
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 77: Massage

Another hour of exercise passed, and Qi Qi's knife movements became visibly slower, but Feld held a wooden stick, standing beside her, constantly correcting her movements.

"Keep going. This strike must be perfected. If a hundred times aren't enough, then a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

"You can go slow, but the movements must not deform. You must ensure that the blade's path remains straight to engrain it into muscle memory!"

"Continue, don't stop!"

"Don't forget what you promised me. If you want to become a legend with me, you must persevere!"

Qi Qi didn't speak, fearing that speaking would disrupt the rhythm of her hard-won stable breathing. She might collapse if that happened.

Hilda watched Qi Qi's trembling arms raise and fall repeatedly, performing the knife movements, feeling somewhat distressed. But remembering Feld's earlier words, she bit her lip, refraining from interceding on Qi Qi's behalf. As Feld said, sweating now would prevent bleeding later. It was all for Qi Qi's good.

Another half hour passed, and it was already evening, the sky turning orange-red. Feld nodded as he watched Qi Qi's slightly drooping eyelids.

"Alright, stop now."

But Qi Qi didn't stop. After slowly swinging the knife once more, she raised her hand again.

Feld knew that at this point, Qi Qi was already in a trance state, on the verge of fainting and losing consciousness at any moment. It was enough. He knew her limit, and pushing beyond this point would be counterproductive.

So Feld stepped forward and simply lifted her into his arms.

In his embrace, Qi Qi finally awakened from her trance, and then slowly revealed a tired smile, weakly asking, "Big Guy... have I gotten stronger?"

"Yes, you've gotten stronger. You did great, and I'm proud of you," Feld said with a smile, leaning down to lightly rub his forehead against hers.

This was how the Catfolk expressed affection.

Qi Qi responded with a hint of affection, rubbing back against him. Her purring voice was a bit hoarse.

On the side, Hilda watched this scene and didn't find anything amiss. Instead, she felt warm-hearted. Feld was expressing his approval for Qi Qi in a very rare way. On the continent, many people looked down on Beastfolk, considering them low-level and disgusting. But Feld didn't. From Feld, she could feel his respect and care for Qi Qi.

"Have some water," she walked up to Feld's side and handed him the water flask. Feld nodded and took it, gently feeding Qi Qi, who had no strength left.

His actions were gentle, all seen by Hilda.

After Qi Qi finished drinking, Feld carried her back to the campsite. Instead of giving her stamina potion, he prepared a cup of specially blended fruit juice for her, which would help her recover naturally.

Stamina potions might work quickly, but using them too often could have side effects. If they could avoid relying on them, they would.

After drinking the energizing fruit juice, Qi Qi quickly regained some strength, enough to move on her own.

"Feld, I feel like I can't lift my arms and legs," Qi Qi said, looking at Feld with a small face.

"It's a normal reaction after exhausting yourself. Your arms and legs will probably ache badly tomorrow," Feld explained.

"Eh?" Qi Qi was surprised, then looked pitifully at Feld.

"I don't like being sore..." she said weakly.

"But that's just how it is. It means you're growing," Feld said.

"But I can help you relieve it a bit," he continued.

Saying that, he made Qi Qi lie down, and then his big hands gently kneaded her arms, starting to massage them slowly.

"What are you doing?" Hilda asked curiously.

"Massage, it helps relieve muscle fatigue and promotes blood circulation. This way, you won't cry from pain tomorrow," Feld explained.

"Oh, it's similar to stretching and massage after high-intensity training, right?" Hilda suddenly realized.

"Exactly. Want to join?" Feld smiled.

"Sure, teach me," Hilda came to the other side of Qi Qi and started massaging her arms like Feld did. Feld guided her on various techniques, how to press, how to knead, how to push, and which techniques to use where.

Meanwhile, Qi Qi lay comfortably, even purring softly.

After massaging her arms, they moved to her legs, massaging the front and back muscles. Then, Feld had Qi Qi turn over and continued to massage her thigh and calf muscles.

Qi Qi's legs were well-proportioned, almost long-legged, but just a bit shorter due to her petite stature.

"Hahaha, it tickles!" When Feld massaged Qi Qi's feet, she laughed, her fluffy tail swaying and accidentally brushing against Feld's nose.

"Ah-choo!" Feld sneezed.

"Control your tail,"

"But my tail has a mind of its own!"

"Then I'll remove it."

"No!" Qi Qi quickly hugged her tail, looking pitifully at Feld, which made Hilda unable to help but laugh.

Qi Qi was too cute.

Then she looked at Qi Qi's long tail, her eyes lit up, and she suggested, "Qi Qi's tail is so flexible, can't it be used?"

Feld had a sudden realization, exclaiming, "You're right, Hilda, I never thought of that."

"Hehe," Hilda smiled proudly, then immediately said, "You're such a big dummy. You didn't even think of that."

"In that case, let's call Hilda the Big Smart,"

"That sounds weird. Are you teasing me again?"

"Hehehe, how could I?"

"Sure you are, you always laugh like this when you tease me."

"True, you're very observant."

"Then stop changing the subject!"


However, Hilda's words did inspire Feld. He took out a dagger and said, "Qi Qi, can you coil the dagger with your tail?"

"Of course!" Qi Qi immediately said. Her tail was the only part of her body with strength left.

With a flick of her long tail, she coiled the dagger.

"Try to stab with it," Feld eagerly suggested.

Qi Qi's tail contracted like a spring, then shot out forcefully.

The sound of piercing the air came, and Feld and Hilda exchanged surprised glances.

"It feels... like it has more power than stabbing with my hand!" Hilda exclaimed in surprise.

"Indeed!" Feld nodded, smiling, "Looks like I'll have to make more daggers—dagger tails, that is."

"Really, thanks Feld!" Qi Qi was overjoyed. She thought Feld was the best person in the world. Now she not only had a special dagger for her hands, but also a special dagger for her tail!

"I'll call it Cat Tail!" Qi Qi said.

"Okay," Feld smiled.

As night fell, after Feld finished massaging Qi Qi, he let her stretch with Hilda to loosen her body. He then went hunting for dinner.

Soon, Feld returned with a one-meter-tall Gulu Bird. Gulu Birds looked somewhat like ostriches but smaller and made a growling sound, hence their name. These Brass Beasts had very tender meat.

Under the night sky

, eating Gulu Bird, drinking flower tea, and watching the stars, Feld felt completely relaxed. Hilda continued to smile, watching the interaction between Qi Qi and Feld, occasionally covering her mouth and chuckling.

Indeed, adventuring with friends was more joyful than doing it alone. This atmosphere made her feel incredibly comfortable. She was beginning to enjoy this feeling.

She was starting to like it.

Under the night sky, the flickering light of the campfire swayed gently. Feld was covered in a thin blanket, while Qi Qi and Hilda were nestled in their sleeping bags, leaning against a tree, each holding a cup of hot tea.

"Having a cup of calming Shor's Eye flower tea before bed is so comfortable," Hilda sighed. "I wouldn't have done this before when I was alone, always staying vigilant, couldn't really 'calm down.' But now, with companions, this feeling of sitting around the campfire, leaning against the tree, drinking tea, it's like something out of a story."

"It feels like many stories begin like this," Hilda said slowly. "Like the beginning of the legendary Lorenge Warrior, who met the fire mage Kvothe Wolyn in the forest, sitting around the campfire. Later, they became legends."

"And the beginning of the Flame Empress Ashley, also in the forest, sitting around the campfire with her fellow adventurers. At that time, they couldn't have imagined that Ashley would become a legend among flame mages."

"The campfire on the Falling Star Plain ignited the arrows of the Falling Star Archer Renato, allowing his arrows to streak across the sky like meteors."

"The campfire on the Gilaton Peak melted the icy heart of the Ice Barbarian Bane, giving him control over ice and a fiery determination."

"The campfire on the Wind Whisper High City, like the starting spark of a prairie fire, ignited the heart of the Wind Uprising singer Didiashi, spreading his song of rebellion far and wide, overthrowing the rule of the Evil Wind City."

Feld watched her speak softly, a smile on her face. Compared to the halo cast by sunlight, it brought a sense of holiness. The campfire on the ground flickered, reflecting on her face, showing sincere intentions.

"Do you think our story will start from a campfire like this?" she looked at Feld with a smile.

Feld could feel her hope, truly a girl full of hope and beauty for the future. So Feld smiled slightly and raised his cup.

"Our story has already begun, Hilda."

"In the future, mercenaries or adventurers will sit around the campfire and reflect—the legendary mercenaries Feld and the legendary Cat Qi Qi started their legendary journey by the campfire, their legendary companion, the peerless Sword Maiden, accompanied them all the way, overcoming all obstacles and reaching the highest peak."

"At that time, those mercenaries and adventurers will ask their companions the same question—will our story start from a campfire like this?"

"And their companions will raise their cups, laughing and saying—yes, my friend!"

"Our story has already begun!"

"We will all become legends!"

"Hahaha!" Hilda laughed brightly, her eyes full of joy and happiness.

"I think so too."

"But the titles of Legendary Cat and Legendary Mercenary are too casual. We should come up with better titles."

"And the title of Sword Maiden isn't something I chose for myself, it's the title bestowed upon me by the students of Heights."

"So what title do you plan to give yourself?" Feld asked curiously.

"Well... I haven't thought about it yet, but it must include the words Sword Saint, because my goal is to become the greatest Sword Saint on the continent!"

"That's a great goal, but a Sword Saint must have a dedicated sword. So, let me inquire, Miss Hilda, what style would you like for your rapier guard?" Feld smiled.

"Well—" Hilda tapped her chin, thinking, "I want it to have a pair of wings, like those of a swan or an angel, wrapping around to form the guard."

"Great idea!" Feld gave a thumbs-up.

"And I want the blade to have feather-like patterns, with the blood groove carved to resemble the pattern of feathers, can you do that?" Hilda looked at Feld expectantly.

"Of course!" Feld snapped his fingers. "That's settled then. Feel free to add any other details you want. I'm looking forward to your masterpiece!" Hilda said with a smile.