
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Su Qi breaks through the seventh grade

And Su Qi has reached the Xuan level, and the elixir he refined is of the sixth grade Xuan level. If he wants to break through to the seventh grade, the two brothers are truly exceptional talents.

In the entire Haoyue Kingdom, there were only a few elders who had surpassed the fifth rank of the Saint Grade alchemists, and they were mostly below the Xuan level.

Su Ziyun and Jun Lintian had already returned, but they were still worried. After the Su family enjoyed a small snack, Su Ziyun expressed her unease and wanted to go back to check on things. Surprisingly, Jun Lintian nodded and agreed, which made Su Ziyun happy.

To say which was more important to Jun Lintian, returning with Su Ziyun or something else, he was well aware that Su Zinian married Wang Jiao, and he married Su Ziyun, which was beneficial to him in every aspect.

They didn't have to wait long before General Wang hurriedly returned.

"Wang Ye, isn't that General Wang?" Jun Lintian furrowed his brow and looked towards the sound of approaching hooves. It was indeed Wang Agenda.

General Wang also noticed Jun Lintian and Su Ziyun, and he raised his hand to halt the army behind him.

He quickly dismounted and saluted. "The humble general pays respects to Wang Ye."

"General Wang, there's no need to be so formal." Jun Lintian maintained a calm demeanor, but he felt quite unhappy.

"General Wang, did you bring back your sister?" Su Ziyun had a sense of foreboding, and it originated from the owner of Bright Moon Villa.

"Wang Ye, Third Miss, it was not the humble general who intended to bring back the eldest miss, but it was the Tai Fu master's decision," Wang Zhicai couldn't be foolish enough to mention that there was a sixth-level Golden Xuan Period expert guarding the entrance of Moon Mountain Villa, and that expert was just a child.

"General Wang, my sister is your future wife, and she is being detained by the people of Mingyue Villa. The general must find a way to get my sister released," Su Ziyun spoke with a gentle expression. In front of the man, she would always present herself as gentle and considerate.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching hooves came from behind, and Su Ziyun turned to look and saw her father. Instantly, her heart sank.

"The old minister pays respects to the Third Prince."

Su Weichen also quickly dismounted and saluted.

"Master Tai Fu, there's no need for formalities." Jun Lintian's impatience was evident. From the woman's every move, it was clear that not even Wang Ji and Su Weichen could benefit from their visits. Moreover, the depth of Mingyue Villa was unknown, and no one would easily provoke them.

"Daddy, where is my sister?" Su Ziyun's hands clenched into fists under her sleeves, and her sharp nails turned her palms white.

"Yun'er, we should discuss this matter thoroughly when we return," Mrs. Su hesitated. They couldn't even confront the guards standing at the entrance, let alone enter Bright Moon Villa to demand her release.

"Let's go back!" Jun Lintian commanded coldly. He would visit again in two days.

Su Li and He Yunting lingered at the entrance for a while. Su Li carefully scanned the surroundings and detected fluctuations of Xuan Qi. Could there be others nearby?

"Li'er, don't worry. Those who are hiding in secrecy are just curious about Bright Moon Villa, seeking gossip. There are twelve deadly individuals in secret, and they wouldn't dare to make a move," He Yunting reassured.

"Uncle He is right. Let's go back! Let's see if Xin'er has woken up."

"Let's go!" Mrs. Su agreed. It was not the right time for the Su family to make any more moves. They needed to go back and discuss countermeasures with Su Ziyun. He Yunting's eyes brimmed with disdain. They were fleeing without a fight, indicating that there were few people in Haoyue Country with real strength.

"Quercus, you're back," Su Zinian sighed with relief upon seeing Su Li.

"Don't worry, the Su family won't dare to do anything for a while."

Su Li approached the bedside, gazing at her sister, who appeared somewhat drowsy. She felt a deep sense of sympathy for her. Whenever her sister was in this state, their mother would stay by her side all night.

"Mother, hasn't Qi'er finished refining the elixir yet? Xin'er looks very uncomfortable," Su Li expressed her concern.

Su Zimo reached out her hand and gently brushed her daughter's hair off her forehead before speaking calmly, "Just wait a little longer. There's only one piece of silver grass, and I don't know how many more we can find. For now, this is the only one that can sustain Xin'er's life."

Su Zimo's heart ached, and she didn't even feel like talking. Xin'er was so caring and pitiable. She had only recently started to recover, but now she fell ill again.

"Momo, in five days, the Mu family will hold their annual auction. They usually auction silver plants every three years, three plants at a time. It would be better to take this opportunity and buy them all!" He Yunting also wore a worried expression as he looked at Su Xin. He had been sending people to inquire about the whereabouts of silver grass, but it was an extremely rare and precious herb in Haoyue Country.

"Then let's find a way to buy them all," Su Zimo made up her mind this time. She couldn't think too much about it when it came to her daughter's life.

"Good! I'll go back and make preparations. There are still some unfinished matters. I'll leave first."

"Alright," Su Zimo nodded. Over the years, she owed her achievements to Yunting and Mo Niang for their support. Without them, she wouldn't have reached this point.

"Momo, don't worry too much. Xin'er has her own destiny, and she has a mother who cares about her so much. She will be fine," Su Zinian held his sister's hand, his face filled with concern. Being a woman was not easy, and it was even harder to raise three children.

"Hmm, now that my sister and brother are by Momo's side, everything will be fine," Su Zimo forced a smile beneath her mask.

But Su Zinian's face still displayed a trace of worry. "Momo, silver grass can be considered the elixir of Haoyue Country, and the Mu family only auctions three plants every three years. Xin'er will have to find another solution."

"For now, no other spirit grasses have been found that can substitute for silver grass. We'll have to wait for Mo Niang to return and see if those spirit grasses have any effect on Xin'er."

Su Zimo made a firm decision in her heart that no matter how much money it took, she would cure Xin'er and ensure her healthy growth.

"Mother, Qi Er has finished refining the elixir," Su Qi and Su Qingjue walked in, and Su Qi promptly handed the elixir to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo opened the pill box, and a fragrant scent filled the air. Her face under the mask immediately lit up with joy.

"Qi'er, have you broken through to the seventh grade of the Xuan level?"

"Seventh grade of the Xuan level?" Su Qingjue and Su Zinian were shocked. They couldn't believe that Qi'er had reached the seventh grade of the Xuan level in alchemy. The two siblings widened their eyes in astonishment.