

The girl who bumped into him was the first to rise, cleaned herself from the dust, and offered her hand to help the man who still sat down on the ground. He is still utterly shocked. “I was in a hurry so I didn’t pay attention before. Eh, are you okay?” Azalel’s eyes fluttered several times. He is still dumbstruck by what had happened. No… It wasn’t her who made him stunned in silence. Neither is her sincere apology. “You?? You can see me??” He asked her in disbelief and rose from the ground easily. She frowned at him as if he had just spilled the stupidest question in the world. “Yes, of course, I can. Is there something wrong with it? “Anyway… Are you ok?” "I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you before…” The girl kept apologizing to him and bowed repeatedly in guilt. Azalel didn’t say anything or give her a formal response but he just cleaned his cloak thoroughly. Seeing the person who bumped with her was fine, she then asked another question. But it sounds more like permission to leave as soon as possible. “You look fine, so I can leave now, right? See you…” Then, she rushed out, turned left, and disappeared without leaving any trace. Azalel remained silent on his spot while his eyes keep looking in the direction where the girl was gone. Meanwhile, Reuben came toward him and suddenly stopped his steps. He looked in the same direction where Azalel is looking right now. He seemed so confused. “Aza?” Silence. “Aza? Are you okay?” “Reuben…” "A mortal bumped me this morning…" "WHAT??? IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Reuben shrieked in disbelief. He thought he had misheard the news. “But it was... TRUE!!" "WHEN WAS IT??" "Before you showed up, Reuben..."

Nana6915 · Urban
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10 Chs

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Hmm… ok. What should I say about myself now?

Well… my name is Azalel. I'm an angel.

I don't know. What else do you want to know about us?

Hmm… Ok, you can't see us. Literally. Because we are spiritual creatures. Same as any natural phenomenon that you might see if you were wearing some sort of special tool. Like the solar viewer for enjoying the eclipse or other stuffs.

But, in some circumstances, you might see us if you had a natural talent. A gift. An ability to see the unseen creatures that you supposedly do not know about us. And if you were asking why do you have such power like that. What should I say?

I don't know how to answer it either.

I think that is your calling and it belongs to the law of universe. Honestly, we never question those kinds of stuff because we were different. You are in the living world where time destines your action and limits your age. We are living in the eternal world where the hands of a mortal couldn't touch us. So, we're good.

Ok, what else?

What kind of language do we speak??

Huh... Don't ask. We are too damn capable to speak in all of your languages. From Sumerian until talking proficiently with animals, we can do so.

My age? My birthday? My superpower?

Let me tell you something...

I was born in heaven. It was a million or trillion years ago, I barely remembered because being immortal was our call. But ever since the world began, I was there. Since you were trained and communicate with symbols, pictures, and smoke, I was there. I was there when kingdoms or empires rose and collapse. One and another. As far as I could remember, I only saw humans as traitorous and murderous creatures. No more trace of kindness or grace that ever existed once since the first human was created and born before.

In the end, they fight and compete to become the greatest who have glory, gold, and girls. Fortunately, The First One has unleashed His most powerful weapon.


And no mortals can escape from their destiny. Death.

Some of them died because of their illness. Some of them died because of misfortunes. Some of them passed away because their time had come. Whatever it is, I was glad that no mortal has become one of us. Otherwise, they would ruin everything.

By the way, since we existed, we had our job desk already. Some of us were in charge of darkness and light. Some of us responsible for the worships that would be sung for our Lord. One of my job desc was the weather.

Yes, I'm in charge and responsible for arranging climates and seasons on earth based on our territories. My territory was in the middle zone. Sometimes, we also had a side job. Terminating and eliminating some low ranks evil spirits which often distracts human life or picks up a human soul who had just passed away peacefully.

But, aside from all my-unlimited-longevity, in the end, I should give up at one point.

When I and Reuben attended a wedding party from an ex-angel. My little sister.

I was there and saw her…

And ever since that day…

I couldn't think straight anymore...



My name?


Yes. That's it. Just a word without any additional surname.

My birthday?

Sorry, I have no idea.

All I could remember was I popped and plopped out from a huge transparent rainbow flower which all my brothers called it as Flower of Life.

I was naked at that time and at the same time, there was someone who stood in front of me. He looked at me expressionlessly when he threw a black cloak onto my lap.

"Wear it…" He told me shortly. Stern and firm.

"Your name is Reuben and starting from today, you'll be under my supervision…"

I quickly wore it, hopped, then followed him obediently. I think I have been tailing him ever since. Not sure, but we stay close from that day until now. He told me to call him, Azalel.

Azalel taught me many things. About my job descriptions and humans, including their habits and characters. He also told me about how the system works in the universe and why we are not supposed to interfere with human life. Because it would ruin the order.

Angels, demons, and humans have different life paths. It has to be that way and has been written by the First Creator. We ought to follow the path that has been set for us.

Azalel. He's my big brother. My mentor, coach, and employer. At least, that was my impression of him.

And as all angels do, we only share one name. No more, no less.



Hi, Iliya here! I'm 18 years old and standing right in front of the art faculty for my college this year. To be honest, I need to be super brave today because my choice of future was against her will. Well, I mean my aunt's. Fine art for her is not something that you can rely on. You could end up as a street painter, or being half-jobless, waiting in uncertainty for the next project that who-knows-would-come. Fortunately, my stubbornness beats her wisdom this morning.

She told me to take another subject, such as business management or accounting, etc. Anything that makes sense for my future, she said. Then, after several years of my misery, I would apply for a job with a very good salary every month, sitting nicely behind my desk, sipping my new fresh brewed coffee, and say "Yes" to whomever I would call my boss. Someone who owns my life for five days a week, from nine to five.


Please keep dreaming, my dear aunt...

I would never sign up for a boring task in my life. Not even in my dreams. Since I was so young, I always found myself trapped in colors. I could stop and stare at the beauty of nature in vivid tones for ages. Abstract paintings which are a bit confusing for common people are strangely mesmerizing in my eyes. They amuse me in their ways. Transformed into any shapes that I would never have imagined before.

I can still remember that day. The day when my best friend dragged me with him to a painting gallery because he was working there and he knows that I love to draw and paint secretly. He even told me that I'll be a prominent artist one day. That was encouraging though. Moreover, when I am never quite confident of myself. I did it because it was self-entertaining. Thankfully, I never regret my decision ever since. My universe changed afterward. From a nerd and boring adolescence, I turned into a determined youth who will submit herself to art.

From hundreds to million colors that dance in front of my eyes on that day...

When they jolted in shades and tones...

In their uniqueness…

And I…

Unconsciously, my mind traveled across the other dimension. Shattered and blended in a surreal fantasy that I thought never existed before.

For me, those paintings are alive!!


My ability was awakened when I hit ten. I don't know why and how, but somehow, I can feel it. As clear as blue sky and shades of sunset, I saw those creatures with my bare eyes. They are here. Among us. Pretend to be alive but they're not. But after some time, I decided to be dumb, stupid, and be ignorant of their existences whenever I saw them. Earphones are my lifesaver in this matter. It is my exodus.


Because I don't know what they would do with me if they knew I could see them. I had once passed a traumatic experience before. A story that I would never tell anyone. Including my aunt. I know she would never, ever believe me. She would tell me that I was hallucinating, that I watched too many movies or others.

Why do you ask?

Because I'm an orphan. My parents died because of a car accident since I was three years old. After that, I was adopted by my aunt from my mother's side. She's unmarried and yet, she decided to take me as her own even though life has not been easy for her also. Clear enough? Her burden is too much already. With her miserable life. With me. Another mouth to be fed daily. I need her because, besides her, I have no one else.


My little dirty secret. Let me keep it quiet with my mouth shut. From now and ever.


Hi, guys!

Shameless author, Nana, is here...

First of all, as for your information, I have uploaded this story before in Webnovel, but because I had an issue with my Facebook, and I no longer can login into my previous account, so, I create a new one here and will regularly update from now on.

This is the first book of my trilogy from Fallen Angel Series

Book one : Gifted

Book two : Story of Ruby

Book three : The Reborn of Red Crusade

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