
Ghost Raider in DC universe

Ghost Raider in DC universe

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Action
Not enough ratings
94 Chs

Massacre at Arkham

Diana giggled as Sean kissed her neck.

"Stop I'm trying to make some food here." Diana said still laughing.

"Couldn't help it." Sean said making her giggle more.

"We're home." Dawn said as she and Sarah walked in.

"Crap and here I was enjoying out free time." Sean said making Diana giggle some more. "So how was your weekend girls?" Sean asked as he picked up their bags.

"Really good but for some reason Superman came to us." Dawn said making Sean frown.

"Excuse me?" Sean said while Diana looked worried.

"He asked us if we knew anything about the Ghost Rider. You know the guy who saved us when we were babies." Sarah said.

"And what exactly did you tell him?" Sean asked knowing they didn't really know anything because they were to young.

"We said we don't rat out on real heroes." Dawn said making Sean burst out laughing and fell on the couch while Diana looked amused.

"Oh thats rich getting told he's not a hero by little girls!" Sean said hitting the table while still laughing.

"Ok thats enough now go put your things away while Sean and I talk." Diana said.

"Ok." Sarah said as she and her sister ran off.

"You got to admit that is funny as hell right there." Sean said chuckling every few seconds before the doorbell rang.

"Hmm." Diana said. Sean answered the door and surprisingly it was super girl who didn't look happy.

"Oh this is a surprise. Something I can help you with?" Sean asked kindly.

"Yeah actually you can start by telling me what your problem is with my cousin." Supergirl said making Sean raise an eyebrow.

"Jee I don't know maybe its because he thinks he can do whatever he wants." Sean said.

"What does that mean?" Supergirl asked.

"You tell me Kara." Sean said making her eyes widen that he knew who she was. "Relax I haven't told anyone who you are and even if people in my company knew who you were none of them would go and blab it out to the world." Sean said truthfully and she could tell he was serious making her sigh in relief. "Come inside." Sean said as she did and sat down.

"Nice place." Kara said liking the design of the place.

"I spared no expense for my sisters." Sean said sitting down next to her. "Now as to what I meant before he thinks just because he's got all this power that he has the right to decide who's guilty." Sean said making her frown.

"Thats not true." Kara said.

"Really then why did he try to force the Ghost Rider to go to prison?" Sean asked.

"Well he's a killer." Kara said.

"True but is there an arrest warrant for him?" Sean asked.

"Well...no there isn't but I'm sure thats because people are to afraid of him to try and get one." Kara said.

"Not even close. People call the Rider a real hero because he gets a good permanent result for the innocents of the world. Superman only gives people a temporary result. If those like Parasite Luthor Metallo Toyman and Luminus were taken out of the picture how many innocent lives would be spared?" Sean asked her making her frown before sighing seeing his point.

"Ok I see the point of that but not everyone deserves to die." Supergirl said making him nod.

"True those like Livewire are different due to incidents he caused. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't her condition caused by him from an electric storm?" Sean asked making her sigh since that was true as well.

"Ok then what about batman?" Kara asked making Sean scoff.

"Please he's even worse. Those like the Joker Scarecrow and a few others have taken and ruined innocent lives just for the hell of it. In my view I think he enjoys it since with people like them around means he can pretend to act as a hero." Sean said making her eyes widen before she thought about it. Unlike with Metropolis, Gotham has always been filled with much more criminals and violence there and they always seemed to get out and kill people.

"Ok so maybe things might be better if people like that were dead but what if things end up going to far?" Kara asked.

"The Rider can tell the difference between a good person doing crimes like robing a bank and various other things. Some People are forced to do things they don't like to help those they love or for the right reasons. He can tell the difference between these people and those like the Joker." Sean said before his phone rang with a text. "The hell?" Sean said turning on the Tv.

"Whats going on?" Diana asked before he turned on the news showing the Joker had killed over at least 25 people including an innocent woman who was 5 months pregnant.

"What the World is to full of people no ones going to miss some crying baby." Joker said before laughing like crazy before Sean turned off the Tv.

"Ok thats it." Sean said getting up and got dressed.

"Where are you going?" Diana asked concerned.

"To my office to call in a favor from a friend who owes me a few favors for saving his men from dying while held hostage. Its time that Clown and those like him in Arkham get put down." Sean said slamming the door.

"Oh dear." Diana said.

"Is always like that?" Kara asked.

"No he's always the kindest person you can ever find when he's in a very good mood but since he saw that I cant blame him for being angry.


Sean had called in a favor from a friend in the government and he said he would work on it.

The Rider on the other hand.

"Hey Bob whats with the security cameras?" One of the Arkham security guards said. He was a more cruel person who liked seeing people miserable and most of the time helped the inmates out of their cells like the Joker and Scarecrow and got paid to as well.

"Don't know jack I..." Was as far as Bob got before pained screaming was heard.

"The hell?" Jack said before a chain came down from the ceiling and glowed hot red and with one swift move took off his head having blood spray everywhere.

"Oh my god!" Bob yelled before a fist came into his chest holding his heart making him gurgle out blood before it was crushed in the hand. The Rider was seen behind Bob with his flames burning with more intensity and rage.

"All of the guilty will burn tonight in this slime pit." The Rider said as more of the guilty guards came in and started shooting at him but the bullets just melted and the Rider roared before charging at them. Pained screams of pain and horror were heard throughout the asylum.

"Oooh I wonder who that could be now?" Joker said laughing like crazy. Soon enough footsteps were heard and the door to Jokers cell opened. "Oh my luck day." Joker said about to walk out till the Rider walked in making Joker Freeze. "Hmm Now who would you be?" Joker said playing dumb while the Rider posted his right hand trigger finger at him.

"You...Guilty." The Rider said pushing him into a wall.

"Oh please I know all you heroes you wont kill me." Joker said.

"You mistake me for the Batman I am not as weak and stupid as he is when it comes to solving the problem with the world of criminals. No today you have had your last stupid laugh." The Ride said before punching him in the stomach with it going through and the Joker screamed in agonizing pain as the Rider took hold of his spine before giving it a vicious pull and tore out his spine and skull in one pull with blood splattering around the cell.

The Other inmates were beyond terrified now as many of them tried to get out of their cells to escape this nightmare. The Scarecrow was next who screamed in horror as the Rider used his penance stare on him before moving on to the others. Soon only a small few were left. Clayface Victor Fries Harley Quinn Poison Ivy and Two face Harvey.

"Please don't." Poison Ivy begged as The Rider opened her cell and walked to her making her close her eyes expecting her death but felt his hand on her cheek making her open her eyes and looked to see the flames around him go down slightly looking at her as if he was looking into her soul.

"Innocent." The Rider said as he walked away before closing her cell. Ivy soon collapsed from exhaustion.

The Remaining inmates of the Asylum were spared as the Rider soon walked outside and got on his bike and drove off.


Sean was seen at a bar his company used for good occasions. This one being the news they heard about Arkham.

"Finally that shit hole got what it deserved." One of the more blunt employees said while the others laughed.

Sean just smirked before his phone rang.

"Hello?" Sean said.

"Sean where are you?" Diana asked in concern.

"At a bar with some coworkers of mine. We just heard about what happened about the Asylum and they decided to celebrate for what happened." Sean said making her sigh.

"Of course they are." Diana said.

"Don't worry I'll be home in a few minutes.." Sean said.

"Alright just be careful." Diana said.

"Yeah...Hey!" Sean yelled as he was pushed into the wall.

"Sean?" Diana said before she heard talking.

"Where is the Ghost Rider!" Batman yelled making her eyes widen and quickly got into her costume. Kara was still in the mansion playing with the twins who she thought were adorable.

"Kara look after the Twins I have to go somewhere fast!" Diana yelled flying off.

"Whats wrong?" Dawn asked.

"Um probably nothing." Kara said hoping it was nothing.

Batman had taken down all security guards that worked for Sean that were at the bar.

"Where is the Ghost Rider?" Batman said punching Sean in the Stomach making him groan in slight pain.

"Go fuck yourself." Sean said spitting in his face making Batman Growl and punched him in the face a few times. Sean spite out some blood before laughing. "You think this will accomplish anything? Those bastards in Arkham were going to die anyway along with those guards since they were guilty for letting them out and accepting bribes. The Rider just made their last moments of life more...Horrifying." Sean said laughing making Batman punch him in the face repeatedly.

"WHERE IS HE!" Batman yelled before Sean just smirked.

"Find him yourself. Even if I did know where he was which I don't you wouldn't stand a chance." Sean said before Superman flew down and held him by the neck.

"Tell us where he is now!" Superman yelled.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" WonderWoman yelled punching them away and held Sean up as he spite out some blood.

"We're not leaving till he gives up the Rider." Superman said before a loud roaring sound was heard and Superman was wrapped up in a chain and thrown into a building. The Rider soon Jumped in front of Sean and Diana.

"Leave now while I still allow it. I will not allow you to spill innocent blood." The Rider said glaring at them before the Police soon arrived and aimed their weapons at Batman and Superman.

"What are you doing? We're not criminals he is." Superman said pointing at the Rider.

"Bullshit this man saved my daughter from being raped 2 years ago." A female officer said.

"He's no criminal you all are." Another Officer said.

"Do you see now? They don't need people like you they need people like me who will kill those have spilled innocent blood for selfish and uncaring reasons. You two are no heroes your accomplices of those like the Joker and Luthor never ending their lives. Well as of now that ends. Leave while I still allow it." The Rider said with authority in his voice making them growl before they vanished.

"Sean are you alright?" WonderWoman asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just need some rest.

"The ones I spared in Arkham. They are not beyond redemption. Heal and Save them and they can help save lives unlike them." The Rider said before jumping away.

"Who exactly did he save?" WonderWoman asked.

"I'll tell you later right now lets just go home." Sean said making her nod as she flew home with him.


"Oh no." Dawn said as she and Sarah looked at the bruises Batman and Superman gave him.

"They did this?" Kara said in shock.

"I told you he's not hero." Sean said as Diana rubbed some ointment on his more concerning wounds.

"Hes a jerk." Sarah said.

"Alright you two thats enough." Sean said before wincing as the ointment stung one of his cuts. "Ouch!" Sean said making her smirk.

"Big baby." Diana said.

"Whatever. Anyway both of you go to bed you've got school tomorrow." Sean said as they rushed upstairs.

"I better go then." Kara said about to leave.

"You can stay here if you want." Sean said surprising her.

"Really why?" Kara asked confused.

"I get the feeling you don't want to be anywhere near Superman right now. So you can stay in one of the guest bedrooms." Sean said making her blink before smiling at him.

"Sure." Kara said


Kara was about to go to bed when WonderWoman walked in dressed in a small black robe.

"Kara can I talk to you for a second?" Diana asked.

"Sure what is it?" Kara asked before Diana whispered something into her ear.

Sean was in the shower rubbing some more healing ointments on him. Sighing her turned off the shower before drying off. Sean entered his room expecting to find only Diana but blinked in surprise when he also Saw Kara both under the blanket clearly both were naked if the scattered clothes were any indication.

"Well this is a surprise." Sean said while his third led twitched under his towel making Diana giggle and Kara blush.

"Wow you weren't kidding about that." Kara said before he dropped the towel and she blushed more seeing his large cock.

"Well we're waiting." Diana said as he got in bed with them and both were on his sides with Diana on his left and Kara on his right placing their heads on his chest.

"So I take it this is an addition to the family?" Sean asked before Kara kissed him lovingly.

"Does that answer your question?" Kara said before she widen her eyes as he pulled her into a kiss making her eyes clouded with lust before he pulled back.

"As much as I would love to show you what I'm capable of in bed I'm to tired from the thrashing your cousin gave me." Sean said making her pout before smirking.

"Well I can wait plus some things are worth waiting." Kara said making him smirk before they drifted off to sleep.