Ghost Raider in DC universe
On one of the three Rail Gun platforms known as the Cairo Sean was getting some new tech added to himself for battle. As this was going on Cruisers from the Republic, Covenant and other allies were arriving for the briefing on the Dark Rider's weakness.
"The Third energy works like a charm. Now we know the Dark Rider can be injured or better yet killed." Kirk said adding the final adjustments to the Tech Sean and the other Riders were given. "Still I can't seem to find any information on his true identity." Kirk said.
"We'll worry about that later." Sean said.
"No, we need to worry about that now. If we can find any information about him we might be able to learn where his connection to his power comes from." Kirk said.
"Meaning what?" Sean asked.
"It's under my belief that the Ghost Rider state is actually a bloodline like this from the Ninja lands. Yours being the leader during every generation when the world was consumed by evil. If we find out who his father was we can prevent this from happening again." Kirk said before handing him back his chain that was submerged in Third Energy.
"Hmm. I guess that does make sense. However though thats only partially true. Yes it is a bloodline. But Horus told me that the Rider spirit can also chose those who are worthy." Sean said.
"If thats the case one spirit choose poorly." Kirk said before the final adjustments were made. "There. Now you'll all be ready to face him again." Kirk said before a solider known as Sargent Major Johnson entered the room.
"Commander. The others have arrived." Johnson said.
"Good." Sean said as they walked to the meeting room were various leaders were at.
"Ah there you are. So what is so important you needed all of us here?" Tarken asked.
"As many of you know the Dark Rider has been a threat to all of us for over a year and a half. Showing all the traits and abilities of the Riders including very little weakness. However recently a friend of mine created something that changes that." Sean said as Kirk walked forward.
"You found his weakness?" Truth asked.
"Indeed. Third Energy a creation of mine for unlimited energy for the alliance as well as a power booster for the Ghost Riders. For the Dark Rider however it weakens him drastically." Kirk said showing a video of the fight 3 days ago. "Every conventional weapon added with Third Energy can be used to weaken or kill him. Even plasma based weapons or regular bullets can be used against him if Third Energy is added to it." Kirk said.
"How did you find out about this?" Mace asked.
"A few years ago I was given a sample of Energy that was unknown to me. When I tested it with Third Energy it was weakened drastically till it vanished. I finally made the connection to the Energy with the Dark Rider before Ultron finally appeared. Since then I spent countless hours improving Third Energy to be weaponized against him." Kirk said.
"So at last we finally have a means to defeat him." Regret said.
"Yes. But during our confrontation we also finally found out what he looks like without that mask." Sean said showing his face. "His identity remains unknown though. But we did finally find the connection between him and the Red Claw." Sean said.
"And what connection is that?" Batman asked.
"The Red claw was his mother." Sean said surprising them all.
"So all of this is for getting revenge." Obi-Wan said.
"Yes. I understand his anger more than anyone as do many in this room." Sean said getting those Like Batman and various others to agree.
"This is what she meant by only she could control him." Green arrow said.
"Yes." Sean said.
"So how do we lure him out now?" Leo asked.
"Thats a good question. We still have no idea where his main base is." Sean said before the alarms activated.
"Ah hell." Talbot said.
"What is it now?" Lane asked before Sean looked at the monitor.
"A large amount of Enemy Cruisers approaching the Planet. Numbered in the hundreds." Sean said.
"I'm assuming this is payback for us kicking his butt." Raph said.
"Incoming boarding craft and lots of them." Donny said.
"Their gonna try to destroy the stations." Sean said.
"Then I suggest we prepare for battle." The Arbiter said.
The others went to their cruisers readying for battle while a small few stayed behind on the Cairo.
Sean with Gail, Raph, Karai and Reznov went to fight the enemy that boarded the Cairo.
"Stand by their latched." Donny said. "Check your targets watch the crossfire. Regular Battle Droids in front. Locust in the back." Donny said.
"I hear ya." Sean said as the enemy started cutting through the door.
"This is gonna be fun." Raph said twirling his Sais around.
"Don't do anything stupid." Gail said aiming his weapon at the door before the door exploded and the enemy started rushing in only for them to be taken down.
"For the Regime!" One of the Locust said before Sean grabbed its head and snapped it.
"The Regime?" Karai said confused.
"Guess thats the name of their alliance." Sean said. (I had to pick a name for them since calling them enemies was just dumb)
"Find the next boarding party and stop them. We still have no idea what they're doing here." Donny said.
"Got it." Sean said as they rushed through the enemy before they found the next room full of droids that were easily taken down.
"Hey looks like the Malta have driving off their boarders." Reznov said.
"Malta what is your status?" Donny asked.
"I don't believe it. They're retreating we've won!" The commanding officer of the Malta said right before it blew up.
"WHOA!" Raph said.
"No." Karai said in shock.
"The hell just happened?" Sean asked.
"I don't know. Maybe a malfunction?" Donny said.
"I doubt it! I spent billions on these rail gun platforms." Sean said.
"Then they must have done something." Gail said.
They rushed to the next landing pad room and cleared out the Regime before they saw the same thing as before.
"They're leaving the Athens." Reznov said before it exploded.
"Damn!" Sean yelled. "Cortana what is doing that?" Sean asked.
"Those explosions came from inside. A bomb most likely." Cortana said.
"Then they must have brought one here as well." Donny said looking through the security system. "I'll search for it but it will take time." Donny said.
"We don't have time." Raph said.
"We'll deal with it later." Sean said as they grouped up with Leo, Julia, Karasuba, Regina and Hellboy.
"We heard what happened. We think the bomb might be at the other end of the facility." Hellboy said.
"Makes sense." Sean said.
"Whoa look at the size of that cruiser!" Donny said as a massive Cruiser flew right by them. (Picture the Malevolence from Star wars the clone wars)
"It just flat out ignored us." Mikey said.
"Must have another objective on the ground." Sean said as he put on a mask to breathe outside the station to get to the other side where the bomb was while fighting off the Regime.
"Just so you know theres a large number of Droids and Locust. You may need to get creative." Cortana said.
"Don't I always?" Sean asked before he entered the room and immidielty charged at the Regime and killed them all with ease. Cortana soon appeared on a terminal.
"Get me on that bomb now!" Cortana said making him transfer her into a device on his wrest and placed his hand on the bomb and stopped it.
"How much time was left?" Sean asked.
"You don't want to know." Cortana said.
"We're heading straight for the second largest cruiser." Tarken said.
"Negative Tarken. Not against a ship of that size." Lane said.
"Sam. Permission to leave the station." Sean said.
"For what purpose." Lane asked.
"To give the Regime back their bomb." Sean said making him smirk.
"Permission granted." Lane said getting Sean to drag the bomb to the cargo hold.
"I know what you're doing and its crazy." Cortana said.
"So stay here." Sean said.
"Unfortunately for us both...I like crazy." Cortana said as they entered the cargo hold seeing various Regime Cruisers fighting against the Alliance. Sean was just about to open the doors. "Just one question? What if you miss?" Cortana asked.
"I won't." Sean said before opening the doors and grabbed the Bomb before directing it to the second largest cruiser. Passing by him were dozens of ships before two bombers blew a hole into the targeted cruiser before Sean flew in and reactivated the bomb and flew out just as it exploded before landing on the Forward unto dawn.
"For a brick. He flew pretty good." Johnson said.
"I heard that." Sean said.
"Son get inside. We're taking this fight to the surface." Captain Keys said.
Soon a small few cruisers were on the surface loading off troops.
"This is strange. It looks like that cruiser is looking for something outside the city." Cortana said.
"Any idea what it is?" Keys asked.
"If I'm reading this right it has something to do with the Forerunners. They may have left something behind on Earth." Cortana said.
"That explains why they brought everything here. Forerunner tech can change the tide of any war." Sean said.
"You mean like last time when you recovered those ships?" Keys asked.
"I believe so." Sean said.
"Then I suggest we..." Was as far as Keys got before one of the buildings collapsed and a large tank known as a Protodeka. (Look it up from the Clone wars 2002 video game)
"Whoa." Sean said before the tank started firing at them and downed the gun ships.
"Oh shit!" Reznov yelled as they crashed.
Sean slowly got up with a groan.
"You ok?" Cortana asked.
"I'll live." Sean said.
"Which is more then I can say for the others." Johnson said as only he, Sean, Reznov and Karai survived the crash.
"Anyone copy?" Sean asked.
"Yeah we're good." Hellboy said with him was Raph, Leo, Mikey, Donny and Gail.
"We're good." Regina said with Julia, Sargent Hawk, Karasuba and Rick.
"We need to regroup." Sean said before he and his group rushed off to find the others and along the way fought off the Regime. Soon they reached the road and found the others.
"We're gonna need transport." Gail said.
"Copy that." Keys said sending them a few warthogs down to them.
"This should get the job done." Hellboy said as he got on the turret.
"Lets go." Sean said as they drove through the highway. "Cortana. Have you been able to hack into their communications?" Sean asked.
"So far the largest Cruiser known as the Malevolence hasn't moved since it got outside the city. I believe its scanning for something." Cortana said.
"Do you know if any of our top targets are here?" Gail asked.
"Ultron, Doom and Makarov are here thats for sure. But no signs of the Dark Rider." Cortana said.
"Probably still recovering from his injuries." Leo said.
"More than likely. Plus this gives us a chance to finally take down three of our most wanted targets." Sean said before the ceiling came down because of the Protodeka. "Damn that thing is annoying." Sean said.
"It's another droid. Most have cost a fortune to build." Cortana said.
"I don't care what it is. It has to have a weakness." Hellboy said.
"It does. The most effective way to destroy it is from the inside. Theres a small crew inside piloting and directing it." Cortana said.
"Then we need to get inside." Sean said as they came out of the tunnel and found Sandman and his team alone with Delta squad.
"Damn thing blew right through us." Marcus said before a few tanks were dropped down.
"Figured you could use the extra firepower.
"Thanks." Sean said as he got in the driver seat.
Moving past the bridge they fought off the Regimes tanks and along the way found other troops to join them before they reached a small platoon.
"That thing is starting to piss me off." Section said as he approached Sean and the others.
"Thats makes two of us." Sean said.
"Theres a jump off point where you can use to get inside that thing." Salazar said.
"Good lets go." Sean said as they rushed after the tank before Sean jumped right on it and entered the thing before killing the crew and entered the self destruct sequence destroying it.
"Nice work." Marcus said pulling Sean up.
"Commander the rest of the enemy fleet is leaving the battle and coming straight down to Earth by the Malevolence." Keys said.
"Why are they coming down here?" Sean asked before the site where the Malevolence was at lit up before the ground began to crumble away leaving only metal showing a Forerunner device.
"Spark?" Sean asked as the flying orb appeared. "What is that thing?" Sean asked.
"Hmm. If I recall correctly that is a teleportation device. The Forerunners built several before. But If I recall correctly this one leads to the Arc." Spark said.
"The Arc? Whats that?" Sean asked.
"The Arc is the control center for all the Halo rings. With it the Forerunners activated all the rings at the same time without the Indexes." Spark said.
"Wait the Regime is going to activate the Halo rings?" Reznov asked in shock as the device began to activate before a large shockwave sent everyone back leaving only a blue transport sphere behind.
"What did Ultron just do!" Lane yelled. "Did he activate the rings!" Lane yelled.
"No. That only leads to the Arc. But theres still time to stop him." Sean said as about 30 Regime cruisers went into the sphere and vanished before the rest left the Earth.
"The rest of the Regime is leaving." Eiling said.
"So have Doom and Makarov." Cortana said.
"That leaves just Ultron." Sean said.
"We need to go after him and stop him." Sandman said.
"I know. Talbot prepare every cruiser thats available." Sean said.
"Already on it." Talbot said.
Minutes later
"Why would Ultron wish to Activate the rings?" The Arbiter asked.
"He believes all life is a plague. With the Rings he can kill every living thing in an instant." Sean said.
"We must stop him at once. If he activates the rings...It's all over." Mace said.
"We will. We're sending in everything to stop him." Sean said.
"And what if we can't?" A brute known as Tartarus said.
"Then our only hope would be to destroy every halo ring that we can find before he activates the rings." Sean said.
"We only know the location of three of the remaining rings after we destroyed the first one we found." Regret said.
"If we get to the Arc perhaps we can learn of the locations of the other three remaining rings." The Arbiter said.
"Then I suggest we get moving." Sean said.
Soon enough Half of fleet went through the sphere into unknown territory.
Minutes later
The entire fleet soon emerged space by a strange halo like object before the Regime's fleet was seen.
"Regime ships staggered line. We outnumber them 3 to 1." An Elite said.
"We are not here to fight fairly this time." The Shipmaster said. "All Ships fire at will. Burn these scum bags." Shipmaster said.
"Ultron's ship isn't taking place in the attack." Cortana said as Sean and the others boarded drop ships to land on the surface.
"We're reading anti Air guns on the surface. Before we can land we need those guns out of the way." Tarken said.
"Understood." Sean said. With him was Green Arrow, Flash, Sandman and Hellboy.
"Lets get going boys." Hellboy said as the dropped to the surface.
"Uh is anyone else seeing this?" Flash asked pointing up.
"What?" Green arrow asked before he looked up at the sky seeing their galaxy.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Sean said.
"What is it?" Tarken asked.
"We're outside our galaxy for god sakes." Sean said.
"Thats not possible." Tarken said.
"I guess it makes sense. In order to prevent just anyone from activating the Ark at random the Forerunners placed it here." Sean said.
"Find the Arc control center." Tarken said.
"First we need tanks on the ground. We're heading to the anti air guns." Sean said as they went towards the enemy guns before taking them out.
"Anti Air defenses have been eliminated." Sandman said.
"Understood. Forward Unto dawn is on the way." Keys said.
"Whoa. Is Dawn ready for Atmosphere?" Hellboy asked before it quickly arrived blowing some sand away before it loaded off the tanks.
"I call the Scarab." Flash said as he and GA got on.
"Show offs." Sean said before they headed to the next site where a cartographer was at like on the Halo Ring.
"Oh shit." Sean said seeing a Protodeka in the way.
"We'll keep that thing busy you get inside." GA said.
"Got it." Sean said as he Sandman and Hellboy rushed inside with Guilty Spark just as the Arbiter arrived.
Once they got inside and fought off the other Regime troops which were all droids they managed to get into the Cartographer room.
"Where are we exactly?" Sean asked as an image appeared showing they truly were outside their galaxy.
"The Arc." Spark said.
"Wait this is the Arc?" Sean asked surprised.
"I always assumed it was part of a shield installation. But it seems I was mistaken." Spark said.
"Thats a first." Hellboy said.
"Not at all. While I had a complete understanding of my installation, My makers wisely limited my knowledge of all facilities incase I was ever captured by the flood." Spark said.
"Makes sense." Sean said. "Now where is Ultron?" Sean asked.
"Near one of the Arks Supraluminal communication arrays, I'm afraid. And has apparently triggered a barrier around the Arks core." Spark said.
"Why there?" Sandman asked.
"I believe its cause thats where the control center is." The Arbiter said.
"Indeed it is." Spark said.
"Tarken we found the control center. But Ultron has already triggered a barrier." Sean said.
"I see. Fortunately we just finished the battle up here with little casualties." Tarken said.
"Direct all remaining forces to these coordinates." Sean said before a swarm of sentinels appeared. "Now what?" Sean asked as Sandman and Hellboy aimed their weapons at them.
"Don't shoot. They mean us no harm. Those units have a priority task." Spark said.
"Anything to do with us?" Sean asked.
"I can't say. Not for sure. If you'd like I can find out." Spark said.
"No. We have a more pressing concern in stopping Ultron." The Arbiter said.
"The Arbiter is right. We have a priority as well." Sean said as he and his team boarded a Phantom and left to go to the center of the Arc
The remaining troops of the Alliance headed for the core seeing the barrier around it.
"We hit these three generators and the barrier will fall?" Tarken asked Spark.
"A small section yes." Spark said.
"Small enough for Shipmaster to come in and obliterate Ultron." Sean said as he and his group went to a generator as did Arbiter and Johnson.
"Alright lets go." GA said as they rushed to the generator.
"I have a very bad feeling about this." Cortana said.
"So do I." Sean said as they fought their way to the first Generator before they reached the elevator and went up.
"Deactivating this is simple." Cortana said before Sean turned off the generator.
"Thats one." Sean said before Arbiter and Johnson did the same. "Shipmaster your in the clear." Sean said as the Covenant capital ship approached the control center.
"Now to finally." The Shipmaster tried to say before a covenant cruiser infected with the flood appeared. "What?" Shipmaster said before his cruiser took a hit and fragments of the Flood crashed into the tower.
"Shipmaster! Get out of here! We'll handle it on the ground." Sean said.
"But we're already over the site." Shipmaster said.
"I'm not going to risk your entire ship getting infected with the flood. We'll handle it you just get that infection under control." Sean said as Green Arrow fired a few explosive arrows at the Flood.
"Understood. I'm sending in some scarabs to assist you." Shipmaster said launching them from the bay.
"We need to move now." Johnson said.
Fighting the Regime to the tower was difficult with that they had left protection the gate but thankfully having more firepower Sean and the Arbiter were able to get past them and to the bridge.
"Ultron would need a human to activate the Rings no?" Arbiter asked.
"Yes, Why?" Sean asked.
"Then how does he intend to activate it without one? No reports of anyone missing have come in." Arbiter asked.
"Well, he can't hack in since we know from experience how advanced their defenses are." Sean said before the bridge was activated and both rushed to the control center before they saw holographic images of Ultron.
"So I see whats left of my droids have failed me. No matter. I have what I need to destroy all organic life in the galaxy." Ultron said as one of his minions held Vic Von Doom in the air.
"Doom? Cortana I thought you said he left Earth." Sean said in surprise.
"He must have faked it. I was sure he left on another cruiser." Cortana said.
"Does not matter. We must get to the top." Arbiter said as they used the elevator to get to the top.
Once they did Ultron used Doom to activate the rings which would take time before they fully charged. As they were about to rush in and destroy the rest of the droids the flood got in the way.
"Do not shoot but listen. Let me take you to our foe." The Flood said as the Flood infections led them to Ultron.
Soon enough Sean and the Arbiter were at the control room where Doom was on the floor before Sean extended his head to him making him raise an eyebrow before taking it.
"You still trust me after all this?" Victor asked.
"I trust my friends Vic." Sean said making him shake his head in amusement while Ultron under the containment of the floor was approached by the Arbiter.
"Can none of you see I'm trying to bring order to our Galaxy. Organic life brings nothing but chaos." Ultron said.
"True. In the past life has done nothing but bring death, Violence and worst of all war to everyone around us. But times are changing. The universe and others are uniting as one as they should through peace and unity. The rings only give a permanent solution to a temporary problem. As I have learned through our alliance." Arbiter said as Sean deactivated the rings.
"No!" Ultron yelled as the rings were deactivated. "You are all naive." Ultron said.
"No, we are not. We are one united universe." Arbiter said before stabbing Ultron in the chest killing him for good this time as he was no longer connected to any bodies or the internet to escape this time.
As Ultron fell to the ground dead Large Tentacles appeared from the ground because of the flood and began to laugh.
"Now the gates have been unlatched, headstones pushed aside corpses shift and offer room. A fate you must abide." The flood said as the three were back to back.
"We trade one enemy for another." Arbiter said activating his energy blade.
"Don't we always?" Sean asked before the floor tried to swarm them but thankfully the three managed to escape into a secret hallway.
"Reclaimer." A female voice said making Sean look and saw a shadowed figure walking away making Sean follow.
"Where you going?" Vic asked as they followed him to another room before Sean pressed a control panel and the blast doors opened revealing a near complete halo ring.
"A replacement for the first Halo you destroyed a year ago." Arbiter said.
"When did you know?" Sean asked as Spark appeared.
"Just now. But I had my hopes. What will you do?" Spark asked.
"Fire it." Sean said.
"Then we are agreed! A tactical pulse will eradicate the infestation. Though it will take time to fabricate another index." Spark said excited.
"No, it won't." Cortana said.
"Cortana has the original Index." Sean said. "Tarken I need a remotely piloted Drop ship down here. Get everyone off the Arc. Send the Dawn to these coordinates. The Arbiter, Doom and I will finish this." Sean said.
"What exactly are you planning?" Tarken asked.
"We're gonna fire this new Halo Ring. With it it'll end the Flood once and for all." Sean said.
"I see. Very well I'm sending you one now." Tarken said.
Minutes later
"Everyone is aboard. Are you sure you two will not come back with us and let someone else do what needs to be done?" Shipmaster asked.
"No. This is our fight. And we will see it complete." Arbiter said as the three landed.
"Halo. Its so new and unfinished. I'm not exactly sure what will happen when we fire it." Cortana said in concern.
"We'll head to the portal. And we go home with the others." Sean said.
Soon the three fought the flood to the control room where Spark was waiting for them.
Sean unhooked Cortana into a chip.
"I won't lose her." Vic said as Sean handed her to him before he went to the control terminal.
"Hello. Wonderful news. The installation is almost complete." Spark said.
"Terrific." Doom said not caring.
"Yes...Isn't it? I have done the simulations and this installation should be ready to fire in just a few more days." Spark said.
"We don't have a few more days we're firing it now." Doom said.
"But a premature firing will destroy the Arc." Spark said.
"I don't care and no one else does." Doom said before Spark's eye glowed red and fired a beam at him making him scream in pain.
"Unacceptable! Absolutely Unacceptable!" Spark yelled as Sean rushed at him but blasted him away. "Protocol dictates action! I see now helping you was wrong!" Spark yelled before blasting the Arbiter as Sean tried to get up but blasted him again. "Ah. Now I see why you were so much smarter than the rest of your kind. You are more than a reclaimer." Spark said.
"What are you talking about?" Sean asked grunting in pain.
"Honestly I don't think it matters anymore even if you are the decedent of the General. But this Ring is mine!" Spark said using gravity weapons to shove him into a wall before Sean injected himself with Third Energy and received a power boost before roaring at Spark and lit him on fire. "NO NO NO! NOOOOOOOO!" Spark yelled before he exploded.
Sean slowly walked over to Doom seeing he was dying and his power was decreasing after the effects of Third Energy wore off.
"I'm getting you out of here." Sean said.
"No your not. I've done nothing right since the storm." Doom said before handing him a flash drive. "This contains all the intel on every base of operations the Dark Rider has including secret allies in the republic. Make it count." Doom said before he fell back dead making Sean sigh before grabbing Cortana and inserted her into the terminal.
"Sean. I'm sorry." Cortana said as he fisted his free hand before she inserted the index activating the ring before he placed her back on the device on his wrest before rushing out of the room.
"I'm sorry commander. But come." Arbiter said as they rushed to where a Warthog was placed before driving to the Dawn.
"Sean...This ring is tearing itself apart." Cortana said.
"I am aware of this!" Sean yelled as he drove to the Dawn while the Arbiter used the turret to destroy the flood that got in the way before they came to the dawn. "This is going to be close!" Sean yelled as they flew straight into the hanger before they crashed. They were alive but suddenly a tank nearly crushed the Arbiter but he got away into a door but now it was blocked for Sean. "Get to the bridge!" Sean yelled getting him to do that while Sean inserted Cortana into the system.
"Hang on." Cortana said piloting the Dawn to the sphere. While she was doing this the warthog hit Sean nearly hitting him out of the hanger had he not shoved his fist into the bottom. "Sean!" Cortana said in concern as he climbed back to her while the Arbiter got to the bridge and Sean unhooked Cortana as he put an air mask on. "If we don't make it." Cortana said.
"We'll make it." Sean said.
"It's been an honor serving with you Sean." Cortana said as a bright light engulfed them.
A day later
Tom and his team stood over a memorial site with everyone from the alliance attending.
"For us the storm has past. The war with the flood is over. But let us never forget those who journeyed the hallowing dark and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure. Sacrifice. And unshakable conviction that their fight our fight was elsewhere." Tom said as the Arbiter appeared from the crowd. "As we start to rebuild. This hillside will remain barren. A memorial to heroes fallen. They ennobled all of us. And they shall not be forgotten." Tom said putting on his hat before saluting as did everyone else.
"Present arms!" Sandman yelled as his team fired into the air before everyone left while the Arbiter stayed behind.
"I remember how Sam told me the story of how our people met. You have my thanks for staying beside my son through all of this. Hard to believe he's dead." Tom said in regret.
"No, He is not. He is not that easy to kill." The Arbiter said having faith his friend and ally was alive out there somewhere.
On the monument was a picture of Sean, Susan, Reed, Ben, Johnny, Sally, Kirk and Vic during College.
The Arbiter returned to the Cruiser where the Shipmaster looked at the Earth before he entered.
"Things look different without the commander leading this alliance. It will not be long till the Dark Rider makes another move on this world without him around." Shipmaster said.
"Then we will search for him." Arbiter said taking the captain's seat. "Let us begin our search." Arbiter said as the ship left to search for him.
"Sean!" Cortana yelled making Sean open his eyes seeing he was floating on the Dawn. "Finally. I thought I lost you there." Cortana said in relief.
"What happened?" Sean asked moving around the remains of the ship.
"When halo fired it tore itself to pieces. Did a number on the Ark. The portal couldn't sustain itself. We made it through just as it collapsed." Cortana said as Half of the Dawn drifted in space.
Sean drifted into the suspension chamber before uploading Cortana into the system.
"I'll set up a beacon. But it might take weeks maybe months before they find us." Cortana said as Sean got in one of the pods.
"I doubt it will take that long. But if you need me wake me." Sean said closing the pod before closing his eyes to drift into cryo.