
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 126: Exchange of Fire

The thunderous roar of cannons filled the air, splashing waves against the nearby window. Hilda was momentarily stunned by the scene, but as she gradually regained her senses, a spark of excitement flashed in her eyes.

She felt... exhilarated! Her heart was filled with the desire for challenge, much like when she first encountered the werewolf and chose not to flee. This encounter with the pirates, she didn't want to run either. It was only for the safety of Field and Qiqi that she would opt for the most prudent course of action.

But now that Field had spoken, what was there to wait for? Full speed ahead! Target: the pirate ship!

"Captain Hilda, shall we play the role of super pirates raiding the pirates today?" Field's voice echoed through the amplification magic device with a smile.

"Ha ha, let's do it! Crush them!" Hilda responded with excitement.

With that, Field pulled the trigger once again, and another magical cannonball flew out. The magical cannonball, actually an oval shape, was spinning rapidly to ensure accuracy.

This shot, once again targeting the bow of the ship, completely blew apart the front of the ship, shattering the bronze statue and destroying the main cannon. The pirate ship began to turn, diverting its side towards the crab-catching ship.

Field saw that there were also magical cannons on the ship's side. Though not as large as the one at the bow, they were numerous – two rows, each with four cannons.

Eight magical cannons opened fire simultaneously, but none managed to hit the crab-catching ship. Not due to luck, but because the distance was too far, and the bulky magical cannons had poor accuracy, especially with both ships in motion.

In the previous era of firearms in his past life, long-distance exchanges of fire had similarly low accuracy. Now, with magical cannons, the accuracy was slightly better, but the distance was greater, making hitting the target still difficult.

Even the closest magical cannonball fell about 150 meters away from the crab-catching ship. The mast had been shattered by Field, and even with additional magical propulsion, controlling the damaged pirate ship became much more difficult.

On the other hand, Field's single-handed magical sniper rifle, with guaranteed accuracy and his marksmanship, maintained a high hit rate. Moreover, with the pirate ship turning sideways to retaliate, it became an even larger target for Field.

One shot. Between two of the side cannons, a large hole was blasted, rendering two cannons useless. Then came the second round of enemy fire.

This time, there seemed to have been adjustments, and six magical cannonballs were launched. Field immediately judged that they would likely hit the crab-catching ship's bow. He prepared to withstand the attack.

However, a golden barrier suddenly appeared, blocking the pirate ship's front. The cannonballs struck around the crab-catching ship, creating high splashes, but causing no harm. Two of them hit the barrier, cracking it but failing to break through, leaving the crab-catching ship unscathed.

Field looked back at Hilda, who had summoned the barrier. With a grin, he knew that with her magical abilities, they were now free to unleash their firepower without worrying about defense.

"Field, I want to join in too, meow!" Qiqi ran over excitedly.

"Here you go." Field handed her a triple-rune magical cannon. Qiqi, now at the gold level, had enough magical reserves to fire a dozen or so shots.

Chichi took the cannon and aimed it towards the pirate ship. After firing a shot, she took a step back, looking expectantly as the cannonball flew out, landing on the sea surface several hundred meters in front of the pirate ship.

Disappointed, Qiqi tried again, adjusting the angle slightly. This time, the shot landed closer, but still missed the target by a small margin.

Field instructed her to elevate the aim a bit more, and Qiqi nodded, firing another shot. This time, the landing was much closer, though still off.

Field let her adjust on her own, knowing that at this distance and with this accuracy, hitting the target didn't matter; it was about creating an imposing presence.

Meanwhile, Field continued to fire, destroying five more of the pirate ship's magical cannons. The final one was taken out by Qiqi after she fired over twenty shots, nearly depleting her magical reserves. Her last shot hit near one of the pirate ship's cannons, causing it to slide out of its mounting and into the sea, dragging a pirate down with it.

Field marveled at Qiqi's luck.

At this point, the distance between the two ships had shortened to about fifteen hundred meters. The pirates still had their own mages, but at a lower level, probably around gold rank, unable to withstand Field's sniper shots.

Field quickly found the pirate mage and obliterated him with a single shot.

Now, the pirate ship had no means of fighting back and could only drag its battered hull, attempting to escape.

Though sturdy, the pirate ship had taken numerous hits from Field's shots, yet it remained intact. This was perhaps due to the pirates continually repairing the damaged areas with planks, aided by several mages reinforcing the ship with magic.

However, with the mast broken, the pirate ship's speed had slowed considerably, unable to match the speed of the relatively undamaged crab-catching ship.

As the distance continued to shrink, they soon reached a range of eight hundred meters.

Field had fired six shots, eliminating over a dozen pirates. But just as he was about to fire the seventh shot, a cold light suddenly struck.

Field's pupils contracted, and he immediately rolled aside, grabbing Qiqi, who was resting nearby, and leaping several meters away.

In the next moment, an arrow nearly a meter long deeply embedded itself in the spot where Field had just been, its arrowhead engraved with magical runes. At the moment of impact, it lit up with a dazzling light, followed by a several-meter-diameter fireball erupting on the deck.

The crab-catching ship trembled slightly.

Hilda hurried out of the captain's cabin. "Field! Qiqi!"

"We're fine!" Field's voice came through.

The bow had been blasted with a hole about three meters in diameter, but it didn't affect the massive crab-catching ship's main structure much.

But it had successfully enraged Field.

Field looked towards the pirate ship, now visible to the naked eye at this distance. On board, a tall, tanned pirate with a large bow was stringing arrows.

Field put Qiqi down and stowed away his sniper rifle. Hilda noticed his mouth curling into a grin, eyebrows raised, revealing a fierce smile.

"This ship was borrowed by yours truly. You'll have to pay with your lives!" Field said, taking a magical cannon from Qiqi and conjuring another one with his free hand.

With both guns aimed at the pirate ship, the platinum-ranked pirate archer saw this and felt a bit disdainful.

Was this guy going to have a showdown with his platinum-ranked bow and arrows against his magical cannons? He was asking for death!

Confident in his prowess as a formidable archer, he prepared to shoot again, confident that with the distance

 now shortened, he could kill Field even if he fired first. Moreover, he could use his arrows to intercept any magical cannonballs that came their way.

The confidence of a powerful archer!

However, just as he was about to draw his bowstring again, blue light suddenly emanated from the muzzles of Field's magical cannons.

The pirate archer was dumbfounded because he wasn't facing just one or two magical cannonballs.

He was facing a barrage!