
Ghosted (Mafia Princess)

Life isn’t always fairytales and tea parties for an Irish mafia princess. At least not for Rylee Bane! Once thought to be dead this Irish princess becomes a ghosted trained killer seeking revenge. Just one problem. The only man she’s ever loved happens to be the son of one of her targets. Mr. Vincent Santino, New York’s most notorious modern day godfather. What will happen when the Mafia Prince Dante Santino and the Mafia Princess reunite. Will their fate lead to a rekindled love or an inevitable death.

Shelly_Gray_4323 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 18: Heart to heart.

Dante orders Tony the guard with the shaved head to go below and start the cleaning process. Then tells Gram to wait outside. He leans against the captains chair crossing his arms over his chest.

Dante: In what way was he a customer at the Lions Den.

He's asking about the guard from down stairs.

Ryle: It's the Lions den what do you think.

He growls deep in his throat. He knows how the place operates. I've never shared with him any details and for the most part he doesn't ask.

Dante: Did he touch you.

Rylee: No!

Dante: I could tell by Grams expression that Levi was eye fucking you.

Rylee: Dante, I did what I had to in order to get close to Carl and Michael. That meant I had to do my job.

Dante: A job he recognized you from and thinks you're his to look at like he wants to fuck you. So I'm going to ask you again. Did he touch you?

Rylee: No. It was just a standard lap dance.

Dante: How many.

Rylee: Once

Dante: Who was he there with?

Rylee: No one I know? Gram checked all them, they were just some navy boys. Dante he couldn't have known who I was. You're jealousy and possessiveness I'll admit is a bit of a turn on at times but you can't punish the guy. He didn't do anything wrong.

Dante: If he's working for me he'll need to learn his place and learn to respect you.

I huff knowing there's nothing I can say or do. I walk out past Gram down the stairs out onto the doc and disappear in the dark. Though Gram is right behind me. He stays quiet till we get inside the truck.

Gram: Why didn't you tell me you couldn't have kids.

Gram turns in his seat to face me.

I look down at my hands in my lap.

Rylee: I didn't want you to have to worry about me any more than you already do.

Gram: But that's my job kid.

Rylee: You already knew the possibility. You where there when Doc told me.

Gram: I know but, when did you find out you couldn't.

Rylee: The last appointment.

Gram: I knew something was wrong. You know you could have came to me. I don't ever want you to think you can't. You don't need to worry about me.

Rylee: There's nothing you could have done Gram. There's nothing anyone can do. Unless I want to take some drug my Gynecologist mentioned that's illegal in the US and has no guarantee?

Gram: What is it?

Rylee: I didn't ask. She just said to come back if I was interested.

Gram: Are you thinking about it.

Rylee: Maybe. Once all this is over. If Dante still wants me and wants to try.

He grabs and squeezes my hand.

Gram: That man loves you more than anything. Don't ever question his want and need for you. Kids or no. That man is never leaving your side.

I smile and wonder about the possibilities.

Dante's perspective:

I've been working with James for a few years now. Ever since I helped him out of a jam back in Italy. He was working with VPAS one of the groups Rylee does charity's for. It's a group made of vets who help victims of abuse escape their abusers. James was a transporter. His job was to pick up the victims and transport them to safety. It turned out one of my goons was an abuser. Gabriel said someone was trying to kidnap his wife. Needles to say I nearly killed James till he told me the truth. Gabriel's wife confirmed James story and I saw to it that she and her unborn child would never have to live in fear again. Since then James has worked for me and most of my men have been recruited by him personally.

Leo was crazy and yet some how the fucker seemed to know everything , so it should have been no surprise that he linked Rylee, but I needed to make sure there was no one helping him and this Levi guy just became a suspect. I might trust James with my life, but I don't always trust his hires. I head around to the bow of the boat where James has Levi sitting on his knees. With his fingers locked behind his head.

Dante: We need to have a little heart to heart Levi.

He was a Navy boy and had done an excellent job removing Anthony from the cruise ship and transporting him back here. But he could just as well be an infiltrator. I was unsatisfied with Anthony's death and still burning with rage at the thought of this guys hands all over Rylee so I punched him. He picked him self up and got right back into position showing no emotion.

Dante: When and why were you at the Lions den?

Levi: Couple months ago, few of my buddies had just got out of the service and wanted to celebrate.

Dante: How do you know Emma?

Levi: She was our server.

Dante: Is that all?

He glanced up at me with the first sign of fear.

Levi: I didn't know who she was I swear. I still don't actually know who she was or is.

Dante: Is that all!

Levi: One of my buddy's paid for a lap dance for all of us. I swear to you Mr. Santino I didn't know who she was. I didn't even know who your where yet.

Dante: I'm only going to say this one time. She is mine. She is not some stripper whore from the Lions den for you to eye fuck. So the next time I catch you looking at her like that I won't be so generous. Is that clear?

He nods his head.

Levi: Thank you sir.

Dante: It's her you have to thank.

I mumble over my shoulder as I walk away.

Rylees perspective:

Rylee: What's one of the first things you want to do when this is all over and you have your Identity back.

He raises the corner of his lip running a hand through his beard.

Gram: I hadn't really thought about it, to tell you the truth. I kinda like being a ghost. I might remain as such.

Rylee: How are you going to do that as my guard?

He shrugs his shoulder.

Gram: Actually there is one thing!

Rylee: What is it?

Gram: I'd love to hear you play piano again, and then go get stuffed on De Vinci spaghetti and meatballs.

Gram: What about you?

Rylee: Marry Dante if he asks.

Suddenly my door flys open and Dante leans in steeling a kiss.

Dante: Asks what?

He says with a big grin pulling back.

Rylee: What we're having for food I'm starving.

I hop in the back and Dante joins me pulling my legs over his lap holding me by the waist.

Dante: What do you feel like?

Rylee: I don't know? Why don't we just stop at the first dinner off the highway in Delaware.

Gram: Sounds good to me.

Dante: Anything for you baby.

I rest my head on his chest and find myself drifting to the soothing beat of his heart. All too soon the soothing beat turns to rapid pounding. Dante's voice is distant but he's calling my name. As the darkness lifts I look down to see my hands and stomach covered in blood. Dante's screaming my name louder though he still sounds so far away. Another voice is heard more clearly as an image appears a short distance before me.

Mr. Santino: You should have taken the offer Mr. Banes. We could have avoided the blood shed.

The last words Mr. Santino said to my father as he shot him. My fathers body falls forward and Mr. Santino's eyes glare into mine. A sudden pain shoots through my stomach as I fall near my fathers lifeless body. I reach out for him.

Rylee: Daddy

I scream as loud as I could. His cold blue eyes staring off as blood pools around him and begins to swallow me. I am again pulled into darkness.

Dante: Rylee!

Dante's voice booms through the darkness bringing me to the surface. We're in the back of the truck which feels like it's stopped. Dante is staring down at me with worry. Both hands gripping the sides of my face.

Dante: I got you baby. I got you.

The truck door opens and the smell of burgers and fries lifts from my catatonic state. I sit up as Gram is setting the to go bags in the front seat. When his eye search between mine and Dante's with concern.

Rylee: Stop looking at me like that I'm fine. It was just a bad dream. Now come on I'm starving.

Gram looks back at Dante again and so do I.

Rylee: Seriously.

Dante pulls me closer kissing my lips softly. It's short and sweat as he releases me so I can take a bag from Gram. I wolf down half my burger while Dante and I take turns feeding each other fries. Gram devours his burger so he can get back on the road.

Dante: It was about your dad?

Cradled against his chest, I nod to his question knowing he was asking about my dream. I didn't want to talk about it. The fact that it was unlike any dream I had ever had about that night scared me. There's was something different. The blood on my hands and stomach, the pain in my belly, the way my fathers cold eyes stared at me. For the first time I was afraid of death. I could tell Dante wanted me to talk to him about it. He has always been there for me.

He was always the one person I could really talk to about all my fears and dreams with out judgment. My parents where good parents but we always had to be strong in front of them. Gram has continued installing that in me. But sometimes even the strongest person needs someone they can be weak in front of. Dante and I are that for each other. We are each other's strength and weakness.

There is nothing I wouldn't do for this man. He has and will be the only one to ever have my heart. But right now he worries too much as it is. It would be pointless to cause more worry and fear because of a dream. That's all it was, a dream. Hours later we arrive back at the public parking garage where Carlton is waiting to take Dante and I back to our apartment. After Dante and Gram exchange respectful hand shakes Gram calls me back.

Gram: Can I have quick word.

Dante reluctantly lets me go and walks towards the SUV. Gram puts a hand on my shoulder.

Gram: You sure your ok? Last time you had a bad dream Dante got shot.

Rylee: I'm not a fucking psychic. It was just a dream.

His jaw ticks as he scowls at me. I bite the inside of my lip realizing I had just snapped at him.

Rylee: I'm sorry Gram. I din't mean to snap at you. I guess maybe Anthony's reaction kind of got to me. Everyone else remembered and showed fear or some sort emotion in the end. Anthony wasn't even phased. I don't know.

Gram: That's not it!

Rylee: Gram it's nothing. Really.

I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek before running to Dante who's leaning against the side of the SUV with the door open. He snakes his arms around me kissing my forehead before pushing me into the car.