
Ghost Adventures

An average high school student with a strong interest in the paranormal died an untimely death. However, death wasn't the end. He woke up in a home he didn't recognize with a system that feeds off of fear. With a new lease on life, he uses it to discover the truth of life after death and help many beings, dead and alive. His Ghost Adventures are just getting started. Extra tags: #Ghosts #Investigations #Spirits ......................................................... A/n: New synopsis, I think it's much better. Please let me know what you think.

OvaLism · Fantasy
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65 Chs

22 - Call

David heard his phone ring, So he took it out of his pocket and saw it wasn't a number he knew so he expectantly answered.

"Hello?" David greeted.

(Hey, David. it's James I'm calling to let you know we decided to move our investigation to your place, but there are some things we have to go over, and some contracts have to be signed.) James explained.

"Sure, no problem when and where do you guys want to go over it?" David inquired.

(Is tomorrow a good time at your place? Probably in the afternoon? We have to prepare new contracts for you and also we can go through the whole process of our investigation with you.")

"Sure, I'll have to take off tomorrow, but that's no problem. I'll be anticipating you." David confirmed.

("Great, well me and the crew will see you then.")

("Oh wait, just for clarification, we will be coming with cameras. We have a show to record after all and we will have to take some shots of your house.)

"No problem, we understand, just as long as you can help us with what we can and should do with this stuff," David didn't know how to handle this ghost stuff and wanted them to help.

("Good, don't worry after we investigate fully we will let you know whether we think it is dangerous and will need to be exorcised but I'll let you know that sometimes you just have to live with it.") James warned David.

"I appreciate it. See you tomorrow then."

("See you tomorrow.") James said and then hung up.

Sarah had looked on curiously as the conversation went on and caught a little of the other side.

"So tomorrow afternoon then?" Sarah asked for clarification.

"Yeah, Hopefully, they can help Jack move on or something."

David said as he nodded and smiled at his wife as he spoke.

"Alright then, You better go call off tomorrow. I'll get dinner started." Sarah said as she started preparing pots and pans for dinner.

David nodded and agreed with his wife and started calling his boss to ask for leave.

Jack meanwhile heard the call and was excited about the flesh blood. He needs to level up as soon as possible before they come and hopefully, the fresh blood will give him another level.

He decided to wait until his energy is about fully recharged to do something big to get the family to give him that final 15%.


Later that night after dinner the family was watching TV together and Jack had regained a good amount of energy.

He thought about his plan, first, he is going to conjure an orb and fly it around and then into Angelica to get her to acknowledge him so his next actions won't scare her too much.

Then, he would focus on his hands and use the rest of his energy to lift her for a couple of seconds before letting her down gently.

He doesn't plan on lifting her too high just in case his energy doesn't last but with her small size and weight, he should be able to pull it off for a couple of seconds a foot or so off the ground.


David and Sarah were sitting on the couch with Angelica in between them. Then they all saw an orb fly out from behind them and circled angelica for a couple of seconds fast and then went into her.

"Jack is here, mommy, daddy!" Angelica explained excitedly when she saw the pretty light fly around her.

The couple was scared when a light suddenly flew around and toward Angelica but when they saw it they relaxed a little because they recognized it was Jack.

"Hahaha, Look mom I'm floating."

Suddenly Angelica felt hands lift her up and at first, she was a bit scared but then she began to have fun and laughed happily.

The couple froze as she was lifted from her seat and floated in front of them.

David's face paled and reacted quickly. He got up and reached out to her to make sure she wasn't hurt.

Good thing too because Jack seriously underestimated the energy cost and went a bit higher than he should have and was about to run out of energy, causing her to drop luckily into David's arms.

David sighed in relief when she was in his arms and he almost cursed Jack right in front of his daughter for playing around.

'That was close, Nice save buddy.' Jack thought, he appreciated David's quick actions.

But then he got distracted by asking from the system.


[Level up]

Jack checked his system with an exhilarated face.



Race: Ghost(Phantom)

Lvl: 4 (0%)


Regen: 6/h

Haunt location buff: none


After the level, he regained all his energy and then some.

Jack almost wanted to pick Angelica up and take her around again but David had sat down with her in his arms protectively so he couldn't.

'Tch. Just for that, don't think about getting any sleep tonight.' Jack thought angrily while clicking his tongue when he saw how he was protecting her and treating him like a villain completely ignoring how he had almost hurt her.


Later that night Angelica was put to bed and the couple finished their nightly routine and were lying in bed about to sleep.

Jack swore earlier that he wouldn't allow David to sleep so he waited a few hours into the night before he walked over to the light switch and flipped it on.

Seeing no reaction he then walked over to David's side and pondered what to do.

After thinking for a bit he possessed David while curiously thinking about what would happen.

As soon as he possessed David he realized that unconscious people are easy to possess and move.

He didn't give any resistance and it was almost like sleepwalking for him.

So Jack walked David over to the bathroom and made him step into the shower before he turned the cold water on.

Jack realized that this possession was super dangerous, although pain or loud noises would wake David up and he would instantly resist the possession causing Jack's energy expenditure to exponentially increase.

Jack could make someone kill themselves.

If Jack was careful enough, he could make someone walk off the edge of something.

Although just doing this much cost Jack almost all of his energy.


David woke with a start and fell back onto his bottom. He looked around confused about how he got into the bathroom.

He couldn't figure it out so he just assumed he was sleepwalking.

He turned the water off and then dried himself before changing into pajamas and turning the light off assuming that he turned it on while sleepwalking and went back to sleep.

Jack saw him give no reaction or fear and checked his experience percentage.


Jack sighed and realized that since he wasn't awake he couldn't feel much fear.

'Not worth it...'

The energy expenditure wasn't worth that little amount of experience.

Jack decided to just save all his energy for the fresh blood tomorrow.

Thanks to TheDeathGod, Napvious, Jack882, AkiraLight, and Shikdi_1 for the power stones.

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