
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Fatal Temptation

Su Zimo took out a jade pendant from her sleeve and handed it to Mu Yunxuan to look at.

The round-shaped jade pendant had a character "天" (heaven) engraved on it, and it was identical to the one she saw on Mo Niang last time.

Mu Yunxuan took the jade pendant and his eyes filled with coldness.

"I should have guessed it was him. He actually arrived in Weiku City three or four days before us. According to the report from the secret guards, he should have gone to Wushan during the day. When he came back, I had already instructed Qingfeng to send a message to my master. We will soon know what cultivation technique Jun Lintian is practicing."

"He cultivates the Xuanqi of Blood Consumption, trying to take shortcuts. It's no wonder his cultivation has advanced so rapidly recently."

Su Zimo was filled with confusion. What does Jun Lintian want to achieve?

"Not only that, through our previous encounter, I discovered that Jun Lintian's cultivation is very close to what my master described as the cultivation of Lingxia and the Qiankun Demon Sky Ring. And today, when Jun Lintian went to Wushan, he was probably going there for the Chaos Qi. However, the barrier he set up today was very strange, mainly based on darkness, which is quite different from before."

As Mu Yunxuan spoke, he pulled down the sleeve of Su Zimo's clothes and only then did he notice her, casually lifting his gaze. He saw her deep in thought, with a graceful and elegant demeanor. Looking at her delicate and flower-like face, with tender lips and cloud-like eyebrows, she was truly pleasing to the eye.

"Momo, go to sleep! It's almost dawn." The voice, full of affection and magnetism, made Su Zimo nod involuntarily.

"Oh!" Su Zimo moved her sore body, feeling pain on the left side and bruises on the right. Her whole body was aching, and she knew she wouldn't be able to get up early the next morning.

"Carry me to the bed." Su Zimo suddenly spoke softly, feeling as if she didn't even want to move.

That coquettish and slightly gentle tone made Mu Yunxuan's eyes deepen, and he smiled with indulgence, a certain *emerging in his heart.

As instructed, he gently picked her up and laid her on the bed, then lay down himself, holding her in his arms, burying his face deeply in her hair, as if seeking comfort, yet also filled with deep satisfaction.

Su Zimo's heart trembled slightly. In fact, Yunxuan was someone who appeared strong on the surface but fragile on the inside. He needed a wife who was gentle, soft-spoken, and affectionate. Yet, she always acted in a carefree manner.

It wasn't until the next day at noon that Su Zimo opened her eyes.

Looking around, the glaring sunlight shone through the window. Su Zimo adjusted herself uncomfortably, realizing that as she had expected, her pain had worsened after sleeping.

"Momo." Su Zimo's body froze for a moment before slowly turning over.

"Mother." Su Zimo blushed, feeling as if she had been caught sleeping in.

"Momo, how is your wound today?"

Situ Ruoyan walked to the edge of the bed and asked tenderly.

"Mother, is there something wrong?"

Su Zimo had already understood Situ Ruoyan's personality to some extent. Upon hearing her question, she responded with another question.

"Momo, we must hurry back. The remnants of the former king and queen of the previous dynasty are causing trouble again. We must return quickly. I'm afraid the night is long and full of dreams."

Su Zimo frowned. It seemed they would have to wait until they returned before going to Qianfeng Mountain.

"Mother, my injuries are not serious. We can set off as soon as possible!"

Su Zimo understood the urgency of the situation.

"Momo, you've been through a lot."

"Mother, there's no such thing as going through too much hardship when it comes to family. We are all family."

The phrase "we are all family" deeply touched Situ Ruoyan. In order to reunite her family, she had made many efforts over the years. Now, seeing her children filial and obedient, she suddenly felt that all the hardships she had endured were worth it.

The group set off early in the morning.

Due to Su Zimo's injury, Mu Yunxuan added another carriage for Su Li, Su Qi, and Nalan Yi to ride in.

Inside the carriage, Mu Yunxuan and Su Zimo were together.

Mu Yunxuan looked at Su Zimo, and Su Zimo looked at him. The two exchanged silent glances, and the temperature inside the carriage gradually increased. The atmosphere began to change.

Sitting by the window, Su Zimo blinked her eyes and looked outside, her gaze unusually restless.

Mu Yunxuan smiled and glanced at her. Was she feeling shy?

Mu Yunxuan suddenly moved and sat beside Su Zimo, holding her in his arms. Su Zimo let out a soft exclamation and fell into his embrace. The mature man's aura instantly enveloped her, refreshing yet scorching. She felt both extremes from him.

Su Zimo's heart trembled, and she tried to push him away and sit farther, but Mu Yunxuan hugged her even tighter, bringing her closer to him.

"Mo'er," his voice whispered softly in her ear, hoarse and seductive, irresistibly captivating.

Mu Yunxuan was not a talkative person by nature. As he held his beloved in his arms, he felt his once-empty heart instantly filled.

He wanted to say something to her, but didn't know what to say. In the end, he simply lowered his head and kissed her neck.

His thin lips touched her skin, and both of their bodies trembled.

Mu Yunxuan gazed intensely at her delicate skin, so close at hand. He started with a gentle peck on her earlobe, gradually moving to her cheek. Each touch sent a subtle electric current between them, stimulating her and himself. Only she could make him feel this impulsive at every moment.

"Mu Yunxuan, you're insane."

"Mo'er, I am insane. I go crazy every time I see you."

Mu Yunxuan's eyes deepened in an instant. Since falling in love with her, he, who had been numb for over twenty years, began to feel. He had an urge for her every time he laid eyes on her.

"Mu Yunxuan! We're in a carriage! We're on the road. Qier and Lier could come in at any moment."

Su Zimo said annoyed, her face blushing. She tried to push him away, but somehow her body felt weak. Could it be that she also liked him? Blushing with embarrassment from this sense of loss of control, her eyes were as clear as water, shining like stars.

Mu Yunxuan sensed that her resistance was weak as he was being pushed. He could tell she was shy. A trace of surprise flickered in his eyes, followed by immense joy. Laughter rolled out from his sexy throat. "Mo'er, what are you thinking? What can't we do in here on the carriage?" Mu Yunxuan looked at her blushing face with a meaningful gaze. Even though he desired her, he wouldn't disregard her injury.

"I just want to hold you like this."

Upon hearing this, Su Zimo's expression froze, her almond-shaped eyes widened. "You bastard, is it fun to tease me?" Su Zimo stared at him wide-eyed, considering making an agreement with him so he would stop bullying her.

"It's indeed amusing to tease you." Undeniably, he enjoyed watching her shy and helpless appearance, and he loved even more her cute display of resistance.

She liked to tease him, huh? Su Zimo smiled cunningly. Well, then she would tease him back.

Ignoring her injured hand, Su Zimo hooked her arm around Mu Yunxuan's neck, slightly tilted her head, and kissed his lips.

Mu Yunxuan's eyes widened instantly, and he looked at her, lowering his gaze.

Even though Su Zimo was bold, she didn't dare play with fire. She kissed him lightly like a dragonfly touching water, and then tried to withdraw.

But she didn't understand the wild nature deep within Mu Yunxuan. He wouldn't let go of his captured prey. Moreover, it was rare for her to be so proactive. It was the first time she had initiated such a move. Mu Yunxuan naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity. Wild, beast-like light ignited in his eyes. His entire being exuded an astonishing aura, as if he wanted to devour her completely, forcefully stealing the air from her lips. The wild atmosphere made Su Zimo experience a different feeling, like breaking through a barrier.

"Umm...!" Su Zimo suddenly felt like she was playing with fire.

Instead of teasing Mu Yunxuan, she ended up getting caught up in it herself. Su Zimo finally understood what it meant to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

From initially resisting strongly to gradually offering less resistance, today, this resistance was no longer resistance for Mu Yunxuan. Instead, it seemed more like a reluctant invitation, enticing him.

"Huff!" As soon as she took a breath of fresh air, Su Zimo felt as if she had been reborn.

Mu Yunxuan, still able to control himself, quickly released her. He was afraid that if he continued kissing her, things would spiral out of control.

If she hadn't been injured, he wouldn't have let her go so easily.

As Su Zimo regained her composure, she looked up and saw his handsome face covered in sweat, enduring the discomfort. Alongside a hint of heartache, Su Zimo felt deeply moved. She didn't expect him to consider her injury and not force her.

"Hmph! Serves you right." Despite feeling sorry for him, Su Zimo couldn't help but speak in an unfriendly tone.

"Is that so?" Sparks flickered in Mu Yunxuan's profound eyes. She dared to say that, but it was she who had seduced him first.

"Isn't it?" Su Zimo turned her head away, her face quickly displaying signs of unease. Even though she had provoked him first, she wouldn't admit it.

Her current state was fatally enticing to Mu Yunxuan. Unable to resist, he once again pressed forward, their lips meeting. Su Zimo's brain, deprived of oxygen, was in a state of extreme confusion, and her ability to think dropped to its lowest point. In the end, she succumbed to the situation.

In the end, Mu Yunxuan, making sure that Su Zimo wouldn't be hurt again, fully indulged in their passionate encounter.

They traveled day and night, taking three days and three nights to finally arrive outside the city gates of Li Xia Kingdom.

Throughout the journey, everything remained calm and peaceful, unsettling everyone's hearts. They all felt it was the prelude to a storm. As expected, just as their group arrived at the city gates, they were stopped by the guards...
