
Ghost Stories: To Read Before Death

A 666 Chapter of ghost stories to read before death. Can you reach 666?

Screen_Gaming · Horror
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66 Chs

The Demons Penny

In the quiet town of Millfield, there existed a peculiar legend passed down through generations. It spoke of a demon named Mephistar, a sinister entity who offered help in exchange for something far more precious than money.

The legend began to resurface one dreary autumn when times were tough. Jobs were scarce, and many townsfolk struggled to make ends meet. Desperation drove people to consider even the darkest of bargains.

Young Emily, a struggling single mother, was at her wit's end. Her daughter, Lily, was ill, and she couldn't afford the medicine. One evening, as she sat by the fireplace, cradling her daughter in her arms, she remembered the old tale her grandmother used to tell. It was about Mephistar, the demon who could give you a penny but would take a leg in return.

That night, with a heavy heart and a mind clouded by despair, Emily whispered the demon's name three times into the mirror. The room grew cold, and the shadows seemed to deepen. Suddenly, the mirror's surface rippled like water, and a figure emerged. Mephistar stood before her, a ghastly apparition with hollow eyes and a chilling smile.

"You called, Emily?" His voice was a whisper that echoed in her mind.

"Yes," she stammered. "I need money for my daughter's medicine. Just a penny, please."

Mephistar's smile widened, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "A penny, you say? In exchange, I will take your leg. Do you accept?"

Emily hesitated. The thought of losing her leg was terrifying, but her daughter's life hung in the balance. She nodded slowly, tears streaming down her face. "I accept."

The demon's laughter echoed through the room as he snapped his fingers. In her hand, Emily found a single, shiny penny. At the same moment, an excruciating pain shot through her leg. She collapsed, screaming, as her leg withered away, leaving only a stump.

With the penny, Emily managed to buy the medicine Lily needed. The townsfolk whispered about her sudden misfortune, but she kept the truth hidden, fearing they would call her mad.

Word of the demon's bargain spread quickly. Desperate people began to seek Mephistar, each asking for a penny in exchange for a leg. Some tried to outsmart him, hoping he would take a less significant leg or somehow spare them the pain. But Mephistar was true to his word, always taking a leg and leaving them with a penny.

John, a local gambler with mounting debts, thought he could trick the demon. "Just a penny," he asked. "Take my left leg." Mephistar obliged, but instead of taking John's withered leg from an old injury, he took the right one, healthy and strong. John was left to hobble on a crutch, cursing his greed.

As the legend grew, so did the fear. People began to notice the pattern—those who sought Mephistar's help always paid dearly. The town's atmosphere grew tense, and an unspoken agreement formed among the townsfolk: never utter Mephistar's name, no matter the desperation.

Years passed, and Emily, now older and walking with a wooden leg, shared the tale with her daughter. "Remember, Lily," she warned. "Some bargains are too costly. Desperation can lead you to dark places."

But curiosity often overpowers caution. One cold winter night, Lily found herself facing her own desperate situation. She needed money to save the family home from being taken away. She stood before the same mirror her mother had used years ago, and with a shaky breath, she whispered, "Mephistar, Mephistar, Mephistar."

The air grew frigid, and the familiar figure of Mephistar appeared. "Ah, young Lily. Following in your mother's footsteps?"

"I need a penny," Lily said, her voice trembling. "Take my leg."

The demon's eyes gleamed with malevolent delight. "As you wish."

With a snap of his fingers, Lily felt a searing pain shoot through her leg. She screamed, collapsing to the ground, as her leg withered away. In her hand, she found the penny, just as her mother had.

Mephistar's laughter echoed through the house as he vanished, leaving Lily to her fate. The townsfolk found her the next morning, clutching the penny, her face etched with pain and despair.

The legend of Mephistar, the demon who gave a penny but took a leg, became a cautionary tale for the people of Millfield. The fear of uttering his name kept the townsfolk from seeking his help, and the story served as a grim reminder that some bargains are too costly to make.

In the end, Mephistar remained a shadowy figure in their collective memory, a symbol of the peril that comes with desperation and the high price of dark bargains. And so, the town of Millfield learned to endure its hardships, knowing that some things were better left unsaid, and some names were never to be spoken.

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