
CHAPTER 4 : destroying the doll

wow, you kids made such a powerful machine. yes, the idea for the machine was mine. Jimmy, not true. Miya, everyone needs to know Jimmy is amazing so. well, okay it does not matter anymore. ( school bell rings ) well that's the bell, see you tomorrow kids ! bye, miss! ( they run to the park ) now, we can think about how to destroy the doll. or in this case, we have to think about how to make the doll stay in one place. we could try asking Trixi or we could use the neck less's. ya, let's try both. okay, lets go home! ( they run home fast ) hi kids, who is you-r. IS THAT MARTHA! yes, it is. how is she alive?!! long story but, we made a machine that brought her to life. hi, Miya's mom. uh well, hi Martha. lets go up stairs guys! okay. ( they go up stairs ) okay so, should we look in the school or the house for the doll? ( laptop plays the news ) what, they said the doll is not the only thing we should look out for! that means there are more dark souls! well lets go to the school! okay, okay! ( they run to the school ) we are here. lets go! ( they run in the school ) lets go look at the school year board. okay, lead the way Martha. the year board is up stairs i think. ( they go up stairs ) there it is the school year board. ( they read the names of students ) i forget a lot of names and students, i never fer get anything and it feels like i did not meet any of these students. maybe its because they all turned into dark souls? maybe, but where is the doll? lets open the door and see. ( they open the door ) the doll is for sure in this room. well, do you have the rock? yes, but i will throw the rock! okay Jimmy, but be careful. off cores i am careful Miya because i am the great Jimmy. ( throws rock at doll ) did it break? yes, Jimmy scores! Jimmy you did it, the doll is broken! wait, but look. what is that ally? its a gem. why would there be a gem in the doll and who put it there? wait, does anyone know who made the doll or who had enough power to curse the doll? no, i don't think anyone knows who did this. lets go to my house to look for more information about who made the doll. okay, lets go. ( they turn around to go to Martha's house ) w-what is that?! i think we found a soul of your classmate Martha. is that Bethny? i don't know? it is Bethny!! ( Martha's classmate disappears ) that's weird, we destroyed the doll so the souls should be free. your right, but we did not ask trixi to make all your classmates human again. well then lets call trixi. okay. ( trixi appears ) hi kids, i am sorry to say this but you have no more wishes. wait why? you used your wishes. well okay, we have no choice so. bye ( trixi disappears ) what do we do, we are going to die with these souls! Jimmy calm down we wont die. we just have to find more gems like this one because this gem is broken. and how will that help us live. Jimmy, we wont die and it will help us bring everyone back to human form. okay, but if we die this is your falt. okay, if we die then it is, but we did not. Miya lets go. okay, okay Martha. ( they run to Martha's old house ) the house looks a little different from the last time we where here. you are so right. maybe its because the detectives came here to do research. yes, maybe that's why. lets go inside to see if there's any clues. ( they go inside ) look, is that a exta door because the last time we were here i never saw that door. Martha do you remember if you had a door here? no i never had a door there but i used to hear weird noises in the walls. is there a different house next door? no, we have no room or house on that side of the wall or in this case door. you girls just ask questions, but why cant you just open the door!! well Jimmy, we don't know what to expect when we open the door. ( opens door ) what is this room, it looks like a basement. look at all these files and books. this place must be 100 years old!! ( ally looks in the books and files ) guys look at this!! what is it ally? this book is talking about the doll and who had it. ( they read a few pages of the book ) who is Elisabeth? the book says Elisabeth was a part of the royal family and that she dreamed of ruling the world even after she died! maybe this means Elisabeth made the doll! you maybe right but if Elisabeth just wanted to rule longer then why would she capture souls? i never thought about that. hey girls, look at this cool thing i found. Jimmy that's what people used to type letters in the olden days.( the typing machine starts typing ) ahhhh, how is the typing machine typing on its own??!!! i don't know but it says hello. what is your name? ( typing machine starts typing ) it says....ELISABETH!!! what!! b-but how? ( typing machine starts typing ) it says, my soul is alive and i take others souls so no one stops me, only i can rule. look Elisabeth there is no need to stop everyone because we don't need to rule the world and we have no right to rule, since you already ruled 100 years ago you have the right to rule longer. ( machine types ) it says, my soul says taking everyone's souls is a way to make a new kingdom. well its not, you have to serve the world not destroy it. ( starts typing ) it says, i can do what ever i think is right and who are you to stop me! well we are not stopping you and as a person from the royal family you should have manners to be nice ( starts typing ) it says, HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!! i can do whatever i want and my family Tate me ruling means to tell others what they are supposed to do and that i get to make my own rules!! well that's wrong. this world is filled with kindness and friendship if you destroy this world your destroying a step to ruling longer! ( starts typing ) it says, fine i will leave everyone alone, but i get to make the rules so i order you to make me human! or you and this world will be my booster power. okay, the deal is done. ( starts typing ) it says, i have to be human in 1 week or. okay we will try. ( typing machine disappears ) Miya are you crazy, how do you think we will turn Elisabeth human without any wishes?!! don't worry, i will call trixi and ask her if you have any wishes because each person should have 3 wishes right? your right! ( trixi appears ) kids i told you that you have no more wishes. trixi, does each person have 3 wishes? yes, but why? well i used my 3 wishes but does Martha have 3 wishes too? hm i guess she does, because there is no rule that says each different person does not have 3 wishes. well Martha has a wish. okay then, what is your wish? i want queen Elisabeth to come back to life. well okay. ( casts big spell ) Elisabeth will be here tomorrow. okay, thank you trixi. ( trixi disappears ) well, now our work is done. lets go home this place stinks. okay Jimmy, let go guys. ( they run home ) mom were home! hi kids. hi. hi. its very late shouldn't Martha be home? well she cant go home at this time, its too late to even walk home. how about she sleeps with us for today and tomorrow we will drop her off at her house. well since shes here i guess she can sleep with you all. you mean like a sleepover? yes, if you all want you can stay up till 10:00 then go to bed! lets go and find some Pj's for you Martha. okay! ( they go to the bed room ) i hope your wish works. yes, i don't want this to be the end of the world! lets talk about this tomorrow. kids come down to eat! okay mom. ( they go down stairs ) come sit down. ( TV plays breaking news ) the news is talking about you Martha. off cores it is, i mean someone who's dead coming back to life! i know, it is shocking. i am done. me too. and me. okay, go brush your teeth kids. okay mom. ( they go up stairs ) where do you think Elisabeth will be after shes human? maybe, in Martha's stinky basement room. maybe we will see tomorrow. ( they brush there teeth ) i am so tired from all that running. me too. well, good night. good night. ( turns light off ) zzzzzz. zzzzzzzz. ( door creeks open ) i am happy that these kids made me human again, but i didn't promise that they wouldn't die! HAHAH, i make my own rules. ( Elisabeth gets a knife out ) HAHAH! ( Miya wakes up in a hurry ) oh, it was just a dream, thank god that we are alive. i am going to go get some water. ( Miya goes down stairs to get water ) what is that? it cant be, how did the doll get here?! ( doll disappears ) well i guess its gone. ( Miya goes up stairs ) what time is it? its 3:09 in the morning! i guess i still have to sleep. ( Miya goes back to bed ) zzz. zzz. ( alarm rings ) good morning. good morning everyone. good morning, what time is it? its... 7:30 am! its so early! no its not Jimmy, we have to drop Martha at her house now! okay, okay! lets go. ( they go down stairs ) lets go go go! okay. ( they run to Martha's new house ) we are here. i cant wait to see my family again. i am sure your family will be very very happy to see you as well. ( they knock on the door ) do you think they are home? i am not sure really? ( door opens ) hi....MARTHA??!! hi mom. hi Martha's mom. how...when....where? we will ex plane everything. well okay, come in kids. have a seat please. okay so tell me how my daughter Martha is alive? ( Miya ex planes everything to Martha's mom ) you kids made such a powerful machine. yes, we did not know the machine would do this, but it did. mom, where is dad? hes at work, but when he comes home he will faint. i am sure he will haha. mom do i have a room in this house? no Martha, because we thought you died so we don't have a room for you, but we can make you a room today. okay, can i play with my friends? sure, but be careful. okay we will. ( they go out side ) well what do we do now? what are we supposed to do. i don't know? we have to find out how to make all your classmates human again. oh right. so how do we make everyone human...? maybe we can use the neck less. how can we activate it tho? maybe you or ally can activate it by thinking about who you want to make human! okay, let me try. ( neck less glows for a second ) i think it worked because your neck less glowed for a second! yay, now i can see all my classmates at school. by the way do you think Elisabeth is human? i think she is. lets go back to your old house Martha. okay, come on guys. ( they go to Martha's old house ) lets go to that secret room.