June, Halberd was distancing himself away. Feeling the guilt eating his eldest brother from the inside out, June understood why. Halberd has been blaming himself for Maria's death all this time. He felt ashamed for what he did, but at that time, what else could he have done.

Approaching his eldest brother, June enveloped his stiff body, in a warm embrace.

Feeling his brother's embrace, Halberd felt unworthy of such action.

"I'm so sorry." Halberd choked on a sob.

"It's not your fault Halbie. I'm not blaming you." June said with a soft tone in his voice. It was full of sincerity and comfort, that when Halberd heard it, he could hold his tears any longer.

Leaning on his brother, Halberd openly weeped as his body violently shook. He's been holding his tears for the last few day, think of himself as unworthy to shed tears for Maria. But now, the dam finally broke.

June didn't know how long Halbert cried, but at some point, June felt Andrew and Jordan join them and embraced their weeping eldest brother. They understood the weight that their eldest brother was carrying and how hard he was on himself with loosing Maria. Halberd felt responsible and kept blaming himself for being so helpless at that time. As the three brothers comforted their eldest brother, the atmosphere in the room became somber but at the same time a comforting warmth enveloped them all.

After some time, Halberd finally calmed down.

"Sorry for being such a crybaby." Halberds said embarrassed, as he broke away from the group hug.

"It's okay. You're our crybaby." June said with a soft smile on his face, which made a lot of their friends chuckle softly, as they wipe away their tears.

With a slightly louder voice, June spoke, getting the attention of everybody in the room.

"Hey guys, I know I've already said this words back then, but I'll say them again. Mourning... is natural when we lose someone dear in our lives. If you want to cry? Go ahead, no one will judge you. It's your right to be sad, but we cannot stay that way forever. We the living, need to keep living our lives and move on. It doesn't mean we are forgetting the people that we've lost but we are moving on because of them. We have a responsibility to withhold the legacies of the people that we've lost, no matter how big or small. That way, we can honor their lives and the time that they have spent here on earth, with us. So, today let's all mourn, so when tomorrow comes, we can move forward with them in our hearts." June said as he held back his tears. He though that he's already cried enough, who would have known that there were still tears left inside of him.

Taking in a deep breath, June composed himself before continuing.

"This is for Maria." June said as he raised a fist into the air.

"For Kai!" Bobby cried loudly as he and Ji Soo raised their fists in the air.

"For Cameron!" Miayaka followed, as she and Jae raised their fist into the air. Quite tears ran down their faces, as they showed a sad smile.

And with that name's from Scott's guild were raised up.

In that moment, everyone in that room took comfort in each other, as they remembered the departed ones in their hearts.


By the time Jonathan, Anselm and Lily arrived in the room, it was the same time that June started speaking to everybody.

The three new arrivals halted in their steps and stood quietly in place, as they watched the next events that transpired. Meanwhile, Arisa quietly moved beside her husband, when she saw them arrived. Jonathan immediately hooked an arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her to him.

As the husband and wife listen to what their son was saying, Jonathan felt like his heart would burst at any moment. The sense of pride and adoration towards his son filled his heart, that the expression in his face mirrored exactly what he was feeling.

"I would say, like father like son." Anselm said with a sense of awe in his voice.

"He's exactly like his father." Lily said in agreement.

"He's your son alright." Arisa said in a proud manner.

Meanwhile Jonathan couldn't take his eyes away from his son, as a large proud smile decorated his face.

Thanks for reading y'all and God bless always!

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