

Duke and his fellow GI Joe's were on a mission to rescue a defector from North Korea.

With him was RoadBlock, Flint, Lady Jay, Rip, Scarlet and Mouse.

"Alright lets move." Duke said as he, Rip, RoadBlock and Flint moved in to secure the defector in the base.

"Mouse you keep an eye out for us." RoadBlock said.

"With pleasure sir." Mouse said.

Finding the defector in one of the trucks Mouse shot a coffee mug to create a distraction for the team.

"Alright lets go." Duke said as they moved to extraction while Flint did something a little overkill.

"Uh RoadBlock you're not going to believe this." Mouse said making RoadBlock look and see that Flint and put up the JOE flag up.

"Mother." RoadBlock tried to say.


"What part of covert did you not get?" Sean asked as he shoved Flint's head into a barrel of water making him squirm around. The other Joe's laughed and cheered for this seeing it was funny. Sean eased up letting him come up for air.

"Theres nothing wrong with a victory lap man its fun." Flint said making Lane chuckle.

"Only when its necessary son." Lane said.

"Let me remind you Flint. The Joe's they don't actually exist. It's a covert group for a reason." Sean said before standing on the table. "LISTEN UP!" Sean yelled getting everyones attention. "I don't need to remind you guys that we're still at war with both HYDRA and COBRA. What your all doing right now is just kid stuff. When HYDRA and COBRA come back I want everyone at the top of their game. AM I CLEAR!" Sean yelled.

"SIR YES SIR!" The Joes yelled.

"Nice speech son." Lane said impressed.

"Eh it comes to me." Sean said.

Its been two years since the end of the Nanomite wars between the Joes and COBRA. Ever since then Duke has been assigned as the official leader of the Joes under Global Tech's command. Since then their intelligence network has multiplied ten fold. COBRA Commander and Destro were rescued by Turok during that time when he was seeking revenge for his family and home town that was destroyed 9 years ago. Since he turned on them the intel he provided has been useful. But now the alliance was on high alert for when COBRA and HYDRA would begin Retaliation.


Red Skull was looking over his newest weapons of mass destruction that would bring the world to its knees.

"Most impressive." COBRA commander said.

"Indeed it is." Red Skull said. "Has Zartan infiltrated the American Government?" Red Skull asked.

"He has. Madam president has agreed to call an assembly to preeminently disarm the worlds nuclear arsenal. When that happens the world will cower in the face of ZUES. Soon not even the alliance can stop us." COBRA Commander said.

"And what about Turok?" Destro asked about their former comrade.

"I still have plans for him to turn him back to our side." Red Skull said.


"The hell is all this?" Duke asked Sean seeing a large number of files on his desk.

"Nanny applications. I have to hire at least 10 to watch out and raise some of my kids. After all mom had one raise me and my brother and sisters before and look how I turned out." Sean said putting the last file away making Duke chuckle.

"The endless advantages of being the most powerful person on Earth." Duke said making Sean smirk.

"Anyway I got a mission for you and the Joes. Recently one of our allies has lost their president in an assassination. Live nuclear weapons are out in the open. In 2 days the president of the united states is going to be holding a meeting to end all nuclear weapons for good. This in turn will allow us to give our nuclear waste to our large primordial allies the needed substances they need to survive." Sean said knowing those like Godzilla and the others will be well fed from the radiation they'll dispose of.

"Ok where to?" Duke asked.

"Pakistan." Sean said.


The mission was a success and no loss of life.

"All nukes secured sir. Evac is already here." Duke said confusing everyone.

"Evac? Duke we haven't even sent them out yet." Sean said.

"Then who the hell...SHIT!" Duke yelled as they took heavy fire from the enemy.

"Get a ground bridge now!" Sean yelled getting Sally and Shockwave to do just that and transported the Joes back to Global Tech command.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" RoadBlock yelled.

"Calm down. My guess is probably HYDRA and COBRA." Sean said.

"Yeah but why now? We know how they operate they plan and act when they need to. And I find this timing to be a little suspicious due to the fact that tomorrow the world will be getting rid of our nuclear supplies." Lane said.

"Yeah So do I but never mind that now. We got a job to do." Sean said.

Tomorrow morning

News crews were outside Fort Sumter.

"While I agree that the world is better off without a nuclear arsenal we must also consider the fact that it is also much safer with one as a last resort." The Russian president said.

"Sir if I may. During when Apocalypse returned from his slumber we all saw how easily he got rid of our nuclear supply. Nukes may have ended the second world war but now that weapon is obsolete. Today technology has improved beyond expectations in the past 10 years." Sean said.

"Indeed it has." Red Skull said shocking everyone in the room as he COBRA Commander and many high ranking members of COBRA and HYDRA appeared.

"Hello old friend." Destro said.

"James." Sean said. Zartan appeared when he took off his disguise off.

"Today my friends you will all submit to our rule." Red Skull said making Sean scoff.

"Please. Like you have an army large enough to conquer the world." Sean said.

"Not an army no my friend. A weapon of mass destruction that puts a nuclear warhead to shame." Red Skull said.

"Observe." COBRA Commander said as the screens showed seven satellites in orbit. "Each satellite contains 10 hollow platinum tubs filled with a tungsten rod. Its far more destructive then a nuclear warhead. And we will drop them on each country unless you submit to all of us and declare your allegiance." COBRA Commander said.

"Pass." Sean said shocking everyone in the room that he wasn't taking this seriously.

"Then you will all pay the price." Red Skull said as one of the rods ejected and headed for London. However before it could even enter the atmosphere a red glowing shield engulfed the earth. "WHAT!" Red Skull yelled in shock and rage.

"You didn't seriously think I didn't think about an attack like that did you? I am always ten steps ahead of my enemies." Sean said as the Joes and other heroes appeared.

"You wretched little brat." Red Skull said in rage.

"Your kind never learns." Talbot said when suddenly a dark sphere appeared and the members of HYDRA and COBRA were gone.

"Oh COME ON!" Sean yelled in annoyance since this was becoming an annoying habit.


"Your plan was sound but flawed. You should have known that Global Tech has contingency plans for almost everything." The Dark Rider said.

"And what do you suggest?" Red Skull asked in interest.

"Join me of course. Every day my army grows and with HYDRA and COBRA joining us we have a new edge to destroy the heroes of the world and conquer not only the world but every universe with ease." The Dark Rider said making Red Skull smirk as did COBRA Commander behind his mask.

"Where do we start my friend?" Red Skull asked.


"This is unfucking believable. Talbot I want them found and now." Sean said.

"You got it." Talbot said about to leave.

"You know I cant help but wonder something." Turok said.

"And whats that?" Sean asked.

"Why is Talbot your second in command? Don't get me wrong he's a good general but I just don't know why he's your second in command." Turok said making them blink before looking at each other and chuckled.

"Well to understand that Turok you need to answer a small question." Sean said.

"And that is?" Turok asked.

"Have you ever heard about the amity island incident 14 years ago?" Sean asked.