
Giants killing squad

Era 2025: the world was at peace and humans were making advancement in technology . everything changed overnight when a meteor fell from space. Everyone had gone to sleep ignorant if the fact that this would be the last time they slept this Peacefully Humanity had gone to sleep only to wake up to a new threat . Creatures all over the world had mutated and grown into Giants over 80 feet . It is up to our mc and his friends to find away to rescue humanity from extinction

Samuel_Sampong · Sci-fi
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Era 2025:The world was at peace and Humanity was thriving with advancement of modern technology . Everything changed when the meteorite from outer space landed at night on Earth.When we woke up, scientists

observed that all creatures (except humans)

had mutated overnight into Giants. Even ants that used to be tiny had grown 80 feet tall . it was like reliving a night mare. Scientists reasoned that such rapid growth spurt would increase the appetites of these Giants and what better prey than humans. So the world's armed forces united and used all their nuclear weapons and arson but it was useless against the creatures.

Era3000: it's been 75 years since the Armageddon started and humans have been losing ever since. Gone were the days when humanity was the the dominant specie's now only 10,% of the human population remained.

The survivors retreated into the ground and built underground shelters and cities several meters below the the Earth's crust.

My name is Ed Regan and these accounts are one of the numerous stories I heard at bedtime from my Grandmother who had experienced everything for herself