
Gia Corp.

Jake, a 15 year old normal and slightly grumpy teenager with an abnormal fixation on (material high) a legal type of narcotic that gives you a 'high' while connected to neuro visual net (or N. V. N for short). Yes the worlds first cyber reality program. Where he meets a strange girl named "001" . Though he's never met her outside of N. V. N His life as a shut-in slowly begins to change as he continues his online meetings with 001. But not before getting worse. (Science fiction, romance, slice of life, action and erogé). Copyright 2014 | All rights reserved.

Amitabha_Vardha · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Chapter two. (Part 2)

-The air was cool- Is what I remembered.

"Hey," someone called "long time no see," I turned and after I saw who it was, I spun on my heels and tried going the other way.

But all I felt was hot.

And how she had worked up a sweat while she did it.

My luck just keeps getting better doesn't it.

The girl who had called to me was one of the girls who bullied me, in fact she was the one who seemed to enjoy it the most.

Things like that you just don't forget.

"Hey wait up!" She called.

I tried walking faster.

"Hey I said wait up!" She grabbed my wrist from behind and pulled me back.

She was breathing hard from trying catch up with me.

She held my wrist.

Memories from the last time I was bullied, flashed into my mind.

How dare she touch me after what she did!

I pulled my hand from her grasp.

For some reason she seemed surprised, but that didn't matter. I didn't want to see her.

"Wait," she said as I started backing away.

"I just want to... I... We're having this thing at the karaoke bar tomorrow, please... If you could come... I went a bit too far that time, I'm sorry so please come." She took a flyer from her purse an handed it to me.

How dare she?!

An apology?

I slapped it from her hand and it fell to the ground.

"Leave me alone!"

<Is everything alright?> said an android which had stopped because I had shouted.

"It's ok, it's my fault, I said something stupid," she told the android which appeared human like in almost every way except where it's ears were supposed to be.

After a while it's user apologized and it moved on.

"Look I really am sorry," she said softly and then "I work part time at café chronos just a couple blocks down, as an apology you can come anytime and I'll get you whatever you want free of charge."

The thought of being in the same place as her, made my stomach turn.

"Don't you get it?"

I asked "I'll never forgive you, ever."

"I could endure what you and your friends did before but, then you... " I tried but I couldn't finish.

"I hate you and I hope what you did to me haunts you until you die!"

There was no doubt about it, I hated her. I really did. But as I left, the way she looked at me.

I was no longer the victim, I felt like a monster.


At home again....

My neuro-link started working again but... I couldn't go online...

I felt sick...

After throwing up a few times, in the bathroom I felt ok enough to sleep.


I couldn't ...

I saw it every time I closed my eyes.

What she and her friends did to me.

How they stripped me of my clothes and tied me up.

How they used me to... get off.

They used me.

I felt dirty again...

I was back at it again, in the bathroom trying not to puke my organs out.

I hate this....


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