
Chapter #2

Alexis' Pov

I woke up in the middle of the night because I was constantly hearing moaning sounds. Stacey and I watched the rest of the season after Elsa had zoned off. It didn't finish until around 10:30 pm so we were really tired by the end. Stacey was too tired to go back downstairs so I threw in a couple of extra pillows for her on the floor and covered them with a blanket until it looked bed-like, she accepted the offer and quickly crashed on it.

The moaning was coming from Elsa, she looked like she was having a nightmare. She moaned and struggled in her sleep, she was really in it. I slowly began to tap her but she didn't respond, I started shaking her lightly while trying my best not to wake Stacey, she was a deep sleeper but cranky when sleep deprived. I shook Elsa more vigorously....

Aurora's Pov.

Oh no! I couldn't bear this, not again. Her endless screaming kept ringing in my ears, she was trying her best to protect me from the murderer. She fought with all her might, but she was just human. I tried to do something but I couldn't even find my way out of my baby crib.

I began crying, crying desperately for all this to stop, then he brought out a dagger and drove it into her chest with all force, still with the critical wound, she struggled her best to keep him away from me. She protected me with her life, who would do such a thing,her body dropped dead in front of me, throughout, I had just witnessed my mother being killed in front of me. I cried even louder. A man appeared behind him and they both wrestled intensely.

The man had snow white hair, just like mine, he fought with his fire powers, but to no avail, this murderer seemed to be untouchable by anything. He skillfully made his way to the man defending me and laid a knife blow into the side of his neck, blood flowed non-stop as the man with white hair slowly fell to the ground. I wanted all of this to stop but I was just a helpless infant.

The murderer slowly made his way to my crib in the darkness, I could almost lay a glimpse on his face...


I jolted up from bed only to bump heads with Alexis, I took deep breaths while rubbing my head. The dream.. it felt so real. Tears welled up in my eyes, I began to sob gently while covering my face.

"Elsa, what's wrong, what happened?" Alexis questioned.

"It- it happened a-again." I stammered. "The same dream, my p-parents death, and it felt so real. I-I could almost see his face-" I cried. Alexis was now rubbing my back. I opened my eyes and walked to the bathroom, I turned on the sink and sprinkled the water on my face, my hands were quivering so badly. I cleaned my face with a towel and tried to calm down before walking back out, I saw Stacey sleeping in a bunch of pillows and blankets on the floor, the Naruto seasonal must have lasted all night, I looked towards the clock and it read 1:28am.

"Sorry, Alex I didn't mean to wake you." I said to her. She was sitting on my bed.

"What were you dreaming about Elsa?"

"Its the same thing, the murder." I told her.

"Ugh, that's the fourth time this week, seriously, you need to see the school seeker." She advised.

"No, I don't need to."

"Yes you do, I always suggest it and you always decline, seriously, he could help you out."

"How?" The school seeker is a man who can read the future and past, students also go to him for counselling, he sometimes tell fortune and predicts the future.

"I'm not going to see him and that's final." I concluded.

"Suit yourself, good night." She said and hopped back on her bed.

As for me, I couldn't sleep anymore, I was afraid of having the same nightmare and I just wouldn't bare it, who would want to watch their parents being killed over and over again.

***7:30 am***

"Alexis, Stacey, wake up. Its morning and you'll be late for first period." I shook both of them but to no avail.

I turned on the sink and drew some water out with my powers and splashed a little on them. They quickly sat up and were complaining.

"Ugh, really, water? What happened to the shaking us or tapping us?!" She started complaining.

"I've been tapping you both for thirty minutes straight, what other option did I have. Stacey, we'll be late for Power Mastery class." I said.

"Oh, you're right." She ran out of the room to go to hers.

Alexis went to the bathroom to get ready while I started putting on my uniform. We we're in classes by eight o'clock sharp.

I was in the same class with Stacey and the other mixers. There we're eight of us, Terence, Cody, Brandon, Kyle & Kendall, Scarlet, Stacey and Me.

Terence had Earth and Air elements, Cody could shape shift into both objects and animals, Brandon could absorb materials and control water, Kyle & Kendall were twins, they both had teleportation and telekenisis, Scarlet had telepathy, fire and ice powers, she was the only student with three powers and that made her so obnoxious and snobby, I didn't like her.

We went into the Power Mastery class and took our seats, Stacey sat beside me. Our Power Mastery Teacher, Mrs Vidia, came into the class, she was a really tall , buffy woman, she had short brown hair and masculine features, she had no powers at all, but understood us so well.

"Good morning Mixers!" She greeted.

"Good morning Mrs Vidia!" We replied.

"Lets not waste anymore time, follow me and we'll get started." She instructed.

We followed her into the training room, it was completely made of titanium, so we could not destroy it with our powers. The walls were like mirrors, allowing us to see only our reflections.

"Each of you pick a sparring partner!" She instructed.

Terence paired with Scarlet, Stacey paired with Kyle, Kendall paired with Brandon and I paired with Cody. We faced each other and gave a bow signifying the beginning of battle.

I took a fighting stance with my feet not too far away from each other, firm to the ground.

Mrs Vidia blew on her whistle for us to start. My eyes went serious, focusing on Cody, he was a pretty good fighter, but then again all Mixers were.

We started circling each other, waiting for the other to attack, after moments, he threw an upward kick at me but I ducked swiftly and swept my leg at his other, but he threw a quick back flip. He swept his arm at me but I grabbed it and flipped him over onto the floor. I gave him some space to get back on his feet. I looked intensely at him, a little smirk made it's way to his mouth. He threw a spin kick at me, but i evaded and just as he turned to face me, I delivered a palm straight to his nose, but not hard enough to break it, he put a hand over it to check for blood and I used that to my advantage, before he could look up again I sled towards him and swept him off his feet with my legs, he fell on his back and I rushed to him and placed the side of my hand on his neck and my other hand folded as if to land a blow on him. I saw his upper cheeks and ears turn a slight red, I'm guessing from embarrassment.

Mrs Vidia blew her whistle.

"Okay now, it's time for round two, using your powers, but be careful not to kill each other!" She blew her whistle again. Some holes appeared in the floors, some with water and some with rocks.

I stood up and stretched my hand to help him, he accepted and came to his feet.

"You may have beaten me in round one, but I assure you won't be so lucky this time." He said.

"We'll see." I simply replied. I drew out a generous amount of water and made it go round me while in a fighting stance.

Cody smiled and slowly he morphed into a fierce lion. He growled at me with his intense golden-yellow eyes.

I just smiled and waited for an attack from him. He pounced right at me and I spiraled a line of water at him causing him to move back close to the wall. I quickly made the water to rearrange into a cell and blew on it until it turned into an ice prison. He scratched and clawed at it but I was sure it would buy me just enough time to draw out more water which I did. I then turned it into ice and broke it into a hundred little shards.

I took a second to look at other people, Stacey looked OK while battling Kyle, she seemed to use more fire than magic, Kyle was dodging each of her attacks easily.

The loud cracking of ice made me look back at Cody, he already freed himself and was in the form of a bear, I hurled the ice shards at him one by one, but for a bear he was light on his feet. He pounced on me and pinned me to the ground with his long claws and looked deeply at me. I really hated loosing, especially to a boy, he brought his face close to mine like he was going to kiss me. I quickly blew a heavy breeze from my mouth onto him which blasted him back. I kept throwing air blasts towards him, then I drew more water and soaked him with it and froze it till he couldn't move and was looking like a statue, he morphed back into a human, still frozen in place, except for his head.

The bell that was hanging on the wall rang signifying the end of first period. I walked towards his frozen body and smiled.

"Looks like I'm a lot luckier than you think." And I unfroze him, his body was wet and his whole face was red with embarrassment. I hurled a light breeze at him which dried his clothes, I know I beat him, but the least I could do was be fair about it.

He gave me a surprised stare while I looked around at the others, some were obviously beaten because they were still on the floor, Stacey was.

Mrs Vidia came put of a door. " That's enough for today, well done everyone, get to next period..."