
Ghost Rider in Twilight/TVD/TO

Shiva was a 28-year-old teenager who died in a car crash and was reborn with the power of Ghost Rider in the Twilight and TVD (The Vampire Diaries) world. . . . Arthur's Note: My grammar may not be the best, but I'm working on improving it. I don't own any of the characters, only my original character (OC). I would appreciate feedback and support if you enjoy the story. I will be updating it three to four days a week.

Sanjay_K_L · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Chapter 32: Fear Of Pennywise.

When Jojo heard Pennywise's taunts, he completely ignored him and walked inside the house. While walking inside, he suddenly heard the sound of things falling.

Without wasting any time, Jojo entered the room.

As Jojo entered, the door behind him shut, and zombies of Pennywise's victims began emerging, breaking through the walls and floor of the room.

Jojo swiftly swung the chain, covered in hellfire, at the zombies, causing them to crumble to ashes upon contact.



Jojo roared in annoyance and easily broke down the door that had shut upon his entry, sending it flying.

He continued deeper into the house, but there was no response from Pennywise.

"Why are you helping them? Aren't you one of us?" Pennywise questioned Jojo from the darkness, confusion is evident in his voice.

Upon hearing Pennywise, Jojo sneered inwardly at the clown's mistaken belief that he was one of Pennywise's allies.

Jojo arrived at a door with the words "Very Scary," "Scary," and "Not Scary" written in bold letters using blood.

"Fool, trying to make me choose the wrong path," Jojo said and confidently walked straight into the room marked "Not Scary."

As he entered the room, darkness enveloped him.

When Jojo took a step forward, he was greeted by a woman whose body was torn in half, missing the lower half.

Blood continuously flowed from her body. Undeterred, Jojo walked toward the chained woman.

Suddenly, the woman came to life, screaming with a haunting voice.


Jojo shouted and sliced the woman's body in half using the hellfire-infused chain. He continued walking deeper into the dark room.

After some time, Jojo reached another door. With a burst of fire, he blasted the door open and entered the room.

To his surprise, the room was empty, except for a deep pit on the floor.

"Hmm... Should I enter the rat hole?" Jojo pondered while inspecting the pit. He then jumped into the pit, balancing himself as he slid downwards.

While descending, Jojo noticed an opening in one of the walls within the pit. He entered the opening, continuing his journey.

The water inside the opening rose, covering the lower half of his body, releasing vapor as he stood in it.

As he ventured deeper, he realized the water was filled with the heads, arms, legs, and other body parts of the deceased.

"Shit, clown... Pray I don't catch you; otherwise, you will suffer,"

Jojo expressed his disdain, even though he was in the Ghost Rider form, currently wading through water filled with dead body parts.

Feeling uncomfortable, Jojo suddenly found himself grabbed by numerous arms emerging from the water, attempting to pull him in.


Enraged, Jojo, screamed, intensifying the flames within him. In a burst of fire, the hands holding him were sent flying.

"You..." Jojo resumed walking, now furious with Pennywise, determined to teach him a lesson.

After walking for some time, he reached the center of an old well filled with garbage.

There, he found Beverly floating in front of him. Without hesitation, Jojo swiftly reached her, caught her, and pulled her down.

After bringing her down, Beverly fell unconscious.

"Hehe... I didn't expect you to arrive so quickly," Pennywise said, perched atop one of the old plastic tanks.

"Why?" Pennywise asked, wearing a curious expression.

Jojo looked at Pennywise with dead eyes, realizing that the clown still believed he was one of them.

"Fool, I am not one of you; I am the one who will vanquish you all," Jojo sneered and began walking toward Pennywise.

"Hahaha... Unfortunately, you will die here," Pennywise replied, transforming into his final form.

Pennywise grew taller, his face turning inhuman, and his teeth becoming razor-sharp, resembling a shark's mouth.

Numerous hands and legs sprouted from his body, allowing him to stand like a spider.

Instead of palms and feet, his appendages turned into blades.

Jojo regarded Pennywise as nothing more than a money bank, took his chain, and glared at Pennywise intently.

"Shall we begin?" Jojo said, moving so fast that Pennywise couldn't react.

In the next moment, Pennywise's hand was sent flying, turning into ashes in the air.

This happened before Pennywise could react in time.

Pennywise's eyes widened in surprise as he witnessed Jojo's incredible speed.

Previously, Pennywise had confidence in himself because, in their previous encounter, Jojo hadn't fought at full strength.

Now, seeing Jojo's speed, Pennywise became anxious, flailing around in panic.

Jojo effortlessly evaded each of Pennywise's attacks, taunting him along the way.

"What... Are you scared?" Jojo mocked Pennywise, observing the clown's hideous face.

With his chain, Jojo began severing Pennywise's extra hands and legs, all the while taunting him.

Pennywise's face contorted in ugliness as he grew overwhelmed by Jojo. Unable to instill fear in Jojo, Pennywise's powers were severely weakened.

"Don't come near me!" Pennywise panicked, continuously retreating.

"What happened to the almighty shit?" Jojo cut off every extra hand and leg, causing Pennywise's size to shrink due to his fear of Jojo. This further debilitated the clown.

"Welcome to hell, your home," Jojo declared.

Jojo relentlessly punched Pennywise's face, causing his size to steadily diminish. Jojo then mercilessly kicked him.

Although Jojo could have killed Pennywise within seconds, he wanted to personally defeat him out of pure irritation.

Pennywise transformed into the form of a small, newborn child.


Before Pennywise could finish his plea, Jojo's leg crashed into his vulnerable chest, penetrating his body.

Pennywise's body began to burn and disintegrate in the intense heat, turning to dust.

Dead bodies that were floating on top of the closed well started to come down after falling to the ground they turned to dust like they never existed.

After some time, Beverly woke up and looked around anxiously. but didn't find the clown and sighed... in relief.

Later her gaze fell on Jojo who was smiling at her brightly like he was refreshed.


(Author's POV)

Thanks for reading the chapter! please give a review for this chapter and power stone!!!