
Gifted Eyes

Species War Quintet Book 4: Gifted Eyes In this world where 'Guilds' arise with tremendous magical powers and battle the demons from the defenseless humankind, but later on, war broke out between two species. However, no one knew what will happen next. After 500 years the War suddenly stop and no one cannot answer it, therefore, they slowly forgotten and decide to live a peaceful life, but in the shadows, the 'phantoms' carried out the long- struggle blood battle between the 'war veterans' and the demons this war will named as "War of Silence" no one will ever know this event. Still, there is one man will change the entire world and turn the tides of war... John Kennedy was a prodigy, and he has a natural talent, but he witnessed the death of his family by "demons' when he was 10. He was picked by his one of his relatives in the age of 13. The relatives are fighting over the heritage for their own 'interests'. all of that a sudden 'unknown power' came into John's life and he never knew that the path will be a risky and dangerous one. No one knew the boy will surely be predicted and see the possibility be in the future. On the other side, the mysterious power is still unknown. He swore to himself that he will avenge and bring Justice to his 'Adopted Family' as he walks right into the top. Follow John Kennedy as he embarks on his adventurous on his long and dangerous journey along with his unparalleled-existence the unknown power of the 'Gifted Eyes'.

lysmork0902 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 37: Sometimes just Relax

After five long months of tireless preparation, the whole world was on edge, ready to face the impending invasion of Europe. John had been warning others about this potential threat for years, and finally, it seemed his predictions were coming true. Although it was a dark time for humanity, John found solace in a quaint little coffee shop, his favorite spot to gather his thoughts.

John sat alone at his usual spot in the corner of his favorite coffee shop, sipping on his hot latte and flipping through the pages of a newspaper. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped him, providing a comforting atmosphere he always cherished. As he absentmindedly scanned the room, his eyes suddenly fell upon a familiar face. It was Angelica, his girlfriend, amidst a vibrant discussion with another customer.

John couldn't help but stare intently, captivated by Angelica's radiant smile and animated gestures as she passionately spoke about her work. He hadn't seen her for a few days, as their busy schedules often left them longing for stolen moments together. Feeling a mix of surprise and excitement, he decided to approach her.

With a tentative smile, John walked over to Jessica's table. "Hey, there," he greeted her softly.

Angelica turned her head in surprise, her eyes widening with delight as she saw John standing there. "John! What a wonderful surprise!" She stood up and enveloped him in a warming embrace. "I didn't know you'd be here."

John returned the hug, cherishing the feeling of her arms around him. "I needed a break from work, and this place always brings me peace. When I saw you, I couldn't resist saying hello."

They settled back into their seats, sipping on their respective beverages, and John couldn't help but notice how vibrant Jessica looked. Her eyes shone with genuine enthusiasm and her usually tousled hair was styled in a way he hadn't seen before. He couldn't wait to hear about everything that had transpired in her life since they last met.

They began to chat, effortlessly catching up on their lives, sharing tales of work triumphs and challenges. Angelica spoke animatedly about her latest clothing designs, showcasing sketches on a napkin. Her passion was palpable, and John listened intently, hanging on to her every word. He was proud of her accomplishments and marveled at her creativity.

As the conversation veered towards the future, a spark of anticipation ignited within them. John shared his adventures and military careers, they also discussing his desire to open his own business someday. Jessica's eyes glowed with excitement, and she encouraged him to fully embrace his ambitions after saving the world. They dreamt of a future where their careers complemented each other, where they could support and inspire one another to reach new heights.

Lost in their dreams, time seemed to both fly and stand still. They laughed, whispering secrets and sharing newfound inspirations. The coffee shop buzzed around them, but in that moment, they were the only two voices that mattered.

Eventually, reality beckoned, and they reluctantly prepared to leave. But as they held hands and walked towards the doors, John knew that this unexpected encounter had deepened their connection. It had reminded them of the unparalleled joy they found in each other's presence and refueled their desires to chase their dreams side by side.

Their shared afternoon at the coffee shop became a cherished memory, one they would fondly recall as a turning point in their relationship. As they stepped out into the sunlight, ready to face the world once more, John and Jessica were filled with renewed determination, eager to weave their dreams together into a future neither could have imagined alone.

As they saw the sun was setting, they decided to go home. John accompanied his girlfriend to her home.


John and Angelica sat comfortably in her room, enjoying a much-needed rest after a long day. The soft glow of the evening sun streamed through the windows, casting warm shadows on the walls. They relished in the tranquility, finding solace in each other's company.

Just as they were about to drift into a peaceful slumber, Angelica's parents invited John to join them for dinner. Grateful for their hospitality, John obliged, following Angelica down the stairs to the dining room. As they stepped into the room, the inviting aroma of home-cooked food filled their nostrils.

Sitting around the table, John couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia as he engaged in conversation with Angelica's parents. They spoke of old times, reminiscing about memorable family vacations and shared laughter. As the wine flowed, the atmosphere became even more delightful, and John felt a new level of comfort with Angelica's family.

Soon, talk turned towards the future, and John and Angelica shared their ambitions and dreams. Angelica spoke passionately about her work as a fashion designer, envisioning a world where her designs would inspire and empower others. Encouraged by her parents, Angelica's eyes sparkled with determination.

John listened intently, feeling a mix of admiration and excitement for Angelica's future endeavors. Then it was his turn to reveal his aspirations and the extraordinary battles he fought. He explained to Angelica's parents that, hidden from the eyes of the mortal world, he fought ancient demonic foes who sought to invade his planet.

Stricken by their fangs and cloaked in darkness, these foes plotted to unleash chaos and devastation, beginning with Europe. John, as a guardian of his realm, was entrusted with protecting his world from the malicious intentions of these ancient demons. His duty was to save his planet from impending doom.

Angelica's parents sat silently, absorbing the gravity and truth of John's words. They exchanged glances, finding it difficult to comprehend the immense responsibility that rested upon John's shoulders. However, the earnestness in his eyes and the unwavering resolve in his voice assured them that his mission was no figment of imagination.

After a moment of contemplation, Angelica's father spoke, "John, it takes immense courage to face such adversity. Your commitment to protecting your world—our world—is commendable, and we admire you for it. In these trying times, it warms our hearts to know that our daughter has chosen a partner who is not only brave but also selfless."

Angelica's mother nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting both worry and pride. "Remember, John, when all is said and done, and Europe is saved from these ominous beings, make sure to find your way back to us. Our doors will always be open for you, no matter the battles you have fought."

Touched by their words, John thanked Angelica's parents sincerely. Overwhelmed with gratitude, he reached for Angelica's hand, the connection between them strengthening in that very moment. They knew that despite the challenges that lay ahead, their love would endure—stronger than ever.

As the night wore on, they embraced the company of loved ones, cherishing the blissful harmony that filled the room. In that moment, they chose to revel in the present, secure in the knowledge that, when the time came, their future would be a shared one—a future where Europe would be saved and love would triumph over darkness.

After that, John decided to go home but his girlfriend's family insisted to sleep spend the night here. So, Angelica's father offers him to sleep with him and John agreed. As they finished prep their bedroom and began to get some shut eye.

As sun begins to rise. As they enjoyed their morning meal, conversation filled the air. They discussed their plans for the day, contemplating hiking, sightseeing, or simply relaxing at home. However, the topic gradually shifted to a more serious matter, one that weighed heavily on everyone's mind.

Angelica's father mustered the courage to ask the question that plagued their thoughts. "John, my boy, there have been rumors about Europe being invaded by your ancient demonic foe. Are you considering returning to the military?"

John, an experienced soldier with a strong sense of duty, paused, contemplating his response. Glancing over at Angelica, his eyes met hers, filled with adoration and concern. He understood the fear his loved ones harbored, longing for his safety, but he also knew he possessed the skills necessary to halt the impending invasion.

Taking a deep breath, John replied, "I cannot ignore the call to protect innocent lives. If this invasion is imminent, then I must rise to the occasion. Our world needs every capable defender."

His words were met with a mix of emotions—fear, sadness, and a glimmer of understanding. Angelica's mother, her voice quivering, voiced her concern. "But, John, my darling, we worry for your safety. You mean the world to us. Please promise you'll be careful."

John's gaze softened as he reached for Angelica's hand, the love and determination in his eyes shining through. "I promise to do everything in my power to return safely to you all. Together, we have faced countless trials, and I have grown stronger because of your unwavering support."

As the family sat in contemplative silence, weighing the risks against the potential outcome, they ultimately recognized that John was indeed their greatest asset in the battle against this ancient demonic foe. They undertook the task of supporting him, understanding that the fate of Europe and the lives of countless people hung in the balance.

After that, John and Angelica began to create a plan on how they will spend their time together. And now they came to conclusion to go their favorite places.