
Ghost Raider in DC universe

Ghost Raider in DC universe

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Action
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94 Chs

Aliens vs Predators

Sean was in his office looking over some files before an alert came up on his big screen.

"Huh. So its time already." Sean said seeing the heat signature of the temple the hunters used for rite of passage to young bloods. Sally soon walked in.

"I just got the alert is this for real?" Sally asked.

"Looks that way. I want you to pick our top scientists for the job as well as getting a few of our more unique specialists on board. We leave tomorrow morning." Sean said going through his files on all the personnel.

Next morning

Everyone that was needed for the expedition was aboard a large cruiser on the ocean headed for the temple in Antarctica.

The Top scientists Sean had picked would be Doctor Harrison Wells. (Not reverse flash version) Martin Stein and a few others as well as members from Team Flash Team arrow including Iris West, Joe West, Wally West.

"Sean you mind explaining what this is about?" Oliver asked.

"Yesterday we got an alert in Antarctica. Do you recall the Hunter you and your team captured a week ago?" Sean asked.

"Little hard to forget." Diggle said.

"Well theres a temple here on Earth that they come back to every hundred years for a trial to advance the youngest hunters. For the first time we get the chance to study the inside of this temple." Sean said.

"Where is it?" Cisco asked.

"Under an abandoned whaling station under 2,000 feat thats been abandoned since 1920. A few days ago you've all been briefed about the incident on LV-426." Sean said.

"Can we please like not bring those things up?" Felicity said shuddering remembering seeing the pictures on the Xenomorphs making a few laugh.

"Inside the temple is a Xenomorph queen frozen in special chemicals that both keep her in suspended animation and alive." Sean said.

"Wait you're saying one of those things is on earth?" Lance said skeptical.

"Yes, this is a rare opportunity for us to learn much about the past. Inside this tempel contains ancient knowledge thats been forgotten for thousands of years." Sean said.

"Well, we cant pass that up." Curtis said.

"Theres more isn't there?" Rene said.

"Regrettably yes." Sean said inputing some commands.

"Regrettably?" Joe said before a few containers opened up showing prisoners including Burke who looked around fearfully.

"Dude what the hell?" Roy said.

"As you many of you know these creatures need a host in order to reproduce. I picked the worst of the worst for this occasion. Burke here is responsible for the death of almost 200 colonists so it's only fair and ironic he dies by the very creature he tried to bring home for a worthless percentage." Sean said.

"You cant do this to me!" Burke yelled trying to get out of his cell.

"Not getting any sympathy from me." Joe said.

"Dad." Iris said.

"Hey he killed a lot of innocent people so I'm not stepping in." Joe said.

"What about the others?" Barry asked.

"Rapists, murderers, pedophiles. Do you see a downside to this?" Sean asked.

"Nope." Harrison said.

"I have to ask what exactly should we expect inside this temple if these uh Xenomorphs come after us?" Stein asked.

"You'll all be safe with security. However once the trial begins the temple will begin shifting around moving rooms around and re shaping itself." Sean said.

"Re shaping itself how?" Thea asked.

"Uh how do I explain this? Think of it as a constant changing maze that changes every ten minutes. So do be careful where you're standing or you might get flattened." Sean joked.

"Not funny." Thea said.

"How does the trial start?" Harrison asked.

"Theres a chamber down below containing plasma casters which are these." Sean said showing a holographic image.

"Hey isn't that the same thing your old man picked up in 1987?" Lance asked.

"Thats correct. Once the hunters pick them up the Trial begins or at least it would start that way if they weren't giving us time to study the temple and prepare our prisoners for their final moments." Sean said.

"Harsh." Cisco said.

"What about ancient weapons or artifacts?" Tarken asked.

"Those items are all right just so long as the plasma casters aren't touched." Carl said.

"How long till we get there?" Dinah asked. (Just realized I never put this down but this is the original Dinah and yes she looks like the unlimited version)

"Another day at the most so I would get caught up on all the intel you've been provided." Sean said.


"I have a bad feeling about this man." Diggle said as he loaded up supplies onto the vehicles.

"Come on Dig how can we pass this up?" Curtis asked.

"I get the fact that we'll be making history believe me I don't have a problem with that or the fact that we have to use these scum bags as sacrifices its the fact of whats going to be in there that has me worried." Dig said.

"Yeah that makes both of us." Felicity said.

"Come on guys how bad can it be with all this security?" Dinah said.

"These things nearly wiped out an entire unit of marines honey." Lance said to his daughter.

"To be fair they didn't know the whole place was infested with those things." Thea said.

"He did." Roy said pointing to Sean who was talking to his father can Carl.

"He had a theory." Curtis said.

"Same thing." Roy said.

"For your information." Sean said behind him making him jump. "I wasn't entirely sure that they were there. In any event I've asked the covenant and the republic to send a small battalion of troops each to the area. Trust me your safety is my top priority." Sean said.

"Then theres nothing to worry about." Oliver said.

"You said there was a queen there. How long has she been there exactly?" Curtis asked.

"I don't know about maybe a few thousand years give or take." Sean said.

"Hey Kruger, come for second." Reznov said.

"Yeah I'm on it." Sean said walking over to him.


"Alright everyone time to move out." Sean said as he and the others boarded the vehicles.

"Jeez theres nothing but snow and ice for miles." Reznov said looking out the window.

"Well duh we're all the way up in the north." Julia said.

Soon they arrived at the site where the temple was under.

"What is this place?" Thea asked.

"This is the abandoned whaling station from 1920." Sean said firing up a flare.

"Why was it abandoned?" Oliver asked.

"Take a guess." Sean said.

"They killed everyone?" Dig asked.

"This was before our alliance. Back then they just used anyone as cattle for these things but now we get a say in it. This solves two problems for us. Getting rid of the worst and giving them the needed sacrifices for this trial." Sean said.

"Alright lets move out." Tom said.

The group explored the abandoned station to find places to set up base. Cisco however wandered off by himself.

"What are these?" Wally asked.

"Whale bones. Like I said this used to be a whaling station in 1920. Back then it was a big master as to why everyone just vanished." Sean said inspecting the bones before he noticed Cisco was missing. "Hey wheres Vibe." Sean asked.

"He was just with us." Caitlin said making Sean sigh.

"I'll find him. Fucking dumbass." Sean said looking for him.

Cisco was inspecting the inside of one of the buildings before he heard some noise and started to look for the source and backed up before a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"AHHH!" Cisco yelled before seeing Sean grinning at him while snickering. "Stop don't do that!" Cisco said holding his chest.

"Dude relax the Xenomorphs are underground." Sean said.

"Then what the hell is making that noise?" Cisco said flashing his flashlight over to the source of the sounds before a Penguin waddled over making them chuckle.

"There happy? Carful they bite." Sean joked making them both chuckle before the penguin waddled away.

"Hey guys check this out!" Jackson yelled.

"Jefferson what is it?" Stein asked before seeing a massive hole that led underground.

"Looks like the hunters made us a tunnel." Harrison said.

"Impressive." Tarken said.

"How did they do this so fast?" Felicity asked.

"Plasma weapons from their ship. Fires from space. Alright Set up camp." Sean said.


The group soon traveled down the tunnel while a small group of soldiers stayed behind to guard the entrance till the hunters arrived.

"Get those lights up." Talbot said getting some soldiers to do just that and the lights revealed the Pyramid.

"Absolutely incredible." Carl said.

"Lets make history now." Sean said as they traveled inside the Pyramid.

"Hey Kruger check this out." Reznov said showing an image of a hunter fighting a Xenomorph.

"Photograph anything that has value to it." Sean said.

"Got it." Reznov said.

"Sean have a look at this." Carl said showing some symbols of mixed cultures.

"Egyptian Aztec and Cambodian. All three cultures combined in one." Sean said.

"I didn't think they had anything in common." Carl said.

"They did back in ancient times." Sean said.

"What does it say?" Thea asked.

"Only the chosen ones may enter." Sean said.

"Does that mean the sacrifices?" Dig asked.

"Pretty much. Come on lets go." Sean said as they moved further inside while dragging the prisoners.

Soon they entered the sacrificial chamber.

"This is it." Sean said.

"No! You cant do this!" Burke screamed as Oliver and Lance dragged him to the chamber and chained him down.

"Sorry pal but you deserve this." Lance said before Sally injected him with something.

"A little something to increase his pain sensors up to max since I don't want him getting off easy." Sally said making Burke thrash around wildly along with the others.

"Damn." Cisco said checking out a severed skull. "Barry come have a look at this." Cisco said having him walk over.

"Man this is a clean cut." Barry said inspecting it.

"What do you mean?" Iris asked.

"Well before modern technology we could never make a clean cut like this. The entire spinal column and skull and taken out perfectly." Barry explained while inspecting it.

"Whoa." Cisco said looking at all the skulls on the wall. "These guys had a thing for trophies back then." Cisco said.

"They still do." Sean said looking around.

"A little disturbing if you ask me." Iris said taking photos.

As they were walking around something fell on Cisco.

"AHHH!" Cisco yelled in fright making Sean and David laugh while Barry and Iris chuckled.

"Dude chill out the trial hasn't even started yet." Sean said.

"Then what the hell...Oh." Cisco said seeing a dead face hugger that was completely calcified. "Is this one of those face huggers?" Cisco asked.

"Oh god." Felicity said in disgust.

"Relax its been dead a while now." Sean said inspecting it. "Yeah this is one of them." Sean said.

Thea was examining one of the stone beds that the prisoners were on and saw an inscription.

"They gave their lives so the hunt could begin." Thea said.

"Where'd you learn to translate?" Sean asked.

"Take a guess." Thea said.

"Malcom? Well he taught you well." Sean said making her snort. "You know just because he's done some bad things in the past doesn't mean he's entirely a bad guy since he does care about you." Sean said making her look at him.

"Would you be with your father if you knew the bad things he's done?" Thea asked.

"Yes cause he has made some bad decisions before but he still always thought about me and my family." Sean said making her smile.

"I'll think about it." Thea said.

"Hey the troops just reported in. The hunters are here." Lane said.

"Alright strap the rest of them in lets move." Sean said.


The hunters just went down the tunnel while the troops stood guard.

One of the troops was walking down the streets till a fist came out of his chest making him vomit out some blood before turning around seeing one of the Locust behind him before it threw him down and crushed his head.

The entire camp was slaughtered due to the lack of heavy equipment.

"Do tell me dear what is so important about this temple." Myyrah asked the Dark rider.

"Ancient knowledge can lead to ancient power my dear. How can we pass that up? Plus we get to knock the Ghost Riders down." The Dark Rider said making her smirk as Makorov and Ultron arrived.

"Shall we begin my friend?" Makarov asked.

Down in the Temple

"Base camp come in." Lane said on the comms but only got static.

"Must be interference from the storm." Tom said.

"Probably." Sean said.

"We'll just have to wait till we get topside." Sally said.

Yukari was photographing everything she could before the temple began to change.

"The Trials starting." Sean said.

"Whoa!" Cisco yelled as he and Barry got cut off from the others.

Soon the whole team was split up.

"Oh great." Lane said seeing all their people were scattered.

"Relax Lane." Sean said.

Burke struggled as the Xenomorhp eggs soon came making him freak out and try to escape but it opened up and latched onto his face along with the others making them scream.

About 10 minutes later Burke woke up seeing the face Hugger was off his face.

"No!" Burke yelled before feeling unimaginable pain in his chest making him scream in agony. "NOOOOOOO!" Burke yelled before the chest buster bursted out of his chest along with the others.

"Base camp come in!" Lane yelled on the comms.

"Ok somethings not right. The Storm should be over by now." Sean said before one of the hunters dropped down to them. "What the hells going on?" Sean asked.

"Intruders have entered the Temple." The Hunter said.

"What Intruders?" Tom asked.

"The Dark Rider and his forces. But how did he know about the Temple?" Sean asked.

"You don't think?" Sally tried to say.

"What?" Sean asked.

"Well after the war I noticed there was security breach in the system but I assumed the Russians were trying to get into our systems. What if the whole war was just a diversion for something else?" Sally said.

"Oh please whats more important then conquering the world?" Lane asked.

"Intel." Sean said. "I think she's right. I noticed the same thing but thought nothing of it since I was sure Makarov was working alone but now I'm thinking he's working with him." Sean said.

"All our plans bases and intel on all the heroes under our protection." Talbot said.

"The whole war was a front for something bigger." Sean said.

"Oh hell." Tom said.

"We need to get everyone out of here now." Sean said.


"There you guys are." Sean said as he Tom, Talbot, Lane, Carl and Sally met up with Team Arrow and Yukari.

"Whats up?" Yukari asked.

"We got a problem. The Dark Rider is here." Sean said.

"What!" Oliver said.

"How does he know about this place?" Felicity asked.

"We think during the war that he had Ultron breach our security system to get every bit of intel out of our system. We cant reach the Surface so we're on our own till we reach topside." Sean said.

"Oh great." Thea said.


"Absolutely astonishing." Stein said inspecting the artwork of the temple.

"Martin come on man we've got to get moving before those things find us." Jackson said.

"Alright lets...oh dear." Stein said looking in front of him.

"What?" Jackson said before seeing what had him so spooked it was a group of locust. "What the hell are they doing in here!" Jackson yelled.

"I don't know but I suggest we merge." Stein said getting him to do just that and both became firestorm.

With Barry and Cisco

"How the hell did the Locust get here!" Barry said rushing through them with ease while Vibe blasted them back.

"We need to find the others." Cisco said creating a breach and both went to another location.

With Ross and his group

Ross and his group fired at the enemy as they tried to kill them.

"I cant contact the base they probably killed them already!" A soldier yelled.

With Sean and his group

"Look out!" Tom yelled as a group of Locust attacked them.

Sally was thrown into a wall.

"For the queen." The Locust said about to smash her with his foot when. "AHHH!" The locust yelled as a tail of a Xenomorph came out of its chest and it pulled it towards it and opened its mouth before sending its mouth like tongue into its head. It tossed the body away before screeching into the air soon other Xenomorphs came out but something unexpected happened.

"The hell?" Sean said as they ignored the good guys and went right for the Locust.

"Looks like these things are on our side." Yukari said helping Sally up.

"Nature has an order. These things know the Dark Rider is evil and are fighting back with us." Sean said.

"And if these ones are fighting with us." Tom said.

"The other Xenomorphs will help the others." Sean said.

Back with Barry and Cisco

"WHOA!" Cisco yelled as one of the Xenomorphs pushed him out of the way just as a Locust nearly got him and spites Acid in his face making the Locust scream in pain.

"Looks like they're with us." Barry said.

"Yeah looks that way." Cisco said.

With Ross

"Hold your fire!" Ross yelled as the Xenomorphs took down the Locust and did not attack them.

"Sir we need to get topside." A soldier said.

"Take one of them with you." Ross said.

With Sean

Sean rushed through the Pyramid on his own to find the others before he got attacked by the Dark Rider.

"I'm going to enjoy this." The Dark Rider said before entering his Rider state along with Sean and both soon fought each other.

Sean was thrown into the next room right next to the Queen who screeched at the Dark Rider.

"Let's see if I cant even the odds." Sean said before cutting her chains off freeing her in the process and she bashed the Dark Rider away into a wall before he turned human again with his face mask on.

"You..." The Dark Rider tried to say before the Queen spits Acid at his face. "AHHHH!" The Dark Rider yelled in pain holding his burning face.

"Looks like she picked a side against you." Sean said making him growl.

"EVERYONE PULL BACK!" The Dark Rider yelled on the comms before vanishing along with the rest of his troops.

The queen screeched as he retreated.


"Ok so what the hell just happened? They fight us on LV-426 and yet here they helped us?" Lane said in disbelief.

"I think these Xenomorphs know the Dark Rider has dark intentions for Earth and the rest of the universe and decided to fight back with us. Think of it like with Godzilla against the MUTO's he sensed they would disrupt a balance in the earth and took care of it." Sean said.

"So we have a new ally?" Packard said.

"Looks that way. In any event we can enter the temple without them attacking us and solve another problem for us of getting rid of our criminal problems while building up their numbers to along side us." Sean said.

"Are you sure thats even a good idea?" Cathrine asked.

"It's the best option we've got." Sean said.


"WATCH IT!" The Dark Rider yelled at a medical droid.

"Do be still this is delicate work." The Droid said.

"Just get it over with." The Dark Rider said as he fixed his face as best he could.

"It appears these things have sided with the enemy and now they know about our true intentions during the war." Makarov said.

"It doesn't matter. We have all the intel we need." The Dark Rider said as he was facing away from his comrades not wanting them to see his face before putting his face mask back on.


Sean had decided to put in another action for the family and spend some time with his son.

"So where are we going? Back to the island?" Diana asked while holding Junior in her arms as he slept.

"Of course. What better way of spending time with you and the others then back to where Junior was conceived." Sean said kissing his son's head making him smile in his sleep making both his parents smile at him.