
Chapter 3

“I’ve been reading all about the Veronica Parker case,” Eris whispered. “It’s a lot more suspicious than Drake made out. What he said about footprints in the snow, he didn’t mention that there weren’t any footprints at all—not even Veronica’s.”

“So?” Roxy shrugged. “They must have been covered with fresh snow before the body was found.”

“No—I checked the weather records. There was no snowfall here the whole of New Year’s Eve and the following day. Something was covered up all right, but it wasn’t footprints—it was the truth. I think Drake’s behind the cover-up, with all that money of his. He may even be responsible for the murder.”

“Murder?” Roxy felt a thrill of excitement.

“Of course. Why else would a perfectly healthy teenager be found dead in a graveyard, without a stitch of clothing on? There’s no other logical explanation.”

“Okay, you’ve got me there,” Roxy conceded. “So where do we start, Nancy Drew?”