
Gifted Academy: The Perfect Student

Coming out of the Ideal Human Project, Mizuhara Ayato was referred to as the 'perfect human'. However, life was not so simple for this unfortunate boy. Stuck between other genius students and a meritocratic high school, Mizuhara would find himself unable to live a calm life. Who really is Mizuhara Ayato? Apathetic, listless and uncaring, will anyone ever make Mizuhara feel something? Even in the harsh conditions of the Tachibana System, he shows no signs of struggle. Is he the ultimate proof that nurture is stronger than nature? *** Sara Fujiharu, the cutest girl in the school, is also known as the 'Seatmate Bully'. Every few weeks, the class seating changes and every time, Fujiharu-san gets a new target. What's her goal? To make the boy sitting next to her fall in love, and once she does, she destroys their heart, crushing their love. Why does she do this? I still don't know. It's March 23rd, the day of the seating change. So far, ten boys have fallen for her traps, her playful attitude, and her innocent face. Not a single boy so far has managed to brush off her attacks-and every single time; their weak hearts have been crushed. Now it's my turn. However, my heart is not so easily played with. ** ____ Official Discord: https://discord.gg/T395tt4HUU

EvanMu · Realistic
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169 Chs

Midterm Exams - Part 6

As the days passed by, the impending midterm loomed closer and closer on the horizon. Shinichi, who had previously been content to while away his days in idleness, suddenly transformed into a fairly diligent student. The new point system, it seemed, had proven to be an effective motivator, as he could be seen pouring over his textbooks and notes.

"Mizuhara, you seem rather reserved," Kobayashi remarked. "Maybe you should try sharing your thoughts as well."

"I'm fine."

"Don't you want to earn some points?" Shinichi chimed in, his tone laced with confusion. "You're quite the weirdo."

I reached into my bag, withdrawing a novel. The cover was a reference book, and I began to immerse myself in its contents, effectively ending the conversation.

The following days passed with a monotonous routine of studying and toil. As a result of the newfound focus and productivity, Kaoru saw fit to discontinue the meetings, a testament to the effectiveness of the implemented method.
