
Ghost Rider: Long Live Vengeance

Cain Blaze, the son of Johnny Blaze and Roxanne Simpson-Blaze, is the perfect host of Zarathos, the spirit of vengeance. He begins his journey to become not just a hero or a legend, but a force of vengeance, because what the world needs is a monster.

Dark_Blaze10 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

A harsh but peaceful reality check

We see the city at night, showing its bright and beautiful lights. We see people walking around, finishing their jobs, and heading home to see their family or going out to eat. 

We see Cain walking around, enjoying the peaceful silence where there is nothing troubling. He takes that as a break and enjoys what New York has to offer. He sees something he doesn't see every day: a sign that says Spotlight Diner.

He sees this as a good sign to have something to eat. He went inside, sat in a booth, and met a waitress on the other side of the counter. He recognized her.

"Welcome to Spotlight, how can I take your order?" The waitress had a notepad and a pen ready to go, and when she was about to hand the menu to him, he asked, "What's the best burger you have here?" He looked into her eyes, knowing exactly what he wanted.

"We have a bacon double cheeseburger to die for, but we call it the Rider Burger," she said with a glint in her eyes.

Cain laughed, understanding what she was talking about. "The Rider Burger, as in the Ghost Rider, huh?" he said with a small smile on his face.

"Hahaha, yeah, the Ghost Rider rides around the city protecting the innocent and vanquishing the evil," she laughed while explaining why she admires him.

"I'll take the Rider Burger that will be middome rare and a Dr. Pepper," Cain said with a smile. He noticed a slight redness in her cheeks as if she was blushing. "Well, coming right up, handsome, that would be 5$," she said, winking at him as she finished taking his order and getting the pay for the food. She then turned around and sent the order note to the chef who was cooking.

He looked around and saw about six customers chatting with their friends or family. When he turned around, he was met with a delicious burger, fries, and a Dr. Pepper.

"Here's your order, handsome," she said with a seductive tone, leaning on the counter with her hand supporting her head as she looked at him. 

He took a big bite and loved the taste. "Oh my god, that was so fast, and this burger is so good," he said, looking at her in amazement, wondering why the burger tasted so good.

"Haha, you're not from around here, are you?" she said, looking at him with amusement in her eyes. "No, I travel a lot, nowhere to call home," he replied with a normal tone, continuing to eat while chatting with her.

"That's kinda sad you know but you see beautiful things right" She looked sad hearing what he just said but she tried to cheer him up. He took a moment to think about it while looking at his plate and took a sip of his drink "Yeah I see amazing things like when I'm at the top of the mountain taking a break from driving watching the sun go down and remember the little things I do".

"That's sounds really amazing where you from actually" She looked at him with interest in hearing his story.

"Texas where it is always hot barely rains and sometimes it is a miracle when it snows" he was trying to lighten up the mood. She was surprised to hear where he came from "That far wow".

"Yeah, it is. Hey, can I ask you a question I don't want to sound like a dick", Cain said Looking at her well eating some fries.

"Well let's hope it's not a dick move then," She said leaning forward now. He nodded so he spoke in a calm tone"Aren't you that girl on the TV who encountered The Ghost Riders" 

When she heard what he was talking about she took a deep breath, "Yeah I am". Cain saw something he hadn't seen every day since he started doing vigilante so he kept questioning her, "What do you think about him when you first saw him".

She looked down at her hands remembering when she saw so she spoke with a low tone "When I first saw him I was scared knowing I just saw a Demon that looked like it just came out of hell itself". When Cain heard that he looked down smirking knowing where this would all go he was about to speak up but she kept on talking "But it wasn't just that when I saw him. I was about to scream but something happened. I felt the heat radiating out of him. It was like warmth or comfort like a Guardian Angel coming to save me and that right there I knew nothing was going to happen to me".

She looked up straight into his eyes and he knew she was telling the truth because he could see her soul speaking what her heart thought too. 

"How could you tell about that then" Cain wants to know why she sees in him. "Well after when he got caught on camera he stepped out of the shadows. He just proved to me why I think he's a hero like a Gaudian Angle watching over us and protecting us he is after all God's Wrath". When Cain heard her say the last words that she spoke took him by surprise. 

"How did you know his God's Wrath" Looking at her surprised. she looked at him in confusion "Well there is a website about the spirit of vengeance story"

"Really and tell me what is his story then if you don't mind me asking" Cain wants to know if they know all of Zarathos' history. 

"Well there isn't much about him it's just he was the Angle of Justice, or the Spirit of Justice, created and sent; by God to protect the innocent on Earth. But he was tricked and captured; by demons. Brought down to hell, he was corrupted and tortured; with visions of humanity depravity; until he went insane" She said of what she knew about the story but Cain's hands turned white when he heard her telling that story. 

"It's a lie it's ALL A LIE" Cain can hear Zarathos screaming in his mind and he agrees too because that story was all a lie but he doesn't show it in his face.


"Why you and I both know what's the truth behind all that craped story"

"And we will because I know who did this"

"Fine but we're killing HIM"

"You need to calm down. I will deal with this okay"


"Wow, that's a good story" Cain with a surprised expression listening to the story. "I know but the story doesn't add up but-"She sees the clock that is 11:00 P.M. "My shift ended and I really got to go but it's nice knowing you I hope I get to see you coming back here" She started getting ready and when she was done she looked up a remember something that she forgot "By the way names Natalie Lopez if you come back again".

"I'll remember when I come back" Cain smiled knowing this was going to be his favorite place to eat here. 

"Well bye then until will meet again"

"I'm looking forward to it"

When he heard the door close it was quiet while he heard people chatting he was enjoying his peace and when he finished his food he sighed knowing what was about to happen next.

"So you enjoy the show" He looked to his right to see a man who was two stools away from him who is dark skinned and wearing all black with a trenchcoat but what got his attention was the eye patch.

"You hard to find Ghost Rider no matches on Prince, DNA, Dental, No Name, and No other alias" The eye patch man is giving him details of who Cain is while getting up to sit next to him. When he sat he kept on talking "The Rider who thinks he's above the law the Names -"

Cain Cut him off "Nick Fury who was a World War ll veteran who lost his eye in a grenade attack and led the Howling Commandos. You are also a master strategist who rises through the ranks of the U.S Army and becomes a CIA operative during the Cold War and your aging is slowed by regular doses of an infinity formula, allowing you to remain active". When Nick heard this he was surprised and when he was about to reach his gun under his trenchcoat but he heard Cain keep talking "I wasn't finished yet and you were eventually directing the anti-terrorist agency that is called S.H.I.E.L.D. and if you put your gun out you and the rest of your spies will die right here were you all stand", When he said that the whole restaurant was quiet.

Cain clapped his hand slowly "I got to give to you all you guys are good spies, but what I hate about your organization is you like to keep secrets but you don't like it when someone else keeps secrets from you all." He turned around and leaned on the booth looking at everyone else who are sweating from their forehead.

He looked to his left to see a man was about to reach his gun "Don't even think about it Carols". When he said that Carols froze not knowing how he knew his name. Cain looked around seeing everyone who was shocked or scared "You all wondering how I know Carols' name right Genson, Mason, Abby Eddie, and Mandie". People started to get scared now but he kept continuing "I can see right through your soul and I want to see your reaction if I meet one of your family because I know where you live and if you hide I'll find you. So I'll say this put your weapon at your Boss".

Nick didn't know what was happening because he thought he had the higher ground and got him trapped so he could negotiate with the man who thought he was above the law. Meeting him right now reminds him of someone from the past he wished he had never crossed with so when he sees his fellow soldiers reaching for their guns with faces that look scared of what to do.


They pulled their guns admittedly at Nike Fury who was shocked when he turned he had met the devil's eyes. That is looking at him straight to his soul.

"Now I have the Higher ground, Nikkie"

When Nick heard that he knew who is he up against he didn't know he was facing his student whose name he said was a nickname he wished he had ever met.

That Nickname who gave it to him was
