
Ghosted (Mafia Princess)

Life isn’t always fairytales and tea parties for an Irish mafia princess. At least not for Rylee Bane! Once thought to be dead this Irish princess becomes a ghosted trained killer seeking revenge. Just one problem. The only man she’s ever loved happens to be the son of one of her targets. Mr. Vincent Santino, New York’s most notorious modern day godfather. What will happen when the Mafia Prince Dante Santino and the Mafia Princess reunite. Will their fate lead to a rekindled love or an inevitable death.

Shelly_Gray_4323 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 10: Luna Park

For someone who's suppose to be a trained assassin I can't help being excited. We were picking up right where we had left off. Only now he was a total sex god and I was old enough to partake. I quickly called Gram before starting the shower. Of course he wasn't very happy about it at first.

Rylee: Gram you've been stuck with me my whole life. You deserve a day off. You know I'll be fine. I trust Dante with my life as much I do you. Beside we need to re-evaluate the situation but we need to do it with Dante.

Gram: You still have your knives and gun.

Rylee: Yes Gram.

He lets out a gruffly father like huff before giving up.

Gram: Stay alert kid.

Rylee: Always.

I hang up and start the shower while fishing for a spare tooth brush and razor out of my bag and checking my stock of contact lenses. I was going out with Dante as Rylee Banes but I had to look the part of Emma Landry. That's the identity anyone who's looking will find. Canadian born college grad looking for a corporate ladder to climb here in America.

I just finished shaving and was conditioning my hair by the time Dante slipped in behind me.

Rylee: This is another first you can cross off your list. I've never showered with a man before.

I turn around and wink as I rinse my hair. He slides his hand a over my breasts and down my sides to my hips, squeezing and pulling me into his growing erection while taking my mouth and holding my tongue hostage.

Dante: What other things have you never done with a man.

I grab his soap and lather it up in my hands, massaging his muscular chest and down his washboard abs, through the happy trail down the center of a perfectly formed V, to the underneath of his enormous hard cock.

Rylee: Well being that I've never showered with a man before that would also mean I've never gone down on a man in the shower or had sex with a man in the shower.

Dante: You want to know something?

He says against my lips as I stroke him slowly.

Dante: I've never fucked a woman in the ass in the shower before.

I involuntarily squeezed his cock harder at the thought. I had never even thought of having anal sex before, but right then in the very second the thought of Dante turning me around and taking me from behind made my knees give a little.

Dante: You like the idea of that. Me turning you around and fucking that tight little virgin ass.

I let out a shaky breath while stroking him harder and faster. His lips brush over my cheek and across my neck to the sensitive spot below my jaw. He sucks gently on the flesh. He rubs a hand over mine collecting a small amount of his pre cum and soap before gently rubbing it into my ass. Rotating small circles with a finger along the rim.

Dante: Jesus baby you're making me cum.

He slams his body into mine as his finger slips inside the forbidden hole and his hot fluid pours over my hand and lower belly. He pulls the finger out half way then slams against me again thrusting the digit further. He backs out applying small gentle circles in a tease.

Dante: We'll work our way up to that my eager little kink.

We finish washing each other and hurry to get ready for our date. After I've dried off and blown dried my hair I walk into the bedroom just as Dante who has on only a pair of black jeans hanging below his defined hips, is taking a large bag from one of his men at the door. The mans eyes look past Dante's shoulder. It was Erik again. Dante turned his head slightly seeing that I was still just in my towel, he grunts shoving Erik and slamming the door. He turns quickly stalking towards me with darkened eyes. I back up till I hit the back of my knees against the bed. He towered over me grabbing a fist full of my hair from the back of my head in his hand and thrusting his tongue in my mouth.

Dante: Get dressed.

He pulls back and sets the bag on the bed. As if his dominance and protectiveness wasn't enough of a turn on. I was still a roused from

getting him off in the shower. I turn around pulling the items out of the bag as he yanks away the towel placing both arms around my lower belly and presses his erection against my bare ass.

Rylee: No fair. You have me completely wound up.

Dante: That's how I want you when we're at the top of the Ferris wheel. Just how I imagined you would have been back then.

He slaps my ass and disappears in his walk in closet. I lay the clothes out on the bed and admire the cute little black sun dress with thin straps. Not quite spaghetti but just thin enough to go with the thin black silk padded push up bra and matching panties. At the bottom of the bag was a red box. I opened it and couldn't contain the slight happy tears that escaped the corner of my eye. Inside was a pair of black campus adidas with metallic silver stripes. They where my favorite shoes back when we where teenagers.

I would wear them for everything even with by black concert dresses when I played piano. Everything fit like a glove. Dante stepped back out into the bedroom in a plain charcoal gray shirt and matching grey vans. He looked me over letting out a whistle of approval, walking over to me. He grabs my waist and wipes away my tear.

Dante: What's wrong.

Rylee: Absolutely nothing. It's so perfect. You're perfect. I can't believe you remembered the shoes.

We both look down at my feet then I look up and steel a kiss. A long I love you kiss.

Dante: Do you still hate heels.

Rylee: I do. But I've had to endure them.

I giggle.

Dante: You ready to go.

I nod. He pulls another bag out from behind his back. Inside was a small black cross over bag and inside was a new phone.

Rylee: Dante I cant accept the phone. We only use burners sometimes. But it's just too risky to be tracked.

Dante: I know. That's why I'm giving you this one. I already had my guy install state of the art security soft wear. No one could hack or trace you. Not even the Russians.

I raise a brow at the idea. And god damn it he has me aroused again.

Dante: Rylee! I need to know I can get a hold of you if your not with me. If I know you, you'll manage to escape me at some point unless I tie you to the bed.

Rylee: Thank you Dante. It's all very thoughtful. I didn't mean to seem ungrateful.

Dante: I understand baby. I can't blame you but you can trust me.

A toss the bag over my shoulder as Dante places his hand on the small of my back and leads us out the front door. There's a guard at the elevator I hadn't seen before. He looked around James age. Same height but a little bigger. He was clean shaven with black military cut. Dante reaches his hand out.

Dante: Thomas.

The guard shakes his hand then looks my way. His dark brown eyes were almost black.

Dante: Thomas this is my girlfriend Emma.

He was using my cover Emma Landry. He already knew me better than anyone. Other than Gram.

Thomas: Miss

He nodded. I smiled as Dante pressed my lower back moving us onto the elevator.

When we arrived in the private garage Erik was waiting next to charcoal grey Camaro with the engine on. Dante opened the passenger door for me giving me a lingering kiss before I sat down. He closed the door and jogged around the driver side where Erik opened his door and stepped back. It wasn't a Ferrari and honestly I kind of liked the Camaro better. I liked how masculine it was and the vibration it gave as the engine rumbled to life when Dante stepped on the gas.

An hour later we finally arrived at Luna Park.

Dante walked around to open my door. Giving me a peck on the cheek he took my hand and lead us to the ticket booth. Butterflies multiplied in my belly as my heart thumped excitedly. Even though we had already been intimate and he's claimed me as his, this was our first actual date. The date he had planned all those years ago. It was a Monday and the place wasn't overly crowded so we decided to hit every ride in the place. Dante was saving the Farris wheel for last. Torturing me with little touches here and there to keep me constantly on the edge of needing release.

Rylee: Dante, how come I haven't seen any of your guards?

He was standing behind me in line for the coney clipper. Hands wrapped around my waist and chin resting on my shoulder.

Dante: Who needs my guys when you have Gram!

I hadn't seen Gram yet so I was sure Dante hadn't, but we both knew he was there. It was Gram, of course he would be there. He was pissed last night that he couldn't keep up with the Ferrari and lost us on the highway. He was upset with me for giving in so quickly to Dante after all this time. After all the training. So naturally he was going to be on higher alert for the both of us.

Rylee: You seem pretty sure of your self.

Dante: Navy blue Yankees cap just sat down with a coffee at the tables to your left.

His breath tickled my neck as he chuckled. I turned around to face him steeling a peek to my left as I put my arms around Dante's neck pulling him down so his lips are almost touching mine. He was right. It was Gram. I was way to distracted.

Rylee: You are proving to be too much of a distraction.

Dante: But a good distraction I hope.

Rylee: How did you know it was him.

Dante: Honestly I wasn't 100% sure till you just confirmed it.

I pulled back and slapped is arm playfully. But Fuck if that didn't just sting my pride a little realizing what I had just done.

Dante: You're not the only one who's had special training. I knew you would tell him and I understand why. I also knew you slipped your throwing knives into your new purse just before we left. What I didn't know about was the little back up you have strapped to your inner thigh till just now when you pressed up against my leg.

He rubbed his leg between mine causing more arousal as he explores my mouth with his tongue. I had been so turned on since our shower I was about to explode. I wanted him there and now. I needed to feel him inside of me. But our moment was soon ended by the clearing of a throat. An older man with his grandson looked un pleased by our affection and the fact we were holding up the line.

Rylee: Sorry

I spoke shyly over Dante's shoulder and smiled at the little boy who looked to be about Chases age when he..... my eyes watered as Dante grabbed my hand leading us through the fencing to catch back up to the line. He held me tight as if he knew what I thinking.

Dante: Chase?

I nodded. God how did he still know me so well. Was I that predictable.