
"What a psycho."

There is a distinction between being friendly and being creepy.

Most people are uncomfortable sharing personal information with anyone other than close friends and family. If you like eliciting personal information from people, you have most definitely been classified as a creep. Take the time to get to know someone before asking them sensitive questions.

That is what Jerrod forgot to consider. He straightforwardly asked Larissa to get into his car and offered to take her home, even though they didn't have any kind of relationship at all.

Jerrod's confidence was ultimately destroyed by the way Larissa looked at him, as if he was a creep.

"I don't ride into some stranger's car."

Jerrod stiffened after being rejected. He shouldn't be making this a big deal because it is right not to ride into strangers' cars, but still, his expression is glum, not because of being rejected but because he is worried about his progress.

Nothing ever changed.

He could still see the ghost whenever he opened a cabinet, and the dreams that kept him awake never missed a night to pay him a visit.

"Ah. right. Okay, take care on your way."

"You too, sir."

Jerrod watched Larissa leave the parking area as he returned to his car. He didn't leave there and just rested his head on the steering wheel again.

He closed his eyes, hoping that he could have a chance to have a peaceful rest.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Sir? Is everything alright?"

Jerrod could hear another set of knocks on his window, but he chose not to move. He could hear a man's voice instead of Larissa's, and that made him more reluctant to get up.

"Sir, you've been here since last night. Are you alright?"

"Night? huh? It's morning?"

He finally opened his eyes and was startled to see that it was already morning.

"Did I just fall asleep without dreaming of anything?"

He hugged himself after feeling well rested, even if he had fallen asleep inside his car.

With the joy of finally getting a complete eight hours of sleep, he hurriedly got out of his car and clasped the guy's hand who had been knocking on his window.

"Good morning! I never thought I would ever have the chance to wake up like this!"

Jerrod smiled brightly and thanked the guy with full energy.

Again, he received judging eyes that looked at him as if he was a creep, but he didn't mind. He was too happy and energized to feel awkward about it. He then drove his car to his office.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning, sir!"

"You look full of energy today, sir."

"Yeah, did something good happen?"

Jerrod brightly greeted everyone, which made his office mates curious about what was putting their manager in such a good mood. For the last few weeks, he was always quiet and gloomy, but now Jerrod's energy is back.

"I just had a good night's sleep." he replied with a smile.

He was about to start his work when his assistant noticed his attire.

"Oh? You didn't change your clothes!"

"Oooooh? Did you have a good night, sir?"

"You're seeing someone, sir?"


His office mates were intrigued as to why he hadn't changed his clothes and teased him for it, but he didn't feel uncomfortable about it and continued his day with a smile.

After lunch, as usual, he went to the convenience store to see Larissa.

"W-Why is she glaring at me? What did I do wrong?" Jerrod wondered as he felt uncomfortable with the eyes that were watching him.

Larissa didn't even try to hide her gaze and just openly stared at Jerrod the moment he entered the store and until he was picking up food from the shelves.

"We talked fine last night. What did I do wrong to deserve this gaze?"

Jerrod hurried to choose the food he would buy as he couldn't take the stifling gaze any longer.

"Did you get home safely?" Jerrod asked with an awkward smile.

"Yes, how about you, sir?" Larissa replied. She stopped staring at him once she started scanning the items.

Jerrod shared enthusiastically, "I got home safely. I also rested well and slept well." He was overjoyed because he had gotten a full night's sleep for the first time in a long time.

"That's good to hear."

Larissa's tone sounded unusually down than her usual dry and blunt responses, which made Jerrod ask in concern, "Is there something wrong? are you sick?"

"You have no right to ask me that. Sir"

Jerrod was startled at the blunt response from Larissa, and he became flustered and awkward. "I-I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Well then, w-well then, thank you."

Without waiting for Larissa to bag his items, Jerrod grabbed the pack of food he ordered. He rushed to his car and drove it back to his office.

"Is it too early to be concerned about her? What if she feels more distant towards me? Ack! What should I do?"

Knock, knock, knock.

Jerrod frowned at his car window, wondering why his car had been knocked by someone so many times recently.

"Sir, are you alright?"

"Oh. Assistant Ross?"

Jerrod got out of his car after recognizing his assistant.

"Why are you still here in the parking area? It's office hours." Jerrod asked. He is no one to talk to, but except for the managers, other employees are not allowed to loiter around in office hours.

"Oh? I forgot something in my car. I just came down to pick it up." Ross replied awkwardly. He then tries to divert the topic so that he won't be asked further. "It seems you're eating your lunch away from here, sir. Would you recommend us the restaurant as well? We are curious about your delectable taste."

"Exquisite? Is convenience store food delectable?" Jerrod responded honestly. He then shamelessly lifted the food that he planned to reheat in the pantry, as he didn't plan to start working yet.

"T-that's unhealthy, sir, but it's good."

"Then join me in eating this."

Jerrod grabbed Ross's shoulder and they went up to the elevator together. Jerrod's expression turned bright again as he continued to speak about convenience store foods.

Jerrod plans to ask for advice from his assistant again, as he thinks Ross has more experience with women than he does.

On the other hand, Ross feels like his manager is a total psycho. Jerrod sometimes acts friendly and kind.

Sometimes he acts strict and cold.

Sometimes, Jerrod was naïve and innocent.

Ross thought that he would get used to his manager after working under him for years, but even now he could not completely get into his mood yet.

"Sir, we have work to do."

"What work? You're with me, so it's fine."

Jerrod bragged about his position, which made Ross curse internally. "What a psycho."

Next chapter