
Gifted: The boy loved by Systems

Azathothian, the father of all, and the one who forges creation, the Alpha and the Omega. The King of the Outer Gods who feasts on the fear and the madness of man, creatures, gods, and devils alike. None is above him, no one can surpass him, he is absolute in every way imaginable, you can even say that even in death he still sits on the throne of existence. But despite all this, why is he called the idiot God, well because he truly was an idiot despite his infinite and vast knowledge. The guy accidently deleted his mind, and because of this the other Outer Gods, are in a predicament, who shall take the throne of existence and sit above the top as the new king of all. In conclusion, every outer God who desires the throne that will make them king, all agreed upon throwing a game called [The Gifted] Which is a grand game consisting of 666 players that are called apostles, each of them is representing an outer God, and each of them has one ability that was gifted to them by the outer God through a Gacha machine. This is the story, of Kiza Killta the sixth Hassan-I-Sabbath the immortal son of a world-class serial killer, and a world-class assassin, he is also the representative of the outer God that is called the mother of a thousand Youngs, the breeding witch of the black woods, mother of atrociousness, the menacing beauty Shaltear Shub-Niggurath. When the two meet, he was gifted one free role, but little did he know at the time was that when he role he got a weird ability that makes female Systems fall for him, so not only does he have to deal with the death games but he also has to deal with seven Yandere System who takes thing too overboard as they are constantly fighting with each other for the main system and best girl position. This is the story of a boy who is bored with life, and a girl who needed nothing but him, now watch as Killta takes on each game made by Eldritch beings, who can he trust when everyone is trying to kill you. Ps: The art is not mine, if it your just contact me and I shall take it down.

Kira_Kazuto_4040 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Introduction to the gifted games, and an unexpected request

"Shaltear Shub-Niggurath, a rather weird name, but a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, although I find it perplexing as to why a God would require my time, much less one from another world, unless this is going to be one of those iconic and cliche requests of finding the strongest person of some other world to kill someone from your world, example a hero?"

At this word Shaltear flinch in slight surprise, but only slightly as she proceeded to say.

"Well your not wrong, but you're not right either."


When I said these words, Shaltear began holding her arms as she shuts her eye, as if to think about what to say next, moment after she open them as she started to explain, and then announce a rather interesting question.

"Killta Kiza, I come here bearing a life-changing proposition."

"Ha... what kind of proposition?"

I stated as I find this rather interesting, but also sus.

"Are you aware of the Author, HP love craft?"

HP love craft, it was a name I haven't heard for a while, eighty-two years to be exact, the last time I met the creep was sometime in 1920, at a local event, my first impression of him was not a great one, but it can't be helped, people in that era was very racist.

So I look at Shaltear, as I began to answer her question, as I said.

"Met the guy once, he was a huge racist, heard he made horror stories but I never took the time to read his work, although I have heard some of the fictional characters he has made have had appearances in anime and manga more than once at that, such as the crawling chaos and the king in yellow, and there is also the outer Go... ohhhh now that I think about it, outer Gods was a major topic in his work according to the fandom."

I stated just realizing something important, meanwhile, Shaltear just continue to explain.

"Yes, you see that was a puppet sent here to do our bidding, as we need knowledge of our existence to spread especially to people like you, reason is the idiot king of the outer gods, our father accidently deleted his mind, so we are looking for a new king of the outer gods among ourselves."

"How does one accidentally delete their mind?"

"That's a question that is beyond even me, but honestly speaking, father was just an idiot it was as simple as that, there is no cure for stupidity so their no helping him either."

"Hmmm reminds me of someone I use to know."

"It's Dr. Frankenstein isn't it."

"A genius and a first-class idiot, that just the kind of man, doctor Frankenstein is, but enough of him, just finish explaining."

I stated as I took another sip from the tea I brew for Shaltear, Carl, and myself.

"Very well then, you see, since our idiot father is out of commission a new king is needed to sit at the very top, all the outer gods including myself wants to sit on the top including myself, but there can only be one king, so as a way to not start an all-out battle to the death between ourselves we have all come to an agreement that we shall throw a series of six death games containing a total of six hundred sixty-six players."

"Let me guess and you want me to be one of your players, am I right?"

"As smart as ever, I expect no less from the person I have my eyes on, but yes I want you to be my main player, my ultimate trump card."

"Hmmm... and what's in it for me."

At these words, Shaltear paused she did expect Kilta to want something but what to give him, was something she hasn't thought of yet, so she replied as such.

"If I become the person who sits at the very top of the throne of existence, I can give you anything no wish is impossible, if you want I can erase the Mongols for you, I can even resurrect your mot...

But before Shaltear could even finish speaking Killta stop her in her tracks as he said.

"Look I know you're trying to convince me, but using my mother like some bargaining chip isn't going to work, my mom once told me if a day ever comes when she does die, never interfere with the cycle of death, my mother was a very wise person, so there must be a reason why she forbid me to play God and attempt to bring her back to life, she always says what dead should stay dead, I love my mom, but to bring her back against her own free will is something I will not do, her teaching has a meaning and a reason, and to go against that teaching I will not do it, if I am to meet with her then I shall die first."

"Egh but but but but... then what about the Mongols, I'm sure you want them all gone right?"

Shaltear asked a little panicky, as she wants Killta to be her main, game piece, after all, there is a reason why she wants him the most.

The experience he has accumulated over his long life has created the personas of many different historical figures but only six of those personas will be useful in the gifted games, all of his alter egos are talented and specialized in something but only six will truly be useful.

The pure intelligence of Leonardo DaVinci

The gallant war general and king that is King Henry the V

The genius war strategist of Napoleon

The manipulative and cunning dictator that is Joseph Stalin

The keen observer and greatest investigator Sherlock Holmes

And finally, the person that I want the most are Kiza Killta, the original personality the very one that I'm talking to, and also history's longest-living assassin, and the last living member of the once feared Assassin Order, the person who mastered all martial arts and killing arts in the world, and overall a person who was blessed with immense potential, a child considered the sacred treasure of the Kiza family Killta, a person who killed so many people he himself has lost count.

Because of these personalities the other Gods, dub him with the moniker, history's oldest cosplayer, you see immortality does a lot of things to the mind, and for better or worse inside the mind of Killta exist a lot of sub personas, all of which awakened due to events that have happened in his life.

Each of them is still him, if anything he has control over all of them it's just come to show how strong his mind is.

But the real reason, I want Killta is because of the true power of the adaptive immortality he possesses, you see after inheriting the title of the sixth Hassan-I-Sabbath, he also inherits the power that made Hassan the most fearsome human to exist.

Although his mother died before she could even get the chance to explain what the true power of a Hassan is, there is a reason why she stuck to the mentality of if she dies she will see him in hell.

Because there is a place called Hassan hell, a hell made specifically for the Hassans of the past basically inside Killta exist 5 powerful living beings if he can access their memories and experience he will become even stronger than he is now.

But despite that she was really in a predicament, she thought using his mother as a bargaining chip would work, even though his mother live through him, but instead, it failed honestly she feel bad for saying such a thing.

Nevertheless, Killta to her at this moment was worth any sacrifice as she needs his power to win, after all, she has her motives as well.

So she smiled at him as she said while composing herself.

"Very well then I do apologize for what I said early, so please do tell me what you want from me, in return for your services."

"Money, power, status on a universal scale, Godhood, woman, please do tell me."

Killta then gazes back at Shaltear, as he confirms something with her, the reason be, is because this woman is exactly what he needs to complete his purpose of living.

"So I can ask for anything in return for my services right, after all, I am not cheap."

"Of course, your life will be on the line, just name it and it shall be yours."

"You're 100% sure because what I want from you, might weird you out."

"Trust me there is nothing you ask me for that will weird me out, I have seen it all."

"Very well then don't say I didn't warn you."

"Do your worse now tell me what you desire?"

But the answer that Shaltear, got indeed shocked her beyond belief, out of everything Killta could have asked her for, this was the most unexpected.

"Have my children."





"Excuse me say what now!?"