
Ghost Hunter : The New Beginning

There are many ghost hunters in the world and their main purpose is to protect themselves from the ghosts. Until the hero leads them to reclaim the land and prosperity they once had. A man is suddenly reborn back to the time he was young and met the Ghost Hunting System that changed his future life. Reborn in a new life, he decides not to be a silent hero in this life, search for the heroes he met in his previous life and create a union. In this life, he will become the guardian and slayer of the world.

Tommyky · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Badge application successful!

When he returned home, Noah scowled as he returned to his room and went to sleep, he had thought that he had hidden himself well. But unbeknown to him, his parents were in the kitchen watching him return home safely and then return to their room to sleep. The teen's obsession could not be hidden from his parents' eyes. While eating dinner, Noah's mother already knew that her son was lying, it was true that his strength could pass the test, but when discussing about earning money, he couldn't hide it from his mother's caring eyes.

The next day, Noah walks to school with Jeni after breakfast. Both of them attended the same school and Jeni was a school mini-star, with people specifically stopping at the school gates to watch her every day. This also caused Noah to frown and ask Jeni if these people bother her in any way. For her part, Jeni replied that they were kind of annoying but they all didn't have any malicious intent, so the usual friendly greetings would be enough. Noah nodded and then said, "It's fine, I'll take care of it." Just when Jeni was confused, Noah passed all the coins left in his pocket to Jeni and said, "Keep these and buy whatever you want." After saying that, he rub Jeni's messy hair that she had tidied up before she left the house. Jeni gave Noah a glare before saying, "What has happened, why are you giving me all the money, and what are you going to have for lunch later?"

Noah said, "I'll figure it out later, I came to school today in order to ask permission for a leave of absence until the day of the test, so don't worry about me, tell Mom and Dad, I'll be home every day." All Noah had in mind was to apply for the leave and then go to the nearby Ghost Hunter's Guild to apply for his Ghost Hunter Apprentice Rank Badge, which would prove the rank and information of the owner. Jenny was just about to open her mouth to say no, but Noah rubbed her head once again and said, "Don't worry, I can protect myself, and after I earn some money, I'll take you to buy what you want." Then without waiting for Jeni to refuse he said goodbye and walked directly to the office.

It took half an hour of debate with the class teacher in the office until she finally agreed the request of Noah. But the requirements were a test of force value and returning to the school on time to have a body check. Noah also agreed to see this, he and class teacher walked to the test machine, Noah ordinary punch out, the number displayed in the machine is also crazy increase, and finally stopped at 184.Noah is quite satisfied with this achievement.After all, last night his ten punches can only have a punch of strength is able to reach 180 or more, but today's first punch have reached 184. The class teacher who stood by the side of Noah looking at the force value and punch strength both have broken 100 with her mouth open in shock.

She grabbed Noah and asked, "How come your punch strength and force value are suddenly that high, did you drink a potion that enhances your force value?" Noah also helplessly shake his head and replied, "I don't know, I suddenly felt full of power, and then it was like this." Noah thought to himself, the truth is definitely impossible to say, so he can only make up a good intentioned lie. The class teacher looked at Noah for a while, then said, "Well, remember to come back to school for regular body checks."

With that, Noah left the school with his leave of absence letter, not forgetting to walk over to Jeni's class to check on her status in class before he left. With that, Noah was delayed for another half an hour.

After leaving the school, Noah walked to the Ghost Hunters Guild. Every city had at least one Ghost Hunters' Guild, and they were mainly responsible for conducting item auction buybacks, testing Ghost Hunters' ranks, and protecting the safety of the city. Every Ghost Hunter with a badge is obligated to protect the city, as the Guild pays a monthly stipend to all Ghost Hunters with a badge.

After entering into the Ghost Hunter Union, Noah walked up to the counter, a staff member also walked up to inquire about the situation, when he learnt from the enquiry that Noah was here to apply for the Ghost Hunter Apprentice Badge, his expression was slightly surprised. Because most young people with the strength to apply only after passing the school test, it is rare for someone to apply too early. This was because when the application was made, the minimum limit of the school test would also be raised, representing that it would be harder to pass than others.

Noah also understood this reasoning, but his primary goal was to make money, and he had to need a badge to enter the ghost zone.The staff brought Noah to a training room, after which an old man walked over and asked if Noah was here to apply for the Ghost Hunter Apprentice badge. The old man nodded his head and then led Noah to the testing machine signalling Noah to take the test. As usual, Noah was able to punch with a force of 180+, proving that the force value was 100% over 100, but the old man beside him had thought about it for a while and then asked Noah why he wanted to apply for the badge before the school test. Noah also didn't think that the old man would ask himself this question, but then he said that he wanted to enter the ghost zone to slay the ghosts and monsters to earn money. The old man seemed to have never thought that Noah would be so generous in answering the truth, and directly laughed.

Afterwards, he gave Noah a sheet of paper, which represented the meaning of passing the test, Noah also hurriedly thanked the old man and left. After leaving, the old man only said, " Great, just need these young people to feel the danger early, otherwise how to resist the disaster after that."

Noah walked to the counter and found the staff who had just served him and then handed over the paper that the old man had just given him, the staff sees the paper and quickly processed some of the details before handing over a Ghost Hunter Apprentice's Badge to Noah. Although Noah had obtained it before, but he still felt passionate about obtaining it again. He planned to go to the Ghost Zone now in order to try out his strength, then left under the staff's gaze. After leaving, the staff also wondered, " Don't know what this kid is doing in there, the president will directly issue an order to grant him the badge as soon as possible."

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