
Chapter 2

The forest was quiet though that wasn't unusual at night. The two devil dogs (one male and one female) moved as quietly and a carefully as they could but it wasn't easy due to the fact that their night vision was very poor.

"Savage," the female said. "It's too hard to see and I'm getting tired."

The male looked back at his mate, concern in his yellow eyes. Exhaustion was in her black eyes. They have been running for weeks ever since their pack was killed. He walked up to her and nuzzled her affectionately. Her stomach was already beginning to swell with the puppies she was carrying. Her mate looked around and saw what he thought was a small cave. It would provide some protection for the night and they would be able to stay warm.

"This way," he said, leading her into the cave.

Once inside, the two devil dogs snuggled close and went to sleep. There was a lot of misconceptions about their kind. Many believed them to be vicious and mean but they weren't. It was the few that felt they were owed something or that were trained by humans to be attack dogs and hunters that were mean and vicious. Most devil dogs were as loyal as chimeras were; they protected their territories, their packs, and their families.


The sun had just risen when the two devil dog woke up and found themselves in a beautiful valley. It was absolutely perfect, just like their old home. There were lots of trees and fields for game to hid in and a lake for drinking and fishing. The trees also provided plenty of shade during the afternoon and the mountains protected the valley from unwanted intruders. Laughter drew Savage's attention to the other side of the lake.

"Ventress," he said, "look."

His mate looked across the lake and saw what had caught his attention. It was Ezra, Sabine, Lux, and Ahsoka laughing and playing as they made their way to Bendu's cave.

"Chimera pups," Ventress said. "Their parents must be close by. You don't think they'll be unhappy that we're here, do you?"

"Chimeras and devil dogs lived in peace years ago. Nothing says that can't happen again."


"Bendu!" Ezra called as he and his friends came to a cave near the lake. "It's Ezra, Ahsoka, and Lux. We want you to meet a new friend of ours."

A phoenix flew up to them and screeched happily.

"Hi, Chopper," Ezra said. "It's good to see you. You, too, Chewie," the chimera pup said noticing the griffin near by. "Is Bendu here?"

"I'm always here," came a voice inside of the cave.

There was movement inside the cave and a long and lean oriental dragon came out. He had brown scales and a red mane and, despite his short legs, towered over the four chimera pups. Sabine backed up slightly, a little afraid of the dragon.

"Sabine," Ezra said, "this is Bendu the dragon, Chopper the phoenix, and the griffin's name is Chewbacca but we mostly call him Chewie; they're friends of the clan. Bendu, Chopper, Chewie, this is Sabine; she and her aunt and uncle joined the clan yesterday."

"Hello, my dear," Bendu said.

Sabine moved a little closer. She had never seen a dragon before; at least not this close.

"Now, what brings you pups here?"

"We wanted Sabine to meet you. We also thought that you could tell us a story."

"Tell us about Republic Kingdom before the hunts," Ahsoka said.

Bendu gave a dragon chuckle.

"Alright. Many years ago, long before any of you were born, back when your parents were just pups themselves, Republic Kingdom was a very different place. Back then, many different chimera clans lived all over the kingdom. The most well known was Republic Clan also referred to among the humans as the royal clan since it lived in the royal forest on the grounds of the castle. Four times a year, at the turn of each season, the leaders of all the clans would meet on Republic Clan's territory under a truce and exchange news."

"Did any of our parents every get to go to the meetings?" Lux asked.

"No but," Bendu turned his gaze to Ezra, "your grandfather did many times."

"Grandpa never said anything about that," Ezra said in amazement.

"No, not your Grandpa Cham; your other grandfather, your father's father."

"Dad's father was the leader of a whole clan?"

"Yes he was. Caleb was the leader of one of the most well known clans out side of Republic Clan, Jedi Clan. Your parents," the dragon looked at Lux and Ahsoka, "are from Jedi Clan as well."

"What about Ezra's mother?" Sabine asked. "Where is she from?"

"She is from another of the well known clans: Ryloth Clan. There were six clans that were very well known by the humans: Republic Clan, Jedi Clan, Ryloth Clan, Mando Clan, Naboo Clan, and Corresant Clan."

"The clan Mace is from?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yes. He is likely the very last of his clan, as many chimeras joining your clan are. In fact, Corresant Clan was one of the first clans targeted by the Hunter and his devil dog. Mace would have witnessed the death of many of his friends and family and the destruction of his clan at a young age."

"That may explain why he's always so grumpy," Lux whispered to Ahsoka and Ezra causing his two friends to snicker.

Bendu narrowed his eyes at the young pups.

"Sorry, Bendu."

"Keep in mind," the dragon said, "you three have lived a very sheltered life here in the valley. This place is protected by magic and protects it's own. No one posing or intending harm to anyone living within this valley can enter it."

The three pups looked at their paws. They knew they were lucky to have been born in the valley where it was safe.

"What caused the hunts to start?" Sabine asked.

"No one really knows," Bendu said. "The red devil dog started killing chimera clans around the same time the hunter and his devil dog appeared but no knows which came first. As for the hunter, he started killing chimeras after the royal family was overthrown."

"Why were they overthrown?" Ahsoka asked.

"Some say that the king's advisor, Palpatine, wanted the throne. Others claim that it's more complicated than that. But all agree that the princess and rightful ruler of the kingdom is still alive."

"Well where is she?" Lux asked.

"Some say she's in hiding, waiting for the right time to reclaim the throne. Others say that Palpatine is holding her prisoner, waiting until she comes of age so he can force her to marry him making his claim to the throne that much stronger."

"What do you think happened to her?" Ezra asked.

"I don't think she was being held prisoner. She was the same age as you parents when her family was overthrown so Palpatine would have forced her to marry him ten years ago and no one has seen the princess in fifteen years. All I can tell you is that her body wasn't found with her parents'."

Four howls rang out through the valley. The four pups turned to look, their ears perked up.

"Your mothers are calling you," Bendu said. "You should probably get back to the clan."


The pups were close to the clan when they heard the sounds of fighting. As they got closer, they saw a brown and black chimera fighting with a yellow and black devil dog. A white and red devil dog was also there but hanging back. Before the pups could do anything, Kanan moved in out of nowhere followed closely by Rex, Zeb, Gobie, and Cham. But instead of helping fight off the devil dog, Kanan got between it and the chimera.

"Back off, Mace," he said with all the authority of the leader he was and born to be.

"They're devil dogs, Kanan," Mace said. "They can't be trusted."

"You know as well as we do that the valley doesn't let anyone posing or intending harm to anyone living here come in," Cham said coming to stand on his son-in-law's left side while Zeb took up position on Kanan's right side; Gobie stood in front of the female devil dog while Rex was by the pups. "If they're here, they're not a threat."

Mace growled, clearly not believing that the two devil dogs weren't a threat. But he knew better than to fight his leader or that he would stand a chance in a one-on-five fight. Growling again, he stalked off.

"Keep an eye on him," Kanan told Zeb. "I don't think he'll do anything to put the clan in danger but he'll do what he thinks is right to keep the clan safe."

Zeb nodded.

"I'll tell Kallus to watch him, too," the purple chimera said.

"Cham. Gobie. Take the pups and the devil dogs back to the clan," Kanan said. "Tell Hera what happened and to put Plo, Kit, Ion, and Wexer on watch. Rex and I will finish the patrol."

"Can't I come with you, Dad?" Ezra asked.

"No, Ezra. Not until you're older."

Ezra watched his father and Uncle Rex go off to finish the patrol wanting more than anything to go with them.

"Come on, Ezra," Cham said to his grandson. "Time to get back to your mom."

"Okay, Grandpa," Ezra said.


Ezra, Lux, Ahsoka, and Sabine played happily in the clearing where the clan lived. While the others were away hunting or on patrol and Plo, Kit, Ion, and Wexer were on watch, Chuchi was keeping an eye on the pups. The two devil dogs were there as well waiting for Kanan and the others to return. Once he was back, Kanan would discuss with Hera, Cham, Depa, and Yoda what to do with the two devil dogs. While Yoda was retired from hunting, patrols, and fighting and pretty much spent the majority of his time in the camp, Kanan respected his advice and wisdom. Ezra ran up to the two devil dogs.

"Come play with us," he said.

Savage looked over to where Mace was watching them.

"I don't think that's a good idea," he said.

"It's okay."

Savage took another look at Mace. He wasn't going to let the chimera intimidate him and besides he wasn't going to be doing anything wrong. The son of the leader of the clan had invited him to play with him and his friends and Savage had played with enough devil dog puppies to know how to do so carefully. He got into a play stance before he started to chase the pups, all five of them laughing. Mace got to his paws growling but Chuchi got in front of him and gave him a look that said she was in charge of the pups and she didn't see the harm in them playing with a devil dog.


When the others returned to the clearing, they found all four pups fast asleep next to Chuchi. The two devil dogs were sleeping nearby with Mace keeping a close eye on them and Kanan could see Zeb and Kallus (and Yoda as well) discreetly keeping an eye on him. Catching sight of Kanan, Hera, Cham, and Depa, Yoda got to his paws and walked up to them. He knew that Kanan wanted to discuss the situation with him, Hera, Depa, and Cham.

"What do you think?" Kanan asked Yoda.

"The male spent most of the afternoon playing with the pups," the old chimera said. "I don't think he or the female would try to harm them."

"I don't think they would try any of us," Cham said. "They valley wouldn't have let them in other wise."

"I think they're just looking for a safe place," Hera said. "The female is pregnant. She'd want somewhere safe to have her pups."

"We should let them stay," Depa said. "We always have in the past."

"Not this time," Mace said coming up to them. "They're devil dogs. They can't be trusted."

"You know you're not allowed at these meetings," Kanan said. "And I'll do what I think is right for the clan. We're going to let them stay. Since the valley let them in, we know they aren't a threat. And all of us know what it's like to want a safe place to live. It's what brought all of us here in the first place."