
Ghost Raider in DC universe

Ghost Raider in DC universe

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Action
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94 Chs



A helicopter was flying towards land near the Val Verde Jungle before it landed on the landing pad and the doors opened revealing themselves to be. Lane, Ross, Shepherd, Eiling, Packard and Tom along with a few others before they got out. The one thing noticeable was they were 33 years younger.

"Tom this better be worth it I had to cancel a good vacation for it." Packard said.

"Packard shut up." Tom said as they got their gear on the jeeps and were driven towards one of the cabins where a man in military uniform having a rare Six stars on his shoulders. (I read up on that only a small few ever got that but it was never finalized during the 1940's)

The person had white skin grey hair and brown eyes.

"Tomas." The Man said.

"Dad." Tom said shaking his father's hand. This was Joe Kruger an american war hero during WW2 and the Vietnam wars.

"Come on inside." Joe said leading him inside.

"So whats the situation this time?" Tom asked.

"About 18 hours ago, we lost a chopper, carrying a cabinet minister and his aide from this charming little country. We got a transponder fixed on their position right about here." Joe said pointing on the map as Tom looked at it and frowned.

"Does this idiot always travel on the wrong side of the boarder?" Tom asked making him chuckle slightly.

"Apparently, they strayed off course. We're fairly certain they're in Guerrilla hands." Joe said.

"So why don't you use the regular army? What do you need me and my men for?" Tom asked.

"Cos some damn fool accused you of being the best." A man said making Tom turn and saw an African American man approach them.

"Dillion!" Tom said smirking. "You son of a bitch." Tom said as they got into an arm lock trying to push the others hand down. "Whats the matter? The CIA got you pushing too many pencils? Huh?" Tom said grinning as he was winning. "Had enough?" Tom said.

"Make it easier on yourself Tom." Dillion said before he saw he was losing. "OK! OK! OK!" Dillion said seeing he's lost.

"Never did know when to quit." Tom said.

"Damn good to see you Tom." Dillion said.

"What is this fucking Tie business." Tom said holding up his tie.

"Forget about my tie man. I heard about that little job you pulled off in Berlin. Very nice, Tom." Dillion said.

"Good old days." Tom said.

"Yeah, like the good old days. Then how come you passed on Libya?" Dillion asked.

"That wasn't my style." Tom said.

"You got know style. You know that. Come on. Why'd you pass?" Dillion asked.

"My men and I are a special Rescue team not assassins. Now, What we gotta do?" Tom asked his father.

"That cabinet minister is very important to our scope of operations." Joe said.

"Tom your father is saying a couple of our friends are about to get squeezed and we cant let that happen. We need the best. Thats why you're here." Dillion said.

"Go on." Tom said.

"Simple setup. One-day operation. We pick up their trail at the chopper grab those hostages, and bounce back before anyone knows we were there." Dillion said confusing Tom.

"What do you mean we?" Tom asked.

"I'm going with you Tom." Dillion said making him frown.

"Dad my team always works alone you know that." Tom said making Joe sigh.

"Sorry son but you got your orders on this. Once you reach your objective, Dillion will evaluate the situation and take charge." Joe said making Tom frown more.

"Sam isn't going to like that." Tom said.


Tom and his team were traveling down the jungle in choppers while one of his teammates Blain played some music.

"Goddamnit Blain!" Wade said making Blain chuckle.

"Wade shut up." Tom said.

"I knew this whole mission was going to be a pain in the ass." Sam said.

"Zip it nothing we haven't done before." Tom said.

"Rendezvous points and radio freqs are indicated and fixed. AWACS contact on four-hour intervals." Dillion said.

"Who's our backup?" Tom asked.

"No such thing, old buddy. This is a one-way ticket. Once we've crossed that border, we're on our own." Dillion said making Tom smirk.

"Well shit." Sam said.

"This is getting better by the minute." Tom said.

Blain was trying to pass out chewing Tobacco.

"Get that stinkin' shit out of my fucking face Blain." Sam said annoyed.

Blain then tried to pass it to their other teammate Billy but he ignored him pissing him off.

"Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here! This stuff'll make you a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurs, Just like me." Blain said.

"Oh here we go again." Tom said amused.

"Yeah strap this on your sore ass, Blain." Sam said aiming a grenade launcher at him making everyone burst out laughing.

Soon a red light came on along with an alert sound.

"Alright guys we're here." Tom said as they strapped themselves to the chopper and opened the doors. Dillion looked down and sighed.

"Never knew how much I missed this Tom." Dillion said making Tom smirk.

"You never were that smart." Tom said as they jumped down to the ground. Once they were all down the choppers flew away. "Alright lets find that damn chopper." Tom said.

"Copy that." Shepherd said as they moved out.


"Found it." Wade said as the wrecked chopper was found in a tree.

"Sam." Tom said.

"Got it." Sam said throwing a grappling hook up and climbed his way up with Dillion.

"What the hell?" Sam said looking at the damage before finding the pilots dead with one bullet hole in the head each. "Shit." Sam said.

Sam and Dillion soon headed back down and Sam went to Tom.

"Tom Pilots are dead. Executed in the head. Whoever hit it stripped the hell out of it." Sam said.

"Heat seeker?" Tom said surprised since that was high tech.

"Maybe but theres something else." Sam said.

"What do you mean?" Tom asked confused.

"This is no ordinary army taxi. It looks more like a surveillance bird to me." Sam said.

"Now why the hell would..." Tom tried to say.

"Pick up the trail yet?" Dillion asked.

"Billy's on it. Heat seeker Dillion? Thats pretty sophisticated tech for mountain boys." Tom said.

"Must be getting better equipped every day." Dillion said.

"Major." Billy said.

"What?" Tom asked.

"There were 12 guerrillas. They took the two men from the helicopter, but there's something else." Billy said.

"What do you mean?" Tom asked.

"Six men wearing US-issued army boots. They came in from the north, and then they followed the guerrillas." Billy said making Tom and Sam frown.

"Mean anything to you?" Sam asked.

"Probably just another rebel patrol they operate in here all the time." Dillion said.

"Get ahead and see what you can find." Tom said.

"Yes, sir." Billy said.

The group soon traveled further down.

"Whats he got?" Tom asked Sam.

"Same business. Guerrillas hauling two guys from the chopper followed by men with American equipment. Do you remember Afghanistan?" Sam asked making Tom smirk.

"Trying to forget it. Come on, let's go." Tom said.

Billy soon came to a stop and saw a tree branch and cut it and started sucking the sap out. (That was the most disgusting thing I ever saw when I was a kid) As he did so he heard wings flapping and soon went to look for the source and moved up a tree and when he did he moved some branches out of the way and when he did he widened his eyes when he saw a few bodies skinned making him freak out and run back to the others.

"God! Billy said in disgust as the rest of the group saw it.

"Holy mother of god." Sam said making a cross on his chest.

Packard and Shepherd kicked the vultures away from the bodies before Wade threw a pair of dog tags at Tom who caught them and read the name.

"Jim Hopper? Guys cut them down." Tom said getting Packard to do just that. Tom led Dillion away from the others. "I knew these men. Green berets out of Fort Bragg. What the hell were these guys doing here?" Tom asked.

"I don't know Tom. This is inhuman. Nobody told me there was an operation in this area. They shouldn't have been here." Dillion said making Tom frown.

"Well, somebody sent them thats for sure." Tom said.

"Why the hell would the Guerrillas skin them?" Sam asked.

"No idea but all I know is we're going to get payback for this. No one does this to our fellow soldiers and gets away with it." Wade said.

"No shit." Shepherd said.

"What happened here, Billy?" Tom asked.

"Strange, Major. There was a firefight. They were shooting in all directions." Billy said.

"Can't believe Hopper walked into an ambush." Tom said.

"I don't believe he did. I cant find a single track. It just doesn't make sense." Billy said.

"What about the rest of Hopper's men?" Tom asked.

"There's no sign, sir. They never left here. Hell, it's like they just disappeared." Billy said.

"Stick with the Guerrilla trail." Tom said. "We move. Five-metre spread. No sound." Tom said.

"Time to let old painless out of the bag." Wade said to Blain who nods and unzips a bag he had reveling a mini gun.

"Payback time." Blain said.

The group soon moved further into the jungle when they heard motor sounds.

"Hear that?" Wade said.

"Hold this." Tom said handing his gun to Sam as Tom grabbed a pair of binoculars and crawled over to the ridge and got a good look at the enemy base. "There you are now where is..." Tom said quietly before hearing what sounded like a fight and turned and saw who he believed was the minister on his knees tied up and someone speaking Russian grabbed him and fired his pistol in his head killing him.

"Shit!" Tom said before using his hand to signal his men to come to him and they crawled over. "Fucking bastards just killed one of the hostages. We move. Packard, Blain the nest. Billy, Shepherd the guard. Wade, Sam your both with me. The rest of you stay here." Tom said as the team moved to where they needed to go.

Billy and Shepherd took out the guard while Packard and Blain did the same at the nest giving Tom, Sam and Wade the all clear signal and they moved to the base.

Once they got close enough Tom saw a truck they were using to power the base and got an idea.

Tom made a hand signal for them to stop and motioned for them to use the truck which they quickly caught on as Tom placed an explosive device on the back and helped him lift the truck up letting it drive on its own to the mess hall.

"Oh this is sweet payback." Wade said.

"Boom." Tom said as it exploded at the mess hall.

"Show time boys." Dillion said.

One of the men started shouting in Russian before Tom threw a grenade and it exploded. Once that happened it was time to begin.

"Alright lets find that hostage." Tom said as they took down the rebels with ease.

"Look out!" Hawkins yelled as they were nearly hit by a sniper.

"Get that mother." Packard said to Blain who nods and used his mini gun to destroy the sniper who fell down into one of the huts.

"Hostages are inside." Dillion said as Tom made his way towards one of the offices and kicked down the door seeing two enemy soldiers.

"Knock knock." Tom said firing the grenade launcher at one of them while firing at the other and looked outside seeing two men make a run for it and whistled signaling Sam.

"I got them." Sam said chasing them.

"Hawkins, call in position and situation. Get Con Op on the hook." Tom said.

"You got it Major." Hawkins said as he ran off and Tom heard a clicking sound behind him and quickly turned and head butted his gun into the head of the rebel only to see it was a woman.

"Well shit. Packard! Any sign of the last hostage?" Tom asked.

"Found the other guy he's dead too and the gear from the chopper. But if they're central American, I'm a goddamn Chinaman. From the looks of it our Minister was CIA. Another thing Tom they were lucky. Other guys we waxed were Russian military advisers. Something pretty big was gonna happen here." Packard said.

"Good work, Packard. Clear the area. No traces. Get the men ready to move." Tom said.

"Got it." Packard said walking off while Tom frowned in thought.

Sam was under fire as he took cover under the enemy with Blain.

"Son of a bitch is dug in like an Alabama tick." Blain said as Sam looked at him and noticed his left shoulder was bleeding.

"You're hit. You're bleeding man." Sam said.

"I ain't got time to bleed." Blain said.

"Oh ok." Sam said firing some grenade up in the air. "You got time to duck?" Sam asked as the Grenades hit the rebels.

"This is Goddam beautiful." Dillion said looking over the paper work in the office room while Tom frowned at him.

"I think this is what you're looking for." Tom said making Dillion look up before Tom grabbed him by the neck and shoved him into a wall. "You set us up! It's all Bullshit. All of it. The minister the whole business. You got us in here to do your dirty work." Tom said pissed off.

"Look we just stopped a major invasion in three days they could have been crossed the boarder with this stuff." Dillion said.

"Why us?" Tom asked.

"Cause no one else could have pulled it off. Your pissed about the cover story I knew I couldn't get you in here without it." Dillion said.

"So what bullshit story did you hand to Hopper?" Tom asked.

"Look we've been looking for this place for months. My men were in that chopper when it got hit! Hopper's orders were to go in and get my men and he disappeared." Dillion said.

"He didn't disappear he was skinned alive!" Tom said.

"My orders were to get somebody who could crack these bastards." Dillion said.

"So you cooked up a story and dropped me and my men into a meat grinder." Tom said pissed off. "The hell happened to you Dillion? You used to be someone I could trust." Tom said.

"I woke up. Why don't you? You're an asset. An expendable asset like your father. And I used you to get the job done got it." Dillion said before Tom punched him in the face hard busting his nose.

"My men are like my family they are not expendable. And we don't do this kind of work." Tom said.

"Tom we stepped into some real shit here!" Sam said making Tom walk out just as the woman came to.

"What now?" Tom asked.

"Air surveillance says we've got guerrillas all over the place." Hawkins said.

"How much time?" Tom asked.

"Half an hour, maybe less." Sam said.

"Tell Packard we move in five." Tom said to Blain who nods.

"She goes with us. She's to valuable." Dillion said holding the woman close as he cuffed her.

"No deal." Tom said.

"Your still under order Major." Dillion said making Tom growl.

"Fine but you fall behind and your on your own." Tom said walking off with the others.

"Something you want to tell us?" Sam asked.

"We've been played. This was never a rescue op. He just used us to kill everyone here." Tom said making the others frown.

"This is why I hate the CIA." Wade said.

"No shit." Shepherd said.

"Stow it boys. Place is too hot for a pickup. They wont touch us till we get over the boarder." Tom said. "Billy. Give us a way out of this hell hole. Aerial says we are cut off." Tom said putting up a map showing the area.

"The only way out of here is that valley that leads to the east. I wouldn't waste that on a broke dick dog." Billy said making Tom frown.

"No other choice lets move." Tom said.


The Group soon moved further down to the valley to get across the boarder when Billy stopped ahead of them signaling them all to stop.

"The hells he doing?" Tom asked Sam.

"No idea. He's been acting like this since we left the base." Sam said.

"Hang on." Tom said approaching Billy slowly. As he was doing this the woman grabbed a branch under her waiting for the right moment to strike her enemy.

"Billy." Tom said getting his attention. "What is it?" Tom asked.

"There's something in those Trees." Billy said making Tom narrow his eyes looking at the trees but saw nothing.

"I don't see anything. Are you sure?" Tom asked knowing Billy had an accurate sense when it came to smell and sound when it was needed.

"I guess it's nothing, Major." Billy said before the woman struck Sam knocking him down.

"Oh for fucks...Hawkins get her!" Tom yelled making him do just that chasing after her.

Hawkins chased after the woman for a full minute before tackling her down and she started shouting in Spanish.

"Please! Please." Hawkins said trying to calm her down before they heard some kind of unknown sound and both turned and saw a strange glare moving towards them before.

"AHHHH!" Hawkins yelled in pain as he was slashed dying instantly spraying his blood on her shocking her beyond words.

Sam was rushing towards them just as Hawkins body was dragged away by an invisible being. Sam saw the woman trying to crawl away before he grabbed her and shoved her on a log and saw he covered in blood and looking scared out of her mind.

"What?" Sam said before seeing a trail of blood and followed it seeing Hawkins weapons and radio and moved to the end of the trail and found a pile of blood and organs making him gag.

"Ross, Break left. Packard, Right." Tom said as they arrived and found the woman covered in Hawkins blood. "What the?" Tom said.

"What the hell did you do to him?" Dillion said.

"Back off." Tom said.

"Tom you need to see this." Sam said

"You find Hawkins?" Tom asked.

"I...I cant tell." Sam said confusing Tom.

"The hells the matter with you?" Tom asked.

"You need to see this." Sam said leading him to where he found the disturbing sight.

"What in gods name?" Tom said.

"I think it's Hawkins." Sam said.

"Well where the hell is his body?" Tom asked.

"Theres no sign of it." Sam said making Tom frown before sighing.

"Ask the girl." Tom said making him go back to do just that. Sam started speaking Spanish to ask her what happened but she wasn't making any sense.

"She says the jungle just came alive and took him." Sam said.

"Bullshit! Thats not what she said." Dillion said before the two of them got into an Argument with Dillion saying the Rebels did this.

"SHUT UP!" Tom yelled making them stop. "Why didn't they take his radio or his weapons and why didn't she escape?" Tom asked making them see the valid points in that before Dillion realized something.

"Hopper." Dillion said confusing Tom.

"What?" Tom said.

"They did the same thing to Jim Hopper." Dillion said making Tom frown.

"I want Hawkins body found. Sweep pattern. Double back. 50 meters. Let's go." Tom said getting the group to do just that.

"Tom something isn't right." Sam said.

"Yeah I know. But never mind that now. Let's just see if we can find his body and get the hell out of here." Tom said.


The group couldn't find the body so they continued to travel to the valley. The group was spread out to cover more ground. Blain was the farthest away when he heard a sound and aimed his mini gun in the direction.

"Come on in, you fuckers. Come on in." Blain said before the source of the sound was just a little animal making him chuckle slightly before something burst through his chest and the sound alerted the others and Packard rushed to him and found Blain dead on the ground before looking around and spotted something with glowing yellow eyes making him widen his eyes before it tried to move away.

"CONTACT!" Packard yelled firing his weapon wildly. The others soon tried to rush to him. "MOTHER FUCKER!" Packard yelled before his gun was empty and grabbed Blain's Mini gun and fired every round he could in front of him. The others soon arrived and fired in the same direction before the mini gun ran out of ammo but Packard still held the trigger down.

"Packard." Tom said but he didn't stop. "Packard!" Tom yelled getting him to look at him and pulled his trigger finger off. "The hell happened?" Tom asked.

"I saw it." Packard said confusing them.

"Saw what?" Tom asked.

"I saw it." Packard repeated making Tom frown before motioning to Ross and Shepherd to sweep the area. Dillion and Tom looked over Blain's body.

"No shrapnel or powder burns. Theres no weapon I know of that could cause this kind of damage." Tom said.

"The wound's all fuses, cauterised. What the hell could have done this to a man?" Dillion asked.

"I don't know. Like I said theres no weapon in any military that could cause this at least none thats on the books." Tom said before looking at Packard. "Packard what did this?" Tom asked.

"I don't know, goddamn it. I saw something." Packard said before Ross and Shepherd came back.

"Not a thing. No a fucking trace. No blood, no bodies. We hit nothing." Ross said making Tom frown and glared out into the forest.

"Sam get on the radio see if you can get that chopper here now. Packard." Tom said trying to get his attention but he was lost. "Sergeant!" Tom said getting his attention. "I want a defensive position above that ridge mined with everything we've got." Tom said.

"Yes sir." Packard said.


"Tom." Packard said getting his attention. "Area is rigged with claymores and frags nothing is getting past us without tripping on something." Packard said.

"Good." Tom said as they approached the others.

"Blazer one, I repeat, extraction necessary. Say again, Blazer One. Say again." Dillion said on the radio.

"Request for extraction denied. Area is still compromised. Proceed to sector 3,000 for prisoner extraction." Blazer one said making Dillion growl.

"Roger Blazer One." Dillion said ending transmission. "Damn bastards. They say we're still in too far. They can't risk coming in." Dillion said.

"We're assets Dillion. Expendable assets." Tom said using his exact words against him.

"It comes with the job. I can accept it." Dillion said.

"Bullshit. You're just like the rest of us." Tom said.

"Shitload of good a chopper's gonna do us in here anyhow." Sam said as Packard sat down.

"Sergeant? Who hit us today?" Dillion asked.

"I don't know. I only saw one of them camouflaged. He was there. Those eyes they disappeared." Packard said.

"What?" Tom said confused.

"Those eyes they disappeared." Packard said. "I know one thing Tom. Nothing on this earth could have survived what we used at that range." Packard said.

"He's got a point." Sam said.

"Ask her again what she saw happened to Hawkins." Dillion said making Tom look at Sam and nods and he asked her again in her language what happened but she just said the same thing as last time.

"Damnit. She's saying the same fucking thing. The jungle came alive and took him. Billy you know something what is it?" Sam asked.

"I'm scared Lane." Billy said.

"Oh bullshit you aint afraid of no man." Sam said.

"Sam easy." Tom said.

"There's something out there waiting for us and it aint no man." Billy said walking away.

"He's losing his cool. There's nothing but a couple guys running around out there." Dillion said.

"You know why we get deployed on so many rescue missions then anyone else in the army?" Tom asked.

"You and your men are the best everyone knows that." Dillion said.

"Because me, Sam, Packard, Wade, Ross and Shepherd grew up together and trained since the day we all met. Hawkins, Blain and Billy came into our squad making us unstoppable. Whoever is killing my team is something we've never seen before and Billy's right. It isn't a man or men. It's something else." Tom said.

Later at night

"You really think something is out there?" Sam asked Tom.

"I do. Think about it Sam. We couldn't find Hopper or his men. Hawkins disappeared and we're sure he's dead then Blain gets killed with an unknown weapon. Something is out there and it's not human. We've been in the army for 3 years not once did we ever suffer a casualty till now. Something new is out there." Tom said before they all heard noises.

"The hell?" Sam said before a flare fired into the air from a trip wire and whatever tripped it got Packard.

"Packard!" Tom yelled as they rushed to him and saw him stabbing something before Sam flashed a light on him.

"Jesus." Sam said.

"Got you, motherfucker." Packard said out of breath before Sam pointed his light on his attacker.

"Jesus you killed a fucking pig." Sam said.

"Huh?" Tom said confused.

"Do you think you could have found something bigger?" Sam joked making Tom and the others burst out laughing.

"Yeah fuck you, Sam. Fuck you!" Packard said annoyed before Tom noticed something.

"Wait wheres the girl?" Tom asked.

"Ah shit!" Shepherd said as they rushed back to her.

"Why the hell wasn't someone watching her?" Sam asked before they got back and found her in the same spot as before.

"Why didn't she escape?" Ross asked.

"Look at her she's scared out of her fucking mind." Tom said.

"Major you better have a look at this." Billy said as Tom and Sam made their way towards him where Blain's body was only to find it missing.

"What the fuck?" Tom said confused.

"Blain's body its gone." Billy said.

"It came in through the trip wires? How its pitch black out there." Sam said confused.

"Like I said we're dealing with something new." Tom said.

Next morning

"I checked the other traps theres no way anything else came through here." Sam said.

"Well whatever took Blain's body didn't just walk in." Tom said before sighing. "It's killing us off one by one." Tom said.

"Like a hunter." Billy said before Tom realized something and looked around.

"Tom what is it?" Wade asked.

"Son of a bitch no wonder we couldn't find any tracks its using the damn trees." Tom said before rushing to the girl. "No more games yesterday what did you see?" Tom asked her.

"I don't know what it was. It changed colors like the chameleon. It uses the jungle." The girl said making him frown.

"Whats your name?" Tom asked.

"Anna." Anna said.

"Anna this thing is killing my team my friends one by one and that needs to stop now." Tom said cutting her bindings off.

"Tom what are you doing?" Dillion asked.

"We make a stand now or there wont be any of left to get to the damn chopper." Tom said.

"Theres something else. When the big man was killed you must have wounded it. Its blood was on the leaves." Anna said.

"If the damn thing bleeds we can kill it." Tom said.

Soon enough the team started setting up traps covered up.

"You really think this boy scout bullshit is going to work?" Dillion asked Tom.

"It can see our Tripwires. Maybe it cant see this. Instead of complaining, maybe you should help." Tom said making him scoff.

Soon they sat and waited for the unknown enemy to make its appearance. They waited for some time.

"Tom this isn't working." Sam said.

"Want to try cheese next?" Dillion said before Tom got up. "Oh hell no." Dillion said as Tom made his way into the middle avoiding the traps while keeping a close eye out.

Tom waited for a few minutes before sighing about to head back before the large net trap went up with something screeching.

"What the hell!" Sam yelled before something was fired from inside the net hitting a large branch that swung and hit Sam in the chest.

"Shit Sam!" Tom yelled as the attacker got free and Dillion saw the invisible enemy become visible looking inhuman.

"What the hell?" Dillion said before it vanished again.

"Sam is busted up pretty bad Tom." Wade said.

"I can make it." Sam said.

"I know lets go." Tom said helping him up.

"I'm going after that thing." Dillion said.

"Thats not your style Dillion." Tom said.

"Picked up some bad habits from your team now get your people out of here." Dillion said rushing after it.

"He cant win this." Shepherd said.

"Maybe but he probably might buy us enough time to get away." Tom said as they rushed off.

They managed to get to a small bridge from a log before they heard Dillion screaming from a distance.

"Damnit." Tom said before Billy in the back dropped his gun into the river.

"Billy what are you doing?" Packard said before they ran off seeing he was buying them more time.

"Thats four losses for a change." Wade said.

"Quiet." Tom said as they got farther until.

"AAAGH!" Billy yelled making Tom and Sam stop aiming their weapons at the back along with the others but saw nothing.

"Goddamnit." Tom said before seeing a red laser aiming at Sam and pushed him away just before it hit them and fired at the attacker only for it to blast his weapon.


"But Tom..." Wade tried to say.

"THATS AN ORDER!" Tom yelled making them nod and all rushed off while carrying Sam who was out cold.

Tom managed to get to his feet and ran off to get that thing off their trail but came to a cliff.

"Oh Shit!" Tom said as he fell off and fell into the water. Tom surfaced and swam towards the land and got covered in mud and tried to regain his strength before hearing a splash making him turn around and saw something and got by a log and saw some kind of alien with strange tentacles on its head for hair with a sliver mask covering its face.

The creature saw in thermal vision and could not find Tom due to him being covered in mud making his temperature colder making him invisible and walked off.

"The hell?" Tom said before seeing he was covered in mud. "It only sees heat." Tom said before getting the rest of his strength back and explored his surroundings.

"An actual alien." Tom said before looking over the remaining supplies he had left and saw he had enough to make some weapons and traps from what was around.

Hours later

Tom had rigged the whole area with traps to kill the hostel alien using what little remaining weapons he had with him and making weapons from the trees around him.

Tom covered himself in mud to hide his heat from the alien.

"This thing killed three of my men and killed a good friend. Time for some payback." Tom said once he got everything set up it was time to begin.

He set a stick on fire.

"AAAAAGH!" Tom yelled loudly to attract the alien to his position before throwing the fire into a pile of wood to make a bigger fire to make a large amount of heat to attract it.

"Showtime." Tom said climbing up a tree quickly with a bow and a few arrows along with one that was explosive made from the grenades he had left.

He didn't have to wait long seeing the alien creature camouflaged in a glare and quickly took out his bow and got the explosive arrow before aiming at it and let go as it flew towards the alien destroying its cloaking device in the process before it started firing at him but was missing due to the lack of heat on him. Tom quickly made his way down and went for a few spears he made one that was explosive.

"Where are you son of a bitch." Tom said to himself quietly before an idea came to mind and threw a stone at the wall and it fired a round at the sound giving its position away and Tom threw the explosive spear at it making it screech in pain before running off. "Oh no you don't." Tom said following it into a small cave following a trail of blood before it stopped. "Shit." Tom said seeing he was played and sensed the alien behind him and quickly pulled a grenade out and pulled the pin making a get away before trying to swing from a branch only for it to break and fall into the water.

"Oh shit." Tom said getting to shore with the mud all wiped off before two metal claws trapped him. The alien soon picked him up and slammed him into a tree before it began to inspect his skull seeing it was in very good condition before dropping him and took off its weapon from its shoulder and took off its mask. (I would normally put in a description but most of you already know what they look like if not look them up)

"You are one ugly mother fucker." Tom said making the alien roar at him and Tom tried to hit it with a large branch. "Why did I do that?" Tom asked himself before the alien started beating him to death before he crawled into one of his traps trying to get it to come in but it found one of the sharp spikes and went around but it was just for the better since the counter weight was right above it and Tom quickly triggered the trap making it fall quickly on top of it killing it.

"Finally." Tom said before seeing movement making him groan in annoyance. "You got to be fucking kidding me." Tom said getting up and grabbed a large rock about to smash his head only to see the alien wounded greatly and coughing up glowing green blood making Tom sigh and dropped the rock.

"Just what the hell are you?" Tom asked making the alien look at him.

"What the hell are you?" The alien asked surprising Tom before it started touching the device on its wrest and symbols started appearing and the alien started laughing making Tom realize it was a bomb he activated and made a run for it and along the way quickly grabbed the mask and weapon before the bomb went off quickly taking cover.

Out in the distance the chopper carrying the team and Joe Kruger saw the explosion.

"Good God." Joe said in shock before quickly arriving at the sight and Joe quickly got out. "Tomas!" Joe yelled for his son before seeing a figure in the distance of the cloud of dust revealing his son who carried the mask and weapon from the alien.

"Dad your late." Tom said making Joe chuckle slightly.

"What the hell am I going to do with you son?" Joe asked making Tom chuckle before Packard and Wade helped him on the chopper.

"The hell happened?" Wade asked.

"That thing is dead. It blew itself up. Luckily I managed to get these before that happened." Tom said as they flew back to base.

Present day

"Damn." Wild dog said.

"A year later they showed up again but this time they came in a more friendly manner. Never in the history of the human race has one human ever killed one of them. They were greatly impressed by this and made a deal. We upgraded their tech to show them who was good to kill and those who weren't. This has been a beneficial alliance for the last 32 years." Tom said.

"Wait what happened to Anna?" Felicity asked.

"Unfortunately she died of cancer 10 years later. We stayed with her the whole time." Eiling said.

"Yeah well some allies they didn't exactly help during the war." Lance said.

"Actually they did." Sean said showing a few images of high ranking Russians during the war skinned or worse.

"So you want us to just let them keep killing?" Spartan asked not exactly liking this.

"Look we're not exactly to fond of their methods but they get the job done right and the death of Osama is proof enough of that." Lane said.

"Yeah we get that but still." Oliver said.

"Oliver just trust me you would rather have them as allies instead of enemies." Sean said making Oliver sigh before nodding.

"In any event we've got new problems now. Apocalypse managed to escape the X men so I want all of you to keep your eyes and ears up for anything." Tom said as they left.

"So what now?" Packard asked.

"For now nothing since I for one just want to go home and relax." Sean said heading out.

"And just to think the trials for those Xenomorphs will start soon." Eiling said.

"True. And this time we get the chance to study that temple underground." Tom said.