
Ghost King's Pet Concubine

After time-traveling, she unexpectedly becomes the ancient version of Cinderella. Not only is her fiancé stolen by her sister, but she is also pushed away by her father— What a joke! She's always been the one to butcher others, and now it's their turn to act arrogant?! Hit her? Sure! One needle will make sure you can never lift your right hand again! Insult her? Fine! One kick will send you down the icy lake to feed the carps! Assassinate her? Great! Make it so they can't see the sunlight of tomorrow! No problem! She's the "Sorceress of the World" who plays both the black and white. She wants to see who between them is more bloodthirsty and who is more ruthless! Only after marrying into the Royal Mansion does she find out that Ghost King is quite different from the rumors outside. Not only is he poisoned with a strange toxin and has to take medicine daily, but he also suffers unbearable pain every night when the moon is full. Seeing his frail appearance, she gradually lowers her guard and starts to feel pity for him. She swears that whoever made him like this, she will repay them a thousandfold, no, ten-thousandfold! However, this man seems to be quite different from what she initially thought... ——————————————————————————————— [Scene Appreciation One] "The King, King Jing is pestering the Princess—" "Castrate him." "Young Master Shangguan sends love letters to the Princess—" "Chop them off." "Imperial Concubine is bullying the Princess—" "Dethrone her." "The Demon Domain is seizing our territories—" "Find their master, kill the males, and send the females to the barracks." "King, the Princess is the master of Demon Domain..." "Oh? Make way and give the territories to the Princess!" "Yes..." "Tell the Princess, what's mine is hers——" "This..." "My people are hers, so naturally the same goes for material possessions——" "Uh..." "Didn't the Princess fancy Wuji Palace before? Serve it and send it to her!" "Pfft..." "Ask the Princess what else she likes. If she wants the throne, this King will seize it!" A certain guard collapses with foam at his mouth, convulsing all over. [Scene Appreciation Two] "Miss, there is someone willing to pay a fortune for your husband's head." A man in black clothes respectfully stands outside the red gauze, while inside, a woman affectionately snuggles into the man's embrace. "How much?" The woman chuckles lightly. "Five thousand taels of gold." "What a bargain... My Lord, why don't you give me ten thousand, and we'll call this matter off—." The woman's delicate fingers ignite a series of flames on the man's body. "What if I say no—." The man grips the woman's tender hand and lightly pecks it against his lips. "Qi'er, show no mercy, issue the 'Zhuiming Seal', kill Ghost King and reward ten thousand taels of gold, along with an 'Annual Best Assassin Award'." "Qi'er, are you going to murder your husband?!" "You dare!" New people, new story, thank you for your support!

La Mi Tu · History
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502 Chs

Chapter 17: Kick You Flying

With such a dependable figure to lean on, Murong Qiqi was naturally delighted, "Cousin, you should keep your word. If anyone bullies me in the future, I'll immediately use your name!"

"Of course."

"So, whatever I do, even if it causes trouble or is a mistake, you'll shoulder the blame?"

"No problem--"

Before Li Yunqing could finish his sentence, Murong Qiqi darted behind Duanmu Yiyi and with a swift kick, sent her sprawling into the lake.

"Splash--" Duanmu Yiyi plunged into the water, creating a massive splash. The whole thing happened too quickly for anyone to intervene. By the time everyone came to their senses, Duanmu Yiyi was floundering in the water, shouting for help while struggling.

"You!" Duanmu Hongchen glared furiously at Murong Qiqi, before leaping onto the water's surface and pulling Duanmu Yiyi out.

"You--" Li Yunqing had absolutely no idea that after everything Murong Qiqi had said, she would pull such a "kick." But since he had agreed to support her, he would naturally protect her.

Presumably, Murong Qiqi had counted on this, hence her intentional actions. "Little devil!" Li Yunqing's voice unexpectedly carried a hint of indulgence.

"Ah! Murong Qiqi, I'll kill you!"

As the young miss of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Yiyi had never suffered such humiliation before. Ignoring her sopping wet body, she immediately unsheathed the sword from Duanmu Hongchen's waist and lunged at Murong Qiqi. "You wretch! Die!"

"Be careful!" Shangguan Wuji shouted in alarm, but he was too far away from Murong Qiqi to intervene in time.


Murong Qiqi closed her eyes tightly, shrieking in "terror," clutching the dagger Shangguan Wuji had set down earlier, not daring to look at Duanmu Yiyi.

As Duanmu Yiyi's sword was about to impale Murong Qiqi, she tilted slightly to one side and the sword brushed past her. Duanmu Yiyi's right wrist, which was holding the sword, happened to collide with the dagger. "Clang--" Pain shot through Duanmu Yiyi's wrist and the sword fell to the ground, a streak of scarlet immediately appearing on her wrist.

"Don't kill me! Cousin, save me!" cried Murong Qiqi, running behind Li Yunqing, while Duanmu Yiyi let out a scream, "My hand--"

"Little sister!" Duanmu Hongchen rushed forward to check and discovered that the tendons in Duanmu Yiyi's right wrist had been cleanly severed by the dagger. Bright red blood flowed incessantly. If her hand wasn't treated immediately, it would be crippled and she could forget about playing the zither or wielding a sword in the future.

"Hang in there, little sister!" He shot a fierce glare at Murong Qiqi, then swiftly picked Duanmu Yiyi up and left Huxin Pavilion.

"Third sister, you are in trouble!" Murong Qinglian laughed in schadenfreude beside them, "You severed Miss Duanmu's wrist tendon. You have stirred a hornet's nest! The Duanmu family won't let you off that easily!"

"I, I didn't do anything..." Murong Qiqi seemed frightened by Murong Qinglian's words, her eyes welling up with tears, "She charged at me herself, I don't understand why it ended up like this..."

Everyone had seen exactly what had happened. When Duanmu Yiyi's sword had lunged at her, Murong Qiqi had done nothing. But somehow it had ended up with Duanmu Yiyi's wrist being cut by the dagger. It was purely accidental. One could only say that Murong Qiqi was incredibly lucky!

But, was it really luck? A gleam of amusement rose in Li Yunqing's eyes. It seemed like this cousin of his was like a huge treasure chest, constantly surprising him the more he knew about her.

"Third Young Lady, we all saw the incident clearly. It had nothing to do with you. It was purely accidental," said Shangguan Wuji, trying to reassure the frightened Murong Qiqi. "Don't worry. If they decided to investigate this matter, I will attest for you."

"Thank you, Young Master Shangguan!"

"Third sister, have a sip of wine to calm your nerves!" Murong Xinlian poured some wine and offered it to Murong Qiqi. "We all saw what happened. You're not at fault. You don't have to worry too much. Our father is a reasonable man."

"Thank you, second sister!" Murong Qiqi took the cup of wine and was about to drink it when she detected something amiss.

Well, there was poison mixed in. She had known that today's events wouldn't end so easily. Having waited for so long, Murong Xinlian finally couldn't help but make her move. Murong Qiqi's lush eyelashes gave a slight flutter as she boldly drained her glass.

She had been tossed into a poison spring by her godfather and soaked there for two years. Such minor tricks were nothing to her. However, if Murong Xinlian was plotting against her, why not turn the tables?

Within a short while, Murong Qiqi clutched her head as if she were in pain. "I'm not feeling well. You guys carry on, I'm going back first."

Seeing Murong Qiqi's condition, Murong Xinlian knew the drug had kicked in. Concealing her inner delight, she put on a worried expression. "Where is your maid? I'll have someone escort you back! Ma Nao, take Third Young Lady back to Cui Zhu Garden!"

"Yes!" An elegant young maid immediately appeared to support Murong Qiqi. "Third Young Lady, let's go."

"Wait a moment!" Murong Qiqi withdrew her hand, causing Murong Xinlian's face color to change. Had she discovered something?

"I left something behind!"

Murong Qiqi walked to the table and gathered all the previous bets into her arms. The last thing she brought out was the Xuefu Pill, which she gave to Shangguan Wuji. "Even though we are strangers, I am grateful for your protection. Please accept this Xuefu Pill as a token of gratitude."

Without waiting for Shangguan Wuji's refusal, she crammed the Xuefu Pill into his hand, then saluted Bai Mufei and Bai Yiyue. "I will thank both of you for your kindness another day."

Having finished doing all this, Murong Qiqi again clutched her head, her face portraying pain. "Ma Nao, take me back."

Watching Murong Qiqi and Ma Nao leave, Murong Xinlian let out a deep breath and her expression softened.

Just a moment ago, because of indigestion, Murong Jun had left. Things were going according to her plan, and soon the drug in Murong Jun's system would take effect. All Ma Nao had to do was lead Murong Qiqi to Murong Jun, and when wood met fire, they would ignite automatically.

Meanwhile, Ma Nao was supporting a dizzy Murong Qiqi. "Third Young Lady, Third Young Lady!"