
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

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"Huh! Surprising! Even Qi Er, who had just achieved a breakthrough, was taken aback when he refined the elixir and was suddenly promoted to the seventh grade. Su Qi, wearing an indifferent expression, couldn't hide his pride in his heart. He believed that he was extraordinary."

"Qi'er, you're truly incredible. Even Mu Yunhan, a genius alchemist recognized by Haoyue Country, is only at the Xuan-level ninth grade. And Su Ziyun, the pride of the Su family, is only at the Xuan-level seventh grade. In the past two years, she has been stuck in a bottleneck, finding it difficult to break through. But here you are, Qi Er, at the age of five, already at the Xuan-level seventh grade. This is truly unprecedented," Su Qingjue exclaimed, his eyes filled with astonishment. The achievements of the two brothers were unmatched for their age.

"Thank you, Uncle, for your kind words. Your praise makes all the hard work I've put in over the past two years feel worthwhile," Su Qi replied, smiling like a crescent moon. His cute face radiated charm.

Meanwhile, Su Zimo had already given the pill to Su Xin, who soon fell into a deep sleep. Su Qingjue was concerned and asked, "Momo, what kind of illness does Xin'er have, and why did it suddenly occur?"

Su Zimo reassured her brother, saying, "Brother, Xin'er's illness stems from a congenital condition she acquired at birth. My master said that with gradual adjustments, Xin'er will get better."

"Brother, in the future, I want you to accompany Li'er and Yunting to take care of the business of Mingyue Mountain Villa in the capital of Haoyue Country. For the time being, I cannot reveal my true identity as Momo, so I must ask you to bear this burden," Su Zimo requested, knowing that if Su Ziyun and her daughter found out she was still alive, they would likely try to harm her. Su Ziyun had put in a lot of effort to marry Jun Lintian, and Su Zimo also wanted to uncover the truth behind her mother's death.

"Momo, it's no trouble at all. When we were in the Su family, I was always idle and had little influence. Now, managing the business of Mingyue Villa with Li'er gives me something meaningful to do," Su Qingjue replied. He felt a sense of relief and a glimmer of hope that life would be better for the three of them outside the Su family.

"Momo, it's not your fault that our lives were difficult in the Su family. I should bear the responsibility for not providing you and Nian'er with a better life," Su Qingjue expressed his guilt. His eyes revealed a hint of darkness. He explained how his father, in order to stabilize his position, married his current wife, Xie Lengchan, soon after Su Qingjue's mother became pregnant with Momo. Xie Lengchan, the daughter of the former prince, came into the family and caused a rift. A few years later, Su Qingjue's mother mysteriously passed away, leaving the family fragmented and Su Qingjue and his sisters struggling in Su Mansion.

"Brother, you don't need to feel guilty. Look at us now. We're united as siblings, and Mingyue Villa will be our home in the future," Su Zimo reassured him. Her eyes sparkled with a smile as she looked at Su Qingjue and then at Su Zinian. The bond between the three siblings overflowed with love and affection.

The next day at noon, all the household slaves gathered in the courtyard as instructed by Su Zimo.

Word of the young lord of Mingyue Mountain Villa reaching the sixth level of cultivation had spread throughout the capital of Haoyue Country overnight, causing quite a stir.

The Su family was particularly furious. It was supposed to be a joyous wedding day, but the bride had vanished, and Wang Zhi had gone to Su Mansion early in the morning to create trouble.

In the courtyard of Mingyue Villa, Su Zimo asked Qinghe to place a box of pills on the table before her. He Yunting stood respectfully by her side.

More than a hundred people stood below, looking at each other, wondering why Su Zimo had gathered them here.

After taking a sip of tea, Su Zimo spoke slowly, "Everyone, in the future, Mingyue Mountain Villa will establish its presence in the capital of Haoyue Kingdom. Around fifty of you have Xuanqi cultivation, and even those without talent for cultivation must learn some martial arts to defend yourselves. I called you all here today to distribute Juxuan Pills. As long as you remain loyal to the Lord, I will provide you with these pills, granting you Xuanqi and allowing your strength to continue growing."

Su Zimo's sincere voice carried a convincing power.

"What?! Juxuan Pills?!"

Upon hearing this, everyone became excited and looked at Su Zimo in disbelief. The calm and confident aura emanating from her stunned them.

In Haoyue Kingdom Continent, if one couldn't cultivate or refine pills, they were considered worthless. Although it may be acceptable in ordinary households, in prominent families, it was a source of shame and could even lead to expulsion.

Qinghe, who looked at the dozens of boxes in front of him, felt distressed. Juxuan Pills were not something ordinary people could easily obtain, and Xuan-level seventh-grade Juxuan Pills were even rarer. The owner's generosity seemed excessive.

"Thank you, owner!" Over a hundred people knelt down in unison, expressing their gratitude respectfully.

Su Zimo's gesture undoubtedly brought them a sense of security.

"Please rise, everyone," Su Zimo nodded to Qinghe, who looked at her reluctantly but proceeded to open the prepared elixirs.

"These are Xuan-level seventh-grade Juxuan Pills. The highest cultivation among you is only at the fifth level of Zhongxuan. These Juxuan Pills can elevate you to the second level of the High Xuan Period, effectively accelerating your cultivation by two years. Generally, once you reach the second level of the High Xuan Period, breaking through to the Earth Xuan Period becomes a matter of time," Su Zimo explained calmly. She distributed the pills without batting an eyelid.

"Swear allegiance to the owner and do your best to protect Mingyue Villa," everyone declared with utmost sincerity. In that moment, they were deeply moved by Su Zimo's genuine intentions.