
Ghost Stories: To Read Before Death

A 666 Chapter of ghost stories to read before death. Can you reach 666?

Screen_Gaming · Horror
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65 Chs

A Jarring Loop

Tony's life had shattered the night his family was lost. Driving through the desolate countryside, a strange figure had darted onto the road, causing Tony to swerve and crash into a tree. The memory of that night haunted him, a blur of twisted metal and screams that echoed endlessly in his mind.

With his family gone, Tony wandered aimlessly, his heart a hollow shell. He found himself in a small, unfamiliar town as dusk settled in. The townsfolk, seeing the lost look in his eyes and the weariness in his steps, welcomed him with surprising warmth. They offered him food and a place to rest, insisting he stay the night. Grateful and exhausted, Tony accepted their hospitality, hoping for a brief reprieve from his sorrow.

As night fell, Tony drifted into a restless sleep, the events of the previous night replaying in his mind. He tossed and turned, the horrors of his loss mingling with the strange kindness of the villagers. Suddenly, he awoke drenched in sweat, feeling an intense heat surrounding him.

Opening his eyes, Tony was greeted by a surreal and horrifying sight. The villagers, now dressed in bizarre, ritualistic garments, surrounded him. They chanted in a language he didn't understand, their eyes gleaming with a fervor that sent chills down his spine. He realized with growing terror that he was bound and lying in a massive iron pot, a fire blazing beneath it.

Panic seized him as he thrashed against his restraints, his screams joining the villagers' eerie chants. The heat grew unbearable, and the realization that he was about to be cooked alive sent a wave of despair crashing over him. The villagers' faces twisted into grotesque masks of joy and anticipation, their chanting growing louder and more frenzied.

As Tony's vision blurred and the heat became unbearable, he felt a sudden, jarring shift. The chanting faded, the heat dissipated, and the grotesque faces of the villagers were replaced by the familiar darkness of the road.

Tony found himself back in his car, his family beside him, the strange figure once again illuminated by the headlights. Time seemed to slow as he swerved to avoid it, the car skidding off the road and crashing into a tree. The impact jolted him awake, his heart pounding, his body drenched in sweat.

He was back in his car, his family beside him, but something felt different this time. He glanced in the rear-view mirror, expecting to see the strange figure, but there was nothing there. Confused and terrified, he looked around, realizing he was alone in the car, the town, and the nightmare had been a horrific hallucination.

But as he sat there, trying to catch his breath, a chilling thought crept into his mind. What if the nightmare was real? What if he was trapped in an endless loop of terror, forced to relive the same horrifying events over and over again?

As the night stretched on, Tony knew he couldn't escape the haunting memories of that strange town and the terrible fate he had narrowly avoided. And as the darkness closed in around him once more, he realized that some nightmares were impossible to wake up from.