
Ghost Raider in DC universe

Ghost Raider in DC universe

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Action
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94 Chs

Ghost Raider

Diana princess of the Amazons and the one known as Wonder Woman was patrolling a city of New York.

"Wonder Woman there appears to be a disturbance to miles to the east of your location." John Jones the Martian said on the comms.

"I understand I'll see whats going on." Wonder Woman said before flying in that direction.

In said area a few thugs were running away in fear before Wonder Woman dropped down in front of them.

"Going somewhere?" Wonder Woman said glaring at them.

"Please you've got to save us! Its after us!" One of the thugs said in total fear making her blink in confusion.

"It?" Wonder Woman asked confused before a chain wrapped around one of the thugs and pulled him into the shadows making him scream in fear before sickening sounds were heard and a pool of blood was seen.

"John I might need some help down here theres something here." Wonder Woman said.

"Superman and Batman are on their way." John said.

"We got to get out of here!" One of the thugs yelled and ran off in fear.

"No wait!" The other thug said but it was to late as a gloved hand grabbed the thug and he screamed in pain before he went silent as more sickening sounds were heard.

"What is this monster?" Wonder Woman asked getting ready.

"A monster." The last Thug said in fear before a burst of flames pushed Wonder Woman away from the thug and a barrier of flames around the thug. "NOOO!" The thug yelled in fear as he tried to find a way out.

"Nowhere left to run. Time to pay for the innocent blood you've spilled." A dark voice said.

"I swear I didn't mean for those people to die man!" The thug said in fear cowering like a broken man.

"Tell it to the devil when you see him in hell." The Voice said before the thug looked behind him and screamed in fear before a sickening sound was heard.

(Insert the Ghost Rider Theme from Agents of Shield here)

"Great Hera." Wonder woman said in shock before the corpse of the thug flew to her and she widen her eyes in shock seeing he was without a head. Wonder Woman looked in front of her and widened her eyes further when she saw who she believed was the culprit behind the kills and the person in question had a flaming skull and she could feel the power coming off this monster in waves.

The Creature looked towards her before pointing his left hand trigger finger at her.

"You." The creature said making her get in fighting position. "Innocent." The creature said confusing her before he vanished.

"Wonder Woman!" Batman yelled dropping down next to her as did Superman.

"My God what did this?" Superman asked in disgust.

"I Don't know exactly what did this but he got away. All I saw was a man with a flaming skull for a head and that was it." Wonder Woman said.

"I know this man. People call him the Ghost Rider some sort of punisher of the guilty. He's been in almost every country and nation for the past 5 years. I've tried to track him down and bring him down or at least convince him to stop this but I haven't seen him once." Batman said.

"I had a few encounters with him myself. Killed a few of Interagang thugs and took down some of Luthors operations before I could get there." Superman said.

"He pointed at me and just called me innocent." Wonder Woman said.

"It means he respects you for what you do. Theres nothing more we can do for now." Batman said.

"So what do we do about this Ghost Rider?" Wonder Woman asked.

"We wait till we can find his next target." Batman said.

"There has to be a trail or something to find him." Superman said.

"There is one. Where ever the Rider goes its usually followed by a large worldwide company that makes good of the situation for the public cleaning the streets and protecting the people in where ever he appears and kills." Batman said.

"Perhaps we should talk to the owner of this company." Wonder Woman said.

"I already intend to do that. For now we need to leave." Batman said as they quickly left.

Later on the watchtower

"I've met this guy before once. He saved my butt from getting killed when I got cocky in one of my fights here." Hawkgirl said.

"I ran into him once to didn't like that he was killing thugs in my town so I tried to stop the flow of oxygen around him but it didn't work." Flash said.

"Never met the guy but as far as I can tell people seem to call him a real hero." John Stewart the green lantern said.

"It would appear the people idolize him for his actions due to the end results he brings to the world." John Jones said.

"End Results or not he's still a killer. The Company that seems to arrive as soon as he strikes is known as Global Tech a highly advanced worldwide company thats technology is of the highest demand. The company was founded 6 years ago by this man." Batman said showing a picture of a young adult who looked to be 20 years old. The man had brown hair white skin forest Green eyes and was extremely well fit in physical ways. "Sean Ashburn Kruger. His parents were killed in a car crash 6 years ago that he and his younger twin sisters were in. They survived and a month later his uncle won the lottery and he invested it into the company it is today." Batman said.

"How was it able to come this far?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Most of the technology was made by Sean which is where all the fortune and fame came from in the company and now has a large percent of the worlds smartest and sharp minds working for him." Batman said.

"And his younger sisters?" Hawkgirl asked.

"They were 3 years old when they were in the crash both now 9 years old. They both go to a private school that he pays for to get them a good education. Far as I can tell he's made it his life mission to end the world of violence and corruption he's even pressed for the death sentence for known killers such as the Joker and Scarecrow but the Asylum wouldn't budge." Batman said.

"Sounds like he and the Rider share the same Ideas." Superman said.

"What if he is the Rider?" Flash asked.

"Highly unlikely he's made it a public fact of his hatred to violence of all kinds." Batman said.

"Doesn't mean he couldn't be the Rider." Flash said.

"I think you just want to have payback for the Rider kicking your behind." Lantern said with a smirk making him grumble while Diana and Hawkgirl giggled slightly.

"In any case I have a way to get some information out of him." Batman said.


Sean Ashburn Kruger was in his office looking over the files and photos of the attack of the rider.

"Good riddance." Sean said out loud before a beeping sound on the phone next to him was heard. "Yes Vic what is it?" Sean asked kindly.

"Sean your appointment with Bruce Wayne is here." Vic said.

"Very good let him in." Sean said and Bruce Wayne walked in. "Its nice to see you Bruce I've been looking forward to this." Sean said shaking his hand.

"Likewise. I see that the Rider has struck again." Bruce said with a friendly smile.

"Well someone need to get rid of the filth the infects the streets." Sean said as they took a seat. "Now I understand you wish to have business deal with Global tech for search and rescue projects." Sean said.

"Yes I believe that with both companies working on projects to save countless lives." Bruce said.

"Hmm well my company has been working on some new tech that could do that." Sean said.

"On an off topic note I've noticed your company seems to go where ever this Rider appears and kills why is that?" Bruce asked.

"Believe it or not I owe the Rider my life since if it wasn't for him 6 years ago I would be dead in the car crash with my parents. You see he healed me when I was thrown from the car and helped me save my sisters. So wherever he goes I clean up his mess and help secure those areas for civilians. As long as Civilians are safe I don't see anything wrong with him killing some worthless thugs who deserve to die." Sean said making Bruce frown slightly.

"That seems a little cold don't you think? What if some of these people are forced to do these things?" Bruce asked.

"Im not blind by anger in this discussion Bruce I know for a fact that happens a lot. The Rider can tell between a good soul and a guilty one. Why else do you think some of the survivors in his attacks are alive?" Sean asked.

"So he can tell who's guilty and who's innocent. Impressive the ultimate kind of judge." Bruce said making him chuckle before explosions were heard outside.

"What the?" Sean said before they saw a few Intergang thugs attacking one of the local banks. "Oh come on." Sean said annoyed.

Minutes later

Bruce now in his Batman gear called in for the league. Superman and Wonder Woman arrived.

"Why would Intergang attack here?" Superman asked.

"Inside the bank is a large deposit of unrefined gold that would be worth millions." Batman said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Wonder Woman asked before they heard a strange motorcycle.

"What was that?" A member of Intergang asked before they all heard a roaring sound.

"Ok who's out there show yourself!" The leader yelled looking around for the source of the noise.

"As you wish." The Ghost Rider said behind the leader who looked behind and fired at him but his shots did nothing and the Rider just looked bored while the leader gulped in fear. "My turn." The Rider said before wrapping his chain around his neck and threw him over the side of the building and the leader got caught on one of the power lines and broke his neck.

"We surrender please don't kill us have mercy." The other two thugs said in fear. As they trembled in fear they got a better look at the Rider. He was dressed in Black leather Jeans with Black Combat Boots. A black Shirt with a skull in the center and a black leather Jacket with three spikes on each shoulder and spiked gloves.

"Sorry all out of mercy!" The Rider said shining his chain around and was about to wrap it around them till Superman caught it.

"That is quit enough." Superman said having enough of this.

"Your in my way!" The Rider yelled punching him in the face which was so strong it sent him into a building before The Rider wrapped his chain around the last two thugs and they screamed in agonizing pain as the chain suddenly became super hot and started to melt them skin and bones leaving nothing behind but a bubbling pool of flesh and bones. "Good Riddance to filth." The Rider said before Superman punched him in the face.

"Ok this nonsense stops now!" Superman said having enough of his killings.

"I don't see anyone other then you complaining about my methods. Now buzz off I have work to do." The Ghost Rider said putting two finger near his mouth and whistled and a skull like motorcycle drove on its own to him. (Picture the Motorcycle from the first movie)

"Your not going anywhere." Superman said but the Rider wrapped his chain around him and threw him into another building before he was about to drive off till Wonder Woman stood in his way.

"You again? What do you want?" The Rider asked not moving to attack her.

"You don't have to do this. Killing criminals wont solve anything." Wonder Woman said making him snort.

"How incredibly Naive you are. If you wish to know why I do this talk to the boy who I saved six years ago and then you'll find out why I do this." The Rider said before driving around her and drove away.

"Well that went well." Wonder Woman said.

"Its clear he has past issues with letting criminals not be killed. Something clearly most have happened to him to set him on this path." Batman said as Superman came to them.

"I don't care what his reason is this needs to stop now." Superman said.

"Superman he took you down without even trying we would need the entire league to fight him and even then I doubt we could." Wonder Woman said before she flew up.

"Where are you going?" Batman asked.

"To talk to Sean Ashburn Kruger he was clearly talking about him. He has answers to questions I have." Wonder Woman said flying off.

Minutes later

Sean was looking over the reports on the Riders attack when suddenly a knocking sound was hear.

"Huh?" Sean said looking around till he looked behind him and saw Wonder Woman behind him making him raise an eyebrow before he went to the window and opened it for her.

"You know you could have simply walked through the front door and came to my office." Sean said amused.

"Sorry but I wanted to talk to you about the Rider." Wonder Woman said.

"Come inside." Sean said as she flew in and took a seat. "What do you want to know?" Sean asked getting a glass of water for her.

"Thank you." Diana said taking the glass. "I want to know why he kills so brutally and what caused him to do this." Diana said making him sigh.

"Thats simple it gets permanent and good results unlike when you're so called perfect Justice league just arrests them only in a matter of a few weeks or months their out again killing innocent people. The person who was responsible for the car crash that killed my parents did it on purpose since it was a hit. He was prosecuted and stood before the judge and you want to know what happened? He walked away with the Judge saying it was a horrible accident when everyone knew it wasn't. You see the system doesn't work. So he takes matters into his own hands." Sean said.

"But what if he ends up going to far and innocent people get caught in the crossfire that he starts?" Diana asked.

"Then he'll accept his part in that tragedy with dignity and remorse like a real hero would. Tell me this if people like the Joker were killed and people stop dying every day because of him is it not worth it?" Sean asked making her frown slightly before sighing seeing his point. Before she could answer him however though the doors burst open and two little girls one with blond hair in braids and another with raven hair in a two pigtails burst in.

"Sean are you done with work yet?" The blond girl asked. Sean chuckled before ruffling her hair.

"Yeah I'm just about finished. Diana let me introduce you to my little twin sisters. This is Sarah." Sean said holding the blond girl who smiled and waved at her making Diana smile back. "And this is Dawn." Sean said holding the Raven haired girls.

"Nice to meet you both." Diana said kindly.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Dawn asked making Sean raise an eyebrow while Diana giggled.

"No squirt." Sean said flicking her forehead making her pout and blow a raspberry at him. "Go to the car I'll be there in a minute." Sean said.

"Ok." The twins said running off.

"I swear those two are always bugging me about my love life." Sean said amused making her giggle.

"So you don't have a girlfriend yet?" Diana asked amused.

"No I'm still looking." Sean said standing up and walked to the door. Diana was about to fly out the window when. "Hey care to join us?" Sean asked making her raise an eyebrow before smiling.

"Sure just needs some regular clothes." Diana said.


"I'm still surprised how much you've achieved in such a short amount of time." Diana said as she Sean and the Twins were at a game center while the twins went to play games.

"I had ideas when I still had my parents they said I would be a huge success in my life. Wish they were still here." Sean said.

"Don't you have an uncle who won the lottery that you invested for all this?" Diana asked making him snort.

"Yeah just one problem. My uncle was an abusive drunk who tried to hurt my little sisters at the time saying he didn't want more then one mouth to feed and I called the cops on him. He's still in jail for his assault charges. After that I invested and you can guess the rest." Sean said taking a small drink of alcohol.

"Out of curiosity what do you plan to do to certain criminals that are women like Harley Quinn Poison Ivy and Live Wire?" Diana asked since she wanted to know his true intentions.

"Oh that's simple for each of them. For Harley I plan to make her open her eyes and see the Joker doesn't care about her and give her old job back to her working for my company since I hate seeing good talent wasted. For Poison Ivy She cares greatly about the environment and I plan to help her but with the law at my side and I know I can win and thus will put an end to her drastic measures of protecting nature and for Live Wire well I plan to help slightly reverse her condition so she can be normal again since I know she blames Superman for dumb reasons though for whats happened to her." Sean said making her smile seeing he had a soft spot for women.

"And what about the Red claw?" Diana asked making him frown before sighing.

"Theres nothing I can do for her since her hands have to much innocent blood on them. The united nations have decided she when captured will receive the death penalty for her past crimes. I don't like women being put on deaths row but she's to far gone to change." Sean said sadly before Diana placed her hand on his softly making her look at him.

"No one is beyond redemption as long as you have faith." Diana said making him smile at her. For a second they got lost in each others eyes before they started to lean forward for a kiss and would have if not for.

"Sean and Diana sitting in a tree! K.I.S.S.I.N.G!" Sarah and Dawn sang before bursting out in a fit of giggles making them blush before Sean growled at them.

"AH Shut the heck up!" Sean yelled making them run off still giggling. "Little brats." Sean said annoyed while Diana smiled at him before grabbing his face and pulled him into the kiss they tried and enjoyed it before she pulled back and smirked at him.

"How was that?" Diana asked making him chuckle.

"Like a kiss from an angel in warrior form." Sean said making her giggle.


"Well that was fun." Diana said as they arrived at their house which was a very huge mansion.

"Ok girls brush your teeth and get ready for bed." Sean said making the twins groan.

"Oh come on its the weekend." Dawn said.

"Yeah and both of you got a party to go to tomorrow for your friends birthday early in the morning." Sean said.

"Oh right ok." Sarah said as she and Dawn ran upstairs.

"Well I guess I'll see you around." Diana said about to leave.

"You can stay if you want since I doubt you've got enough room up on the watchtower." Sean said making her eyes widen since that was supposed to be a secret. "Don't act so surprised since when you have the most advanced technology you tend to find things in high places." Sean said calming her down.

"Well...I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Which room would I be staying in?" Diana asked.

"Its down the hall to the left." Sean said as she walked to the other room. She opened the door and smiles seeing a large bed and red sheets on the bed.

"Can I ask you something?" Diana asked Sean as he took off his jacket and grey shirt giving her a view of his well muscles chest making her slightly blush.

"Sure what is it?" Sean asked not seeing her blush.

"When the twins are grown up does that mean you'll be wanting your own family?" Diana asked trying to keep her blush from being seen.

"I wouldn't mind having my own family now. I know one day they'll want to move out and be on their own but it doesn't mean I cant have my own family while they're here to be part of that family. To me having my own kids is the greatest gift you can have and your greatest legacy you leave behind." Sean said making her smile before she pulled him into another kiss which surprised him at first before returning it and held her close before it started getting a little more intense.

Soon enough They made it to his own room and fell on the bed before clothing started flying everywhere.

Hours later

Diana had a content look on her face as she laid her head on Sean's chest who had his arm wrapped around her.

"Mmmm Now that was amazing." Diana said enjoying their bare sweaty skin touching each other.

"So what does this make us exactly?" Sean asked.

"Well I suppose you can say we're a couple of sorts." Diana said wanting to know herself since the moment of lust got the best of her during the kiss before they both knew what happened and loved every moment of the hot wild sex. Thankfully the room was sound prof otherwise the twins would be scared for life with all the screams Diana let out.

"Of Sorts?" Sean said amused making her roll her eyes but still smiled at him and snuggled into his chest more.

"Maybe a real date would clarify this?" Diana asked making him smirk.

"That I can do for you without a doubt." Sean said making her smile more and kissed him again and got on top of him and laid her head on his chest. Both soon slowly drifted to sleep holding each other close.

Diana still had her concerns over his friend the Ghost Rider but for now she was willing to put that aside and be happy with her current position. She also knew she would have to return to the island where her mother was and tell her about this and only hoped her mother would approve of her lover.