
Gifted and Different

Facing challenges since she was a child, Diana is tasked by the moon goddess with an important duty; maintaining the peace and order of the werewolf community.   They all think Diana is an ordinary gifted wolf but let's see what happens when they find that she is the one they have been looking for. Xander, Diana's mate who is hated by his brothers and grew up without the love of his parents becomes the most promising for the position of King but with Diana by his side they make it through all the hardships "We will get through this... together" Gaining all their trust while getting rid of anything that could cause harm to the kingdom is her ultimate goal. With the help of her mate the soon to be Alpha king, she learns that all she needs to win the hearts of her people is within. "ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!"

Fiona2she · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 13: Dinner With The Royal Family

Diana's POV

All through out the evening, Xander has been quietly laying on the bed as if asleep but I know he's not, he's clearly stressed but he doesn't want to talk about it. 'Maybe you should try asking him what's wrong you dummy' Ava says from the back of my head and I feel her roll her eyes while saying so.

"Xander?" I say softly and he opens his eyes to look at me but his stare is blank and kinda cold 'I don't like this' I gather all the courage I could muster "Are you okay?" Worry dripping from every syllable in my sentence. He's eyes seem to soften a little before he closes them again and sighs in frustration

"I haven't seen my brothers in years, Diana. I'm sure they's still the same if not worst, what if they try to make a move on you? I don't want to be here, there's a lot of bad memories in this place"

I walk over to the bed and sit beside him, touching his shoulder lightly "It's going to be alright" I tell him giving him a small smile "Besides I can take care of myself" He takes my hand and brings it to his lips as he places a small feather like kiss at the back of it. "Now help me choose a dress, I'll show those brothers of yours what I'm made of" getting up I drag him with me into the huge walk-in closet.

A maid has already informed us that dinner is about to be served and we are putting the finishing touches in our outfits. Since I'm here with Xander I figured it would make sense if our clothes complemented each other, I'm wearing a red evening gown with emerald green jewelry and a black pair of heels while Xander's in a green three piece suit, a red tie and black Italian kicks. I wanted to look natural in front of Xander's parents and his brothers so I decide not to put on makeup.

The walk towards the dinning room is quiet with mine and Xander's hand linked together, I squeeze his hand gently and he looks towards me with a raised brow "Everything's going to be fine, remember. I'm always here" giving him a small smile while standing in the middle of the hallway which has attracted the attention of many servants I remove my hand from his and place it at the side of his face, leaning my face forward not having to stand on my toes because I was already wearing heels, I connect our lips and the sparks I feel makes the kiss more pleasurable. Xander pulls me closer as the kiss deepens but I slowly back away placing a finger on his lips "Not now" He nods and we continue moving towards the dinning room.

"Are you ready?" Xander asks me for the second time once we reached the door to the dinner room, nodding again the guards open the door and we walk in.

I'm surprised to see that it was only the king and the queen that had arrived, entering behind Xander I sit at his left with his mother at the other side. I feel very uncomfortable because the king's eyes have been on me since I entered the room, meeting his gaze I instantly regret it because he gives me that look that says you've done something wrong

Before he could say anything the doors open and all eyes except Xander's look towards it, a man with features similar to Xander's walks in with a calm expression on his face "Mother, Father so sorry for the delay. Brother you're here already what a pleasant surprise, who is this beauty you brought with you?" I glance at Xander from the corner of my eye but he doesn't meet my eyes instead his gaze remains on his plate and I know his hands have balled into fists under the table

"I am Diana Xander's mate" I introduced myself and his lips break into a devilish grin "Oh I'm Ezekiel, Xander's handsome older brother. He must have told you about me" I raise a brow before giving him a small smile "Yes Xander has told me enough about you and I do not wish to know more" the smile on his face stiffens before he walks up to the table and sit next to the king.

  "Where are your brothers?" The king directs the question to Ezekiel but he shrugs and starts eating'How rude' Ava scoffs in my head and I do agree with her but the king didn't seem to mind so I didn't think much about it

Half way into the dinner the doors open again and this time two guys who looked just like Ezekiel but with different hair colors walked in with a weird air of confidence. Staring at them till they walked to the table, I couldn't help but question why they were so late to a family dinner. After their entrance Ava has been a little edgy but I don't know why 'What is it Ava?', I feel tingles in my hand from under the table bringing me back from my daze looking a t the hand I see that Xander has placed his hand on mine from under the table. "Are you okay?" I hear his voice in my head and I gasp in shock "How?" I ask looking into his eyes, he gives a small smile before I hear again "Must be one of my gifts"

"Isn't this just charming?" I hear from across the table and Xander's hand freezes on mine "Could you lovebirds take this up to your bedroom? Although I wish I could take you to mine, you are truly beautiful darling" Xander's eyes turn red. "Thank you for the advice, please excuse us" I stand up and drag Xander with me before the king could reply.

  I quicken my pace when I hear Xander's breath become heavy 'I NEED OUT'