

Three highschool students are sent to detention where they encounter a mysterious event that would change their lives forever. The event leaves them in a state of coma for nine months, and when they finally become conscious, the Earth had been invaded by Demons and the world had been thrown into complete darkness and peril. In exchange to preserving the rest of humanity from destruction, the Demons decided to rule over Earth as tyrants with mystical powers, making every human a slave in their own world. However, hope is born when Shelby, Julia, and Jordan discover that the mysterious event they had encountered nine months ago had left them with magical abilities. They must now play heroes to redeem mankind back to it's former glory... but the question is, WOULD THEY BE STRONG AND EXPERIENCED ENOUGH? Follow the journey of three teenage highschoolers as they fight for freedom with magic and bravery! ________________________________________ AUTHOR'S NOTE FOR THE READER Hi there, if you're really a fan of fantasy novels dealing with magic especially in an urban setting, young teenage characters, a dash of romance in-between a serious and thrilling story mood, a well-described fight scene, then guess what? this is the right book for you! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't read if you aren't a fan of books involving any of the categories I mentioned above, I strongly recommend this book to anyone who loves reading. However, I would like you to know that I am a very cinematic writer, so try not to get lost at any point in the story because I use the chronological plot with the involvement of lots of flashbacks and flash-forwards. Also, I love to hide information from my readers and reveal them at a specific time when I wish. So while reading, try to be patient. I won't disappoint you or kill your interest, thanks. If you wish to contact me, you can send an email to ariekokoshalom8@gmail.com

A_SDavid · Fantasy
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5 Chs


It was impossible for Kendra to decide to run at this point, there was no direction she threw her face to that wasn't't swarmed with salivating demons. She was like a sheep clothed with stake in the midst of a pack of wolves. She instinctively looks behind her shoulder and found out more of the demons were making use of her blind spot to head for the fresh skin of the teenagers on hospital beds, rather than come directly at her.

" This may be suicidal, but I'm not going to make it easy for you devilish bastards!" She instantly pulls out her second gun in the other pouch like a cowboy in a gunfight, slides underneath the hospital bed to the other side to be ahead of the teenagers she protected and at the same time facing the wave of demons that charged from a certain angle only. With hundred percent accuracy and precision, each bullet she released from her double magnum47 firearm struck the forehead of every demon she made an aim for, she peeks at her blind spot again realizing the demons coming from that direction had gotten closer to the teenagers.

" Oh no you don't! " She crosses her arms, making her left arm shoot at the right direction and her right arm to the left direction. This way, she could simultaneously ward off the demons coming from both sides perfectly, but at a much more slower rate considering the speed and the amount at which they kept coming. Also, despite the fact that she only looked at one direction while shooting at two different directions, her blind shots were still as accurate. The sound of the gun seemed to attract more from all angles including the top of the buildings that formed the alley, so there was no telling for how long and how well this shooting technique would help out. Soon enough, demons began to crawl out of the windows and begin a gradual descent to where Kendra stood. It was only a matter of time until she gets overwhelmed.

" Even the sound of guns won't wake you three?! " Kendra yells at the top of her voice, surprised at the fact that the teenagers were still asleep like babies in a cot. ' Tch, I should be running out of bullets anytime soon. ' She confirms in her head. Despite the realization of that fact, she still earnestly fought with her guns, swinging her arms to different directions at this point. From the top of the buildings, to the windows, down to her left, immediately back to her right, she never missed a shot, yet they gradually got so close that the size of the only space left for her and the teenagers on hospital beds was the width of a theatrical spotlight.

' Click! Click! '

Her gun bails out on her.

" Shit! " Kendra mumbles and spins both guns to hold them by their barrel, ready to use the hard edge of the gun's handle like a hammer and smash her way to survival as they closed in on her. " I guess this is it for me!... " She smiles and tightens her grip on the barrel, waiting for the first demon to reach her arm's length. The first one came, she strikes hard with her right arm, strikes the second behind her with her left, makes a roundhouse kick on the third and then smashes one of her guns so hard that it gets stuck into the head of another one that had almost grabbed Shelby by the leg. She flings her second magnum47 fiercely and damages the eyes of one other that tried reaching Julia from underneath the bed, then hurriedly grabs and breaks it's neck with one swift twist. Every action she made in defense was so fast at the impulse of her combat instincts. At this point, the demons had already clustered around her to the extent that should could not be seen from either sides of the alley. Kendra groans in deep pain as one of the demons takes advantage of her blind spot and crushes in it's fangs into her already bleeding left shoulder, she grabs it by the head and slams it's back on the metal edge of one of the hospital bed, immediately turns around violently and headbutts the next one that ran for her back, crushing it's skull and leaving a cut on her forehead that covered her right eye with her own blood.

" No! " Kendra screams immediately she noticed she was too late to see one of the demons begin to to stick it's claws into Jordan's abdomen. She tries to make a rush to save the teenager, but she's instantly restrained by another demon behind her. It seemed like it was over as she couldn't move, but just then came the rapid ear-splitting blast of the MG-42 machine gun that slices a pathway through the alley and towards Kendra, instantly saving both her and Jordan at the nick of time.

" Did someone call Neo? " He smirks at Kendra from the driver's seat as he pulls the truck over to where she was.

"... and Chris? " Another guy adds from the top of the truck where he had gunned down the demons. " You forgot to add that, dumbo. " He knocks on the metal top of the truck suggesting he was speaking to Neo. All three of them had something similar, a uniformed smart outfit with dark green and black colours and a white dove symbol like a crest on their left chest.

" Is this your five minutes? " Kendra gets up from the floor after she had taken cover from the rapid shooting. Sleeping Shelby, Julia, and Jordan were also safe due to the fact that their beds were not higher than waist level.

" My bad, got tangled in some unnecessary questioning. " Neo winks.

" Guys, we better get moving...more of Lucifer's children are creeping all over this place. " Chris states from the top of the truck. Kendra immediately begins to transport the teenagers from their beds into the back of the truck.

" Help me tie them up, Neo. " Kendra groans while carrying them, her shoulder and forehead still bleeding. " ...and I hope this truck has a medic kit, one of them is injured. " She adds.

" Here they come... " Chris makes the alarm as he prepares the gun for another round of gunfire.

" You know, we're lucky not to have encountered demons above C rank here tonight. All these small fries are way too easy to kill. " Neo states while assisting.

" It's rare to see a B rank demon or above just wandering around places like these. " Kendra responds. " ...except they're Koman officials with a task to carry out. " She adds after a brief pause and slams the backdoor of the truck shut.

" Who are these unconscious people anyway? " Neo asks as he rushes for the wheels, Chris had started gunning down demons that got closer gradually.

" I have no idea. " Kendra responds as she hops in the front seat.

" What?!.. " Neo shrieks and pauses his attempt to start the truck. " ...you want to bring a bunch of ' I have no idea what they are ' beings into the command base? " He adds with wide eyes but Kendra only sighs as a response. " They could be A rank Demons for crying out loud, Ken. "

" Is someone going to drive this truck or not?! I don't think I have enough rounds to last your honeymoon session! " Chris yells.

" Just drive already!...I'll explain on the way. " Kendra finally gives Neo a reply. He shakes his head and starts the ignition, immediately making one swift swerve that turns the truck to the opposite direction.

" This better be good. " He mumbles and zooms off.


[MEANWHILE... Command center, Secret Hideout of The Anti-Demon termination Squad]

The Anti-Demon termination squad is a special unit of tactical warfare that have succeeded in accumulating highly skilled military personnels, martial art combatants, assassins, hitman, members of gang organizations and ex-convicts for the sole purpose of defending humanity and restoring their place as the true and only inhabitants of planet Earth. After the first wave of demon attack on planet Earth, the world leaders were left with a critical decision to either submit totally to the hands of the demon rulers in annihilation or submit totally in slavery. To live as a slave was better than death, so they thought. But the cruel rulership was too much to endure for some. " Let's fight back! " He said, the head commander of the organization, and ever since then, he had created the Anti-Demon termination squad which is secretly funded by some influential and prominent world leaders from different parts of the globe.

" We have news..." The commander, Commander Zan, steps out from amidst a clique of people on a place that seemed like a stage. The secret hideout was an underground bunker built with heavy metallic walls and pillars, massively large entrances with sophisticated gadgets, devices, and armory.

" ...it may be true that we cannot kill A rank Demons yet, and B ranks are very difficult to kill by just one man. It may also be true that magic is superior to bullets and we can never regain Earth with our own hands except a saviour like Christ comes again. " Commander Zan's deep baritone voice resounded for all the squad members assembled to hear. He continues his speech, with arms meeting each other behind him as he walked with a firm and balanced gait that highlighted his broad shoulders and hefty physique.

" Bullshit!...I never believed in such. The likes of gods, demons, angels and the rest...I only believe in the strength of humanity's willpower and intelligence. The dominant living specie in the whole of the milky way galaxy! We are strong! Magic or not...we are intelligent, determined, and we have for centuries conquered challenges with science... " He pauses. " So if the demons have magic, we have science, and that's enough for us to keep fighting. " The volume of his voice dwindles a cheering roar is made.

" For now, the news that I bring from our man on the inside is ... "

" Move! "

A squad member screams from the crowd as people are seen giving way for Neo, Kendra and Chris who carry one of the teenagers each. An arc is formed around them as they get to the front before the platform where the commander stood.

" What is this?! " The vice commander who stood behind the commander makes an attempt to address their disrespect but the commander stops him in his stride, taking note of the three people they laid like mummies before him.

" Explain this. " Commander Zan says. Kendra makes a unique salute known to the squad of placing four fingers of the right arm on the left shoulder. " Commander, I have good news. " She says.

" Go on. "

" I was able to retrieve these three humans from the hospital today after they were examined thoroughly to be non-humans... "

The crowd begins to murmur within themselves.

" And...? " Commander Zan's question to continue silences them.

" Koman officials attacked them as soon as they gained temporal consciousness after encountering an incident and became trapped in coma for nine months. The actions of the Koman officials justifies that these three aren't demons, but non-humans who are likely a big threat to them. " Kendra explains.

" How bold of you! " The vice-commander growls in anger.

" It's fine... " Commander Zan says to his vice and pulls out a Glock 43 handgun from behind him. " since this soldier has failed to understand that I don't put my hopes or believes in anything called fantasy and magic, I'll end both you and these three unconscious demons. " He points the gun directly to Shelby's head from where he stood.

" Commander, these three might be the ultimate weapon we need against the demons!... An edge that can guarantee us victory in coming battles!... " Kendra's tone and volume seemed to lose it's reverence and respect to the person she spoke to.

" Silence, soldier! " The vice commander barks at her in his usual harsh and unwelcoming manner.

" Go back to hell from where you came. "

Commander Zan pulls the trigger and the bullet is sent at sonic speed.

Next Chapter - NINE MONTHS AGO PT. 2

Nine months ago, Isis and Demon King Casta's battle from Velheim reaches Earth in a detention class. What then happens to the witnesses of the supernatural act? Transformed? Killed? or Mutated?

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