
Chapter 012

Yu Gege pushed open the door.

The door hinges, which hadn't moved in a long time, creaked and groaned, causing a throbbing headache for anyone who heard it. A rush of odours hit her, a mix of mold and decay, with a hint of despair, choking Yu Gege and making her cough uncontrollably.

Perhaps due to coming in from outside, Yu Gege's eyes struggled to adjust to the dimness inside the room. Finally, when she had adapted, she saw two shapes curled up on the kang bed, one on the left and one on the right.

"Where is everyone? Are they all dead?" Yu Gege shouted.

The shape on the left side of the kang bed twitched slightly.

"This place is filthy and stinks to high heaven. Uncle and aunt, even if this house isn't yours, please take care of it. Even if you don't care about my father's property, at least make the place livable for yourselves."

Yu Gege paused her scolding and waited in silence for the two dark figures to react.

The dark figures moved slightly in response to the stress, but that single motion seemed to drain their strength entirely.

"I'm truly amazed by the two of you," Yu Gege covered her nose and approached one of the dark figures, "Aunt, please move a bit and tidy up the room. You used to be so efficient and neat by yourself. How come, as soon as your daughter left, you stopped living?"

"Daughter?" The dark figure slowly raised its head, and a faint glimmer of light shone through the tangled, grey hair.

Yu Gege's heart skipped a beat under the influence of this glimmer.

"Er Niu?" The glimmer grew brighter, revealing a hint of hope.

"Yes, your Er Niu. She's dead. So, what's your excuse for not living?" Yu Gege's words sounded callous to anyone else.

The glimmer in the dark figure's eyes immediately faded, and it replied, "Yes, I'm not living anymore. My daughter is dead, and I've lost all hope. What's the point of living?"

The dark figure burst into loud sobs, and the other dark figure in the corner of the room emitted a mournful, flute-like wail in response.

"Then the two of you can go die. River doesn't have a lid, and there are plenty of crooked-necked willow trees outside the city."

The two dark figures stopped crying and stared blankly at Yu Gege.

"Still not brave enough, huh? Or afraid to die? Uncle and Aunt, that's more like it. It's better to cling to life if you can." Yu Gege took satisfaction in her sharp words.

The spirits of Jun's parents slumped again, and Yu Gege quickly clapped her hands to wake them up.

"When it comes to fear of death, Uncle and Aunt, you two have quite the guts. You dared to arrange a ghost marriage for Jun. Do you even know who you found for your daughter?"

Jun's mother and her father slowly turned their heads, exchanged a glance, and then turned their heads to look at Yu Gege.

Yu Gege couldn't wait any longer for the two to speak. "Yan was a revolutionary. From the Guangxu era to the Xuantong era, he remained undercover by the side of our Qing Emperor. Do you know how he died? He went to assassinate the Duke Gong and got caught by the Japanese, who beheaded him."

The two elderly individuals remained wide-eyed and stunned throughout Yu Gege's revelation. She felt that her intimidation had hit the mark.

"It's already the Republic era..." Jun's father, Zaiyi, suddenly uttered.

"That's right, I don't care about any party or whose life they want to change. As long as my Er Niu is happy, I'll go along with it," Jun's mother mumbled, as if speaking to herself and agreeing with her husband.

A lump formed in Yu Gege's throat, and she knew she had to continue pulling out the thorn that was stuck there.

"Even the person your Er Niu likes indulges in wanton killing of innocent people, and you're still willing to go along with it?" Yu Gege challenged.

"In such a chaotic world, who doesn't have some blood on their hands? Who can truly claim innocence?" Zaiyi seemed to have gained a new perspective.

Seeing that the two stubborn individuals weren't forthcoming, Yu Gege grew impatient. She began with a cold laugh and then went for a more sensitive area.

"Ying, your family's favourite son, is he not innocent either? Uncle, it's hard to believe that you would prioritize the greater good over family ties."

Zaiyi's eyes betrayed a sense of fear.

"Ying?" Jun's mother became agitated. She crawled from the corner of the kang bed to its edge and grabbed Yu Gege's clothing. "What's going on? You need to tell me right now."

Yu Gege was caught off by Jun's mother's sudden actions, and she panicked. She tried to dodge and shouted for Jun's mother to ask her damn son-in-law about whatever she wanted to know.

However, Jun's mother was not about to let go, gripping Yu Gege's clothing firmly.

In her desperation, Yu Gege pushed Jun's mother, causing her to fall backward. Her upper body hit the edge of the kang table with a heavy thud.

In the nick of time, the other motionless dark figure swiftly moved to the edge of the kang table, serving as a cushion to soften the impact.

Zaiyi helped his wife up and addressed her, "Er Niu's mother, as for Ying's matter, we know the ins and outs of it, and we're not going to be swayed by idle gossip."

After saying this, Zaiyi gave Yu Gege a sharp look.

"Me? Idle gossip? Uncle, can't you distinguish right from wrong? If it weren't for the fact that you're my elder, I would..." Yu Gege retorted.

"You would what? Go ahead, say it," Zaiyi challenged, extending his neck toward Yu Gege as if preparing for an impending confrontation.

"So many years, you young ones, not a single one of you treated me as an elder. Your father, never considered me as a brother," Zaiyi continued.

Yu Gege didn't expect the usually mild-mannered man to have such a fierce side. She looked at his bulging neck, and in that moment, she backed down.

"Hmph!" Zaiyi shook his clothes, brushing off his previous feeble appearance. "You're just like your father, always picking on the weak. How many years have you been tormenting my Er Niu?"

"Er Niu..." Jun's mother burst into tears again upon hearing that name.

That's right, Er Niu. Yu Gege suddenly realized she had forgotten this ace in her hand. This was the real weapon for getting back at uncle and aunt.

"Uncle, if you treat me this way, I won't hold it against you. I'll just assume you've lost your temper due to old age. In the end, we're still family. But there are some things I can't keep hidden from you..."

"If you have something to say, say it. If not, go cool off somewhere else. Don't bother me with all this nonsense," Zaiyi seemed to be settling into his usual demeanour.

"Jun, or rather Er Niu, how did she really die? Have you found out?" Yu Gege asked.

Jun's mother and her father exchanged glances and almost simultaneously jumped off the kang bed, grabbing Yu Gege, one on each side.

"How did she die? Gege, you need to tell us now."

Yu Gege had planned to tease them a bit more, but the door was pushed open, and a handsome and slender young man walked in.

"What a lively scene! You're talking so loudly that it can be heard outside," he remarked.

Jun's mother and her father clearly didn't recognize the newcomer and stood there looking bewildered.

Yu Gege recognized him as Puyi's brother, Pujie, and then remembered that she had come here for a specific reason.

Pujie, on the other hand, knew how to handle situations gracefully. He stepped forward and respectfully greeted Jun's mother and her father, "Uncle, auntie, I hope you're both well?"

Jun's parents were pleasantly surprised.

"Uncle? Auntie? I don't think anyone has ever addressed them this way in their entire lives," Yu Gege muttered quietly.

Pujie ignored Yu Gege's teasing and continued with a warm smile, "Uncle and auntie, you may not know yet, but His Majesty has bestowed the title of Princess Danyang upon your daughter. Uncle, it won't be long before you officially return to your ancestral roots."

Zaiyi's reaction was much more indifferent than Pujie had anticipated. Pujie felt a bit awkward and shifted his attention to Yu Gege.

"Gege, the item, please. Give it to me," Pujie requested.

Yu Gege removed the gold-encrusted floral collar from her neck and handed it to Pujie. Pujie carefully inspected it and placed the collar into a silk-lined box.

"Gege, you really scared me..."

Yu Gege didn't quite understand what Pujie was referring to, so she chose to remain composed.

"I was waiting at the palace gates the entire time, you know. Those soldiers were brandishing their bayonets, and I was worried that they might cut the collar into pieces..."

Yu Gege understood now and continued to stay silent, allowing Pujie to express his admiration.

"Later, I found out that the straw was a diversion. Gege, you're really clever. How did you come up with that trick?" Pujie asked.

Yu Gege modestly replied, "Oh, it's just a little trick. Nothing a strong man like you would bother with."

"That's not all. The most exciting part comes next. Gege, to be honest, my heart was in my throat when that official reached out to you..." Pujie continued.

Yu Gege remained silent, letting Pujie shower her with praise.

However, Pujie changed the topic. He glanced at Jun's parents, who stood there like wooden stakes, seemingly uninterested in the conversation between him and Yu Gege. Pujie pulled Yu Gege aside and lowered his voice.

" Gege, do you have a divine spirit possessing you? Or is it that someone powerful is protecting you?"

"What do you mean?" Yu Gege's expression turned stern.

"That commander, he was clearly coming towards you, but suddenly, someone grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground. I saw it with my own eyes, his feet were off the ground..." Pujie explained.

"Did you see who grabbed him by the neck?" Yu Gege asked icily.

Pujie choked, realizing that he hadn't actually seen the second person. His words turned out to be baseless.

"The Master doesn't talk about mysterious powers or strange abilities. Have you forgotten the Master's teachings?" Yu Gege replied with a feigned smile.

"Alright, alright," Pujie waved his hand, finding this old girl quite challenging to deal with.

"The Emperor said if the collar was transported well, next time, he'll reward you with something big. We'll start the transportation tomorrow. Same as before, I'll be here waiting for the delivery after noon," Pujie concluded and then bowed to Jun's parents before leaving.

Yu Gege slumped on the kang bed. She had thought this trip would earn her the favour of Puyi and secure her a good match, but it turned out that the fallen emperor was willing to use her to her fullest potential.

"But how did Er Niu really die? You haven't told me yet," Jun's mother leaned in close to Yu Gege, refusing to let the matter rest.

"We didn't arrange a ghost marriage with Yan, how could that happen with all that's been going on? Who told you that, Gege?"

Zaiyi's words might have sounded disconnected, but the underlying message was crystal clear. If Jun's death was indeed related to Yan, they, as a couple, would not spare that young man even if he were dead.

Had it not been for Pujie's intervention, Yu Gege would have pinned Jun's death on Yan without hesitation. The two of them had been inseparable since childhood, and they had never hesitated to provoke Yu Gege, who was never favoured by anyone.

However, at this moment, Yu Gege carried the hope of her family's revival on her shoulders. Her future, whether filled with comfort or austerity, depended on her choices. Yu Gege understood that she couldn't prioritize momentary satisfaction of her ego.

She turned her wrist and casually touched Jun's mother's hand.

"Er Niang…"

Jun's mother jumped in surprise and quickly withdrew her hand, looking at Yu Gege as though she were a monster.

"Gege, are you under some evil spell? My wife is not your Er Niang. Your Er Niang is the daughter of the Fourth Rank Officer Shaochang..."

Zaiyi's words contained a hint of sarcasm, and he couldn't believe Yu Gege had called him "Amah."


Yu Gege's loud call left Zaiyi in shock. He thought that even if someone was playing a prank, they wouldn't call him "Amah" so directly.

Yu Gege, however, paid no attention to Jun's parents' reactions. She stood up, adjusted her clothes, and gave the elderly couple a deep bow. "Er Niu is no longer here, so from now on, I will be your Er Niu. I will ensure that you both enjoy your senior years and be with you until the end of your days."

Yu Gege changed her demeanour so abruptly that Jun's parents couldn't keep up. They didn't believe it was a genuine display of affection from Yu Gege. Her theatrical performance was too obvious, with a voice loud enough for the deaf to hear and eyes rolling so wildly that they covered every corner of the room. It was clear that she was acting, and they felt like they were part of the audience. As for whom she was performing for, Jun's mother and father didn't know and had no interest in finding out.

Seeing Jun's parents' lukewarm response, Yu Gege knew she couldn't continue the act. If she revealed her true intentions, her lifeline might be exposed and crushed, becoming the last straw that broke the camel's back.

She hastily bid farewell to Jun's parents and headed straight for the door.

Xi and Fu saw Yu Gege coming out and hurried to meet her.

"Gege, I just saw Master Pujie take the item. This is the only time, right?"

Xi's words touched upon Yu Gege's concerns, and she remembered something. She quickly turned back and shouted into the house, "Er Niang, Amah, please don't see us off. I'll come back to visit you soon."

Fu followed Yu Gege's gaze toward the door, wondering if Yu Gege had taken the wrong medicine. There was clearly no one inside the house, so who was she saying goodbye to? Furthermore, Yu Gege's parents were still in Xi'an at this moment. Where did these "Er Niang" and "Amah" suddenly come from?