Ghost Raider in DC universe
David and a Diver were on a Lake in Maine by a military base thats been active for at least 12 years.
"Remind me again why we're just tagging beavers?" David asked.
"General Ross and Colonel Talbot think the Beavers might be getting into the base from underground passage ways. He wants me to tag them to find them and close them up for good." The diver said.
"Ah. I think my little brother would have done this better." David said.
"True but he's on vacation and your grounded." The Diver said laughing at the last part making him growl.
"All I did was drink one lousy beer." David said since Frank West had dared him to do it and got caught by his father who punished him by staying at the base.
"Keep telling yourself that." The Diver said before going under.
"Everyone is a fucking critic." David said pulling up his phone to look at his messages.
After a few minutes David started to get bored before he noticed a large amount of bubbles coming up to the surface.
"Hmm?" David said in interest before the Diver came up screaming in terror before he was drawn towards the boat by something before crashing into it and went under. "What the!" David yelled before he came back up again.
"HELP!" The Diver yelled before David quickly grabbed him and pulled him up. Or at least half of him seeing he was dead now.
"Holy fucking shit." David said in shock before starting the engine and went back to shore.
Ross and Talbot were in the command center before David burst in out of breath.
"Theres the underage drinker." Ross said.
"Shut the hell up! Something really fucked up just happened on that lake!" David yelled trying to catch his breath.
"Whoa easy David. What happened?" Talbot asked.
"Uh. How should I put this?" David asked before pulling out a body bag showing the top half of the Diver's body.
"What in the name of god." Ross said in shock.
"My thoughts exactly." David said.
"Better call your partner here Glenn." Ross said.
"You do realize most people take a year off after college to get away from Shit like this right?" Sean asked Talbot as they entered the Morgue part of the base. Sean was now 14 years old and taking a personal year off before going off to make a name for himself.
"Trust me. I wouldn't have called you out here if this wasn't important. David was shocked as hell when he came in and told us." Talbot said before pulling out the body.
"Whoa." Sean said seeing the remains.
"You don't think we're dealing with another Great White again do ya?" Talbot asked.
"Hell no. These wounds don't match Shark attack Victims." Sean said placing the body on the table. "It was something big though. Whats this?" Sean said before pulling out a tooth. "Now I'm sure this isn't a Great white." Sean said before pulling one out of his jacket. "Recognize this?" Sean asked.
"Yeah. You pulled that from Ben Gardner's boat 4 years ago. Surprised you've held onto it all these years." Talbot said.
"This is the tooth of a great white." Sean said before examining the other tooth. "This is the tooth of a reptile." Sean said.
"Reptile? Are you saying our diver got eaten by a fucking Lizard?" Talbot asked.
"We've seen stranger things before Talbot." Sean said. "I say we go out and examine this lake." Sean said.
"Ross has the whole area under quarantine. But Civilians have already heard about the attack. Don't be surprised if the Media tries to get involved." Talbot said.
"Then I suggest we get this done fast." Sean said.
"Who's house is that?" Sean asked as they passed by a house by the lake.
"Oh just some old couple that have lived on this lake for a long time. They don't bother us and we don't bother them." Talbot said.
"I thought this whole area was cut off?" David asked.
"We're still not sure what we're dealing with but we don't want to cause a panic so we're letting them be." Talbot said before they came across something.
"Now what is this?" Sean asked as he and Talbot pulled it up revealing it to be a severed head of a moose.
"Holy fuck!" David said in shock jumping back. "That is the second time I've seen something severed." David said.
Soon they reached the outpost where Ross had his men searching the area.
"Any idea what we're looking for exactly?" Ross asked Sean.
"Could be any number of...Things." Sean said seeing a helicopter that could land on water approaching. "Oh, no." Sean said walking towards it.
"What is it?" Talbot asked.
"If this is who I think it is...It is." Sean said recognizing the pilot.
"Who?" Talbot asked.
"Hector Cyr. He was a professor of mine back in college." Sean said.
"Why is he here then?" Ross asked.
"If he's here he must think theres a Crocodile in this lake." Sean said as Hector got out.
"A crocodile? I may not be anywhere as smart as you and your friends but I do know theres no way a Crocodile could be here." Talbot said.
"We've seen shit no one would ever believe in a thousand years. We can't exactly rule it out." Sean said as Hector approached them.
"Hey buddy. I had a feeling you'd show up here." Hector said.
"Well, Talbot called me down here thinking it was another Great White Shark." Sean said.
"Not possible. Great Whites can't survive in this ecosystem. A crocodile on the other hand." Hector said.
"I gathered as much. Is that why you're here? To prove theres one in this lake?" Sean asked.
"Why not?" Hector asked.
"Look pal. We got this handled." Talbot said.
"Hold it." Sean said. "No one knows more about Crocs than him. If there is one in the lake we'll need him." Sean said making him sigh.
"Fine. But understand this is a military OP. We call the shots." Talbot said walking away.
"Thats your partner?" Hector asked.
"Don't let him get to ya. He just doesn't know you yet." Sean said.
Soon Sean, Talbot, David and Hector were out on the lake looking for the supposed Croc.
"Sean Ever tell you about the big fight he had between one of the senior students about him and Susan?" Hector asked making Talbot raise an eyebrow.
"Dude." Sean said annoyed.
"First time I ever saw so much blood in the school." Hector said laughing.
"Oh really?" Talbot asked amused.
"First of all he kept flirting with Susan and grabbed her ass. I think I was entitled to kick his sorry butt to near death." Sean said making Talbot burst out laughing.
"You have it just as bad as your old man. At least your first relationship is lasting better then his." Talbot said.
"Oh don't remind me about that shit." Sean said remembering the story his mother told him about his father dating another woman shortly after the death of his grandfather that only lasted a few months before he met his mother.
"What the hell?" David said seeing fish jumping out of the water.
"White Perch." Talbot said.
"They feeding?" Hector asked.
"No, they're scared as hell right now." Sean said before his boat was flipped over forcing him and Talbot into the water.
"What the hell!" Talbot yelled as they got on the boat again.
"No one actually saw anything." Sean said on the phone talking to fish wildlife and game. "Yes, I realize that, sir, But something flipped us over, and I doubt it was a Mink." Sean said annoyed.
"Whats going on?" Ross asked.
"They don't believe him." Talbot said.
"Ok then asshole I'll get proof you fuck face!" Sean yelled hanging up.
"Theres that Temper." Hector said.
"Those idiots won't do shit till we can actually confirm it." Sean said.
"We don't need them. We'll start back up in the morning." Talbot said.
Next morning
"So whats the plan this time?" Talbot asked.
"This time we're gonna try and lure the damn thing to us." Sean said showing a device. "This will play audio feed of hatchlings in distress. All Crocodiles immediately respond to this noise. Natural parenting skill." Sean said making Talbot chuckle since he knew that was a remark about his month old son.
"This is good." Hector said as they came to a stop.
"You sure your good to go?" David asked.
"Relax David I live for this shit." Sean said as he and Hector went into the water to search for the Croc.
"Oh this should be fun." David said.
Sean and Hector went searching for the Croc before they decided to split up to cover more ground.
However as Sean was searching he spotted what looked like a tail.
"Hmm." Sean said following the trail.
Meanwhile Talbot, David and a solider were waiting for them to come up when somehting snagged the anchor.
"What was that?" David asked before something started pulling the boat and David fell out.
"Shit!" Talbot yelled before he cut the line. "David don't move!" Talbot yelled as he started the engine before he saw the Fish starting to splash on the surface. "Hang on!" Talbot yelled as he quickly rushed to him before he and the solider pulled him up just as Sean came up.
"The hell happened?" Sean asked as Talbot pulled him up.
"Where's Hector?" Talbot asked.
"We split up to cover more ground." Sean said before spotting some bubbles away from them. "Over there." Sean said as they rushed over to the spot and Hector came out of the water.
"Pull that thing up." Sean said getting the soldier to do just that and when he pulled it up all the way something came out of the water and bites his head clean off.
"Holy Fuck!" David yelled.
Minutes later
"The hell happened?" Ross asked as the body was taken away to the morgue.
"No idea. Everything just happened so suddenly." Talbot said.
"WHOA!" David yelled making them look and chuckled seeing David was caught in a trap hanging above the ground by his left foot.
"Whoops sorry." Hector said as he and Sean pulled him down.
"Thats it! Your dead!" David yelled chasing him down.
"David knock it off!" Sean yelled as he, Talbot and Ross went after them.
"Nowhere to go asshole!" David yelled with a large stick in hand.
"Come on man knock it off." Sean said getting in the way before a large grizzly bear charged at them roaring. "FUCK!" Sean yelled as he jumped out of the way.
The bear itself looked extremely menacing.
"Oh hell." Ross said pulling out his pistol but out of the lake a large Crocodile that they've been after came up and bites down on the Bean before pulling it into the lake.
"Ok...I admit it. We have a fucking huge Crocodile." Talbot said in disbelief.
"This thing is from Asia. Must have swam all the way across the ocean to get here. And judging from its size and length this thing has to be at least a hundred and fifty years old." Sean said.
"I've never heard of a crocodile swimming across the ocean before how is that even possible?" Talbot asked.
"We've seen stranger things before." Sean said.
"Graboids are one thing. A genetic Hybrid thats Shark, Dolphin and Human is science fiction but we've seen it. But A giant ass crocodile coming out of nowhere is...Just impossible." Talbot said.
"Well, its not unheard of. Sometimes Crocs travel to different continents for unknown reasons. This one just decided to come to Maine." Hector said.
"My question is why didnt those old folks report this since it's clearly been here for some time considering the amount of bodies we found in the lake." Sean said.
"Cause." David said with two body bags being dragged behind him. "It killed them." David said opening the bags showing the decayed bodies that were torn apart.
"Oh jesus." Ross said examining the bodies. "This was at least six years ago." Ross said.
"I say we kill it and be done with it." David said.
"Kill it?" Sean said. "No. As crazy as this sounds. That croc is a miracle of Nature we can't just kill it." Sean said.
"Well, What do you suggest?" Talbot asked.
"Hector you have Tranq darts and guns right?" Sean asked.
"Of course I do." Hector said.
"We use the Tranquilizer guns on him and capture him for study. I know this thing has killed Human life but still we can't just kill a creature thats lived so long like this." Sean said.
"And just where the hell are we supposed to keep him?" Ross asked.
"Shepherd has a containment facility thats not used right now. We put it there till we can find another place." Sean said making him sigh.
"And what if things go sideways?" Ross asked.
"I got the answer for that." David said pulling out an explosive gun. "One shot from this will kill it instantly." David said.
"Ok. We have everything we need to knock it out...But how do you suggest we lure it?" Ross asked.
"Uh I recall seeing some cows still at the house." Sean said.
"Alright then." Talbot said.
The plan was to use the cow to lure the Croc into a trap. Plenty of troops with Tranq guns in hand ready to knock the Croc out. However its been hours since this plan started and it was already night.
"Fucking hell. Hector we'll have to try tomorrow." Sean said.
"Hang on a second." Hector said seeing something on his radar. "I got something on Radar. He's on the move." Hector said.
"Finally. Everyone in position!" Sean yelled getting the troops to do just that.
"How far out is he?" Talbot asked.
"30 meters. I can't see him above the surface but he is coming." Hector said moving towards land to lure the Croc with him.
"I see him!" David yelled seeing his head on the surface.
"Keep it steady Hector." Sean said aiming his riffle at him.
"Four feet of water." Hector said moving closer before the Croc tried to take a bite out of the cow but Hector pulled up and Sean fired after seeing his soft spot.
"I got him!" Sean yelled.
"Oh shit!" Hector yelled as he was losing control and lost the cow before crashing.
"Hector!" Sean yelled.
Hector soon got out unharmed.
"I'm alright." Hector said.
"Can you see anything from out there?" Talbot asked.
"Nothing. Maybe he swam back out!" Hector said before the Croc came out of the lake making Hector jump off his chopper.
"Shit! Hector!" Sean yelled as David rushed into the water with his explosive gun in hand as Hector got back on his chopper.
"Now where is he?" Ross asked before the croc came back out making David jump away and accidentally fired a shot into a tree blowing it up.
"Shit move back!" Talbot yelled getting the driver of the truck to move forward but accidentally hit a log making Sean fall out.
"Oh shit!" Sean yelled before the Croc roared at him.
"Sean over here!" Hector yelled making Sean rush out into the lake.
"Shoot the fucking thing!" Talbot yelled.
"I don't have a clear shot." David said before Sean dived under with the Croc hot on his tail.
With the Croc following him Sean quickly hid behind an underwater tree losing it for a minute.
"Save the fucking thing. What the hell was I thinking?" Talbot asked.
Sean seeing it was safe tried to swim up but his foot was stuck on some branches.
'Are you fucking kidding me?' Sean asked before looking forward and widened his eyes seeing the croc coming straight at him but Sean managed to get to the back of the tree making it unable to close its mouth on him with the tree in the way before he got free and swam up.
Sean soon appeared right next to Hector before he pulled him up.
"You ok?" Hector asked.
"I've been better." Sean said before the Croc forced its way through the chopper which ended up trapping it. Sean and Hector swam back to shore while the Croc followed but it's movements slowed.
"Finish it off." Ross said.
"Gladly." David said.
"Not its all right. The Drugs are kicking in." Sean said.
"And it did all that. Kill it." Ross said making David about to pull the trigger before he saw the Croc was indeed slowing down.
"Really?" David asked making him sigh.
"Ross its over." Sean said before he grabbed a gun and fired at the croc with a tranq gun.
"Satisfied?" Ross asked amused making him sigh in relief before Hector screamed as shockingly another Croc of the same size appeared grabbing his leg.
"You gotta be kidding me!" Sean yelled rushing to Hector and pulled him back.
"Theres two of these cocksuckers!" Hector yelled before it came back up only for David to kill it with his gun.
"Back to one." David said making Sean sigh.
"Now we just need to get thing guy out of here." Sean said.
"Damn! A giant shark then Graboids. A hybrid that could have almost replaced the human race another Great White again and lastly a Giant Crocodile. You guys have had some of the weirdest adventures." Turok said making them laugh.
Sean however began to widen his eyes remembering something.
"The Red claw was my mother." The Dark Rider said through a memory.
"We're more alike then you'd care to admit." The Dark Rider said again.
"At least your relationship is lasting more than your old man's first." Talbot said.
"Oh god." Sean said confusing them.
"What?" Talbot asked.
"I think I just realized who the Dark Rider is." Sean said.
"Well, thats great. But why so shocked?" Talbot asked.
"You'll see why soon enough." Sean said.
(Insert Savitar unmasked theme from the flash)
Sean was in an abandoned building was a small cam on his shoulder.
"You mind telling me why we're just watching?" Lane asked as everyone in the alliance watched the video feed.
"I have no idea." Talbot said. "He seemed pretty spooked after he figured out his identity." Talbot said before suddenly the Dark Rider appeared.
"I know who you really are now." Sean said.
"It's about time. I left you enough clues as to who I am." The Dark Rider said.
"Yes. I recently put together exactly who you are after remembering an event that took place ten years ago. The reason you have the power of the Rider. The reason you can gather so many followers. The reason you and I are so evenly matched. How you knew exactly what I was." Sean said.
"What the hell is he talking about?" David said.
"You said we're more alike than I'd care to admit. Now I know why...It's because we're brothers." Sean said shocking everyone to the core while the Dark Rider chuckled.
"Took you long enough." The Dark Rider said taking off his face mask before his face was engulfed in black flames revealing his true face. His Bald head soon vanished leaving just Black hair And the burn marks vanished even the Acid burn.
"Allow me to introduce myself for the first time Little brother. I am Freddy Kruger." Freddy said smirking at his younger brother as they both looked at each other.