
The Most Fearful Night

The room was as it was before— The unchanged black lotuses stayed there, the red decors and the large, red fabricated bed. There were spider lilies placed in the transparent vase— Yuan gazed everywhere, somewhere he was feeling very notable, as being a ghost’s wife.

“Say, are you really the king of all ghosts?”

“Hehe. I'm indeed the powerful Ghost King of a city, in the Ghost Realm.”

“Ha….” He twitched— 'The world really is big! He was no other but a left-alone-rotten son, and now look at him! Dressed in all nobility!' Yuan mocked.

Yuan had already yawned many times today, now he was damn tired. Yuan went for the bed, but Tian Wu grabbed his arm from behind and then whispered, “Change first,” with a smile.

Yuan was wearing red bridal clothes even though he was a groom. They had a spiritual ghost marriage after all. He thought ghosts wear black.

In the end, confirming himself, everything was not a dream... it was all wicked, bitter reality— married to a Ghost King.