
Ghost - A Naruto Fanfic

Follow the journey of a young man who suddenly finds himself transported into the mystical world of Naruto. But as he navigates this new and unfamiliar world, he begins to realize that things are not quite as they seem. As he struggles to find his place in this mystical realm, he is faced with a series of challenges that test his mettle and his resolve. But with each new obstacle, he also discovers new opportunities and potential within himself, as he delves deeper into the secrets of chakra. As he grapples with the darkness that lurks around every corner, he must also confront his own inner demons and fears. Will he be able to resist the pull of the dark side, or will he succumb to its seductive power? ________________________________ This Naruto fan-fiction offers a more realistic portrayal of a person transported into the Naruto world. The protagonist doesn't become overpowered too quickly and doesn't kill hundreds of people with ease. Instead, the story delves into Jutsu creation and fuinjutsu, providing technical information that adds depth to the narrative. The story isn't a harem novel, and while there may be love interests, the focus is more on the adventure and exploration of the Naruto world. Please give this novel a chance and i sincerely believe that it will offer a unique and refreshing take on the Naruto world. There may be instances of graphic violence, blood, and gore in the story. I advise readers who may be sensitive to such content to approach the novel with caution. _________________________________ You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon: www.patreon.com/MoneyBall683 ____________________________________ DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership over any of the characters in this Fan-fic other than my OC's. The cover pic is also not mine.

MoneyBall · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Rivals or Lovers?

You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patréon:


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Observing the intense battle between Gai and Kakashi, Rai couldn't suppress his admiration and respect for the two. Their mastery over their skills was nothing short of awe-inspiring, each maneuver and retaliatory strike revealing more of their prowess.

Kakashi's ability to seemingly foretell Gai's every move particularly captivated Rai. He was astounded as Kakashi gracefully navigated through Gai's barrage, constantly maintaining an advantageous position. It was as if Kakashi had an innate understanding of Gai's thought process, allowing him to foresee his tactics and plan accordingly.

At the same time, Rai couldn't suppress his admiration for Gai's relentless resolve and unyielding spirit. Despite the apparent odds stacked against him, Gai displayed no signs of surrender, his faith in his capabilities unwavering. He persisted in the face-off with unyielding vigor, resolved to establish himself as a formidable contender to Kakashi.

As the battle continued, Rai could sense the escalating tension with each minute. He observed as both Gai and Kakashi stretched their capabilities to the extreme, neither willing to concede or show vulnerability. It was like watching two titans clash, each one determined to emerge victorious.

Despite the intense competition, Rai could sense a deep mutual respect between Gai and Kakashi. This camaraderie, interlaced with the spirit of sportsmanship, was tangible even as they tried to outdo each other.

He watched as Gai and Kakashi both exchanged one final blow, each resolute in their determination to emerge victorious. And in the endit was Gai who delivered the decisive blow. Despite being the underdog for most of the fight, Gai had successfully shifted the balance in his favor and seized the victory.

"Holy fuck, that was awesome," Rai said aloud, unable to contain his enthusiasm. Gai and Kakashi turned to look at him, and he could see the exhaustion and satisfaction etched on their faces.

Spotting Rai, Gai paused, giving him a long look. "Rai, is that you? Man, you've really grown up," Gai said, sounding genuinely surprised. A small chuckle slipped from Rai, amused by Gai's reaction. Regardless of the age difference, Gai's bold and vibrant character never failed to lighten up Rai's mood.

Taking a moment, Rai reflected on how it had been more than a quarter of a year since he last crossed paths with Gai. Gai had been busy with his missions and the everyday hustle of being a shinobi. Yet, through the passage of time, Gai's infectious energy and warmth were steadfast, a comforting constant that Rai appreciated.

"Yeah, it's me, Gai," Rai responded, a grin spreading across his face.

Kakashi, on the other hand, appeared slightly perplexed. Unacquainted with Rai, he wondered about the connection between him and Gai.

Noticing Kakashi's confusion, Gai quickly said, "Ah, my bad. This is Shikarai Nara, a young man I've had the privilege of imparting some taijutsu knowledge to." Gai explained, gesturing towards Rai.

"Planning to start wearing the spandex like Gai here?" Kakashi chimed in, a teasing edge in his voice. Gai beamed, puffing out his chest in pride. Rai couldn't help but chuckle at the banter, "Nah, I don't think I can rock the spandex as well as Gai does," he responded with a smirk. "But I might give his haircut a try," he added, joining in the humor.

Gai responded to Rai's remark with a hearty laugh, clearly delighted by the compliment. "Did you hear that, Kakashi? The youth of today appreciate the value of a good haircut!" he announced with a wide grin.

Kakashi couldn't help but feel a bit exasperated at Gai's response, realizing that he had entirely missed the sarcasm in Rai's comment. "Right, well...a good haircut does have its merits," Kakashi replied, attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction. Gai, however, seemed oblivious, continuing to revel in the praise he had received from Rai.

Kakashi gracefully withdrew from the conversation, "Given that you have a guest, Gai, I'll take my leave," he mentioned, acknowledging Rai with a nod.

As Kakashi made his departure, Gai redirected his focus onto Rai and inquired, "So, Rai, what's the purpose of your visit to the training field today?" His curiosity piqued.

Rai responded with a slightly embarrassed rub at the back of his neck. "To be honest, I was planning on training," he confessed. "However, I forgot to reserve the training ground for my session, hence I ended up intruding on your spar with Kakashi," he explained.

Gai laughed heartily, "You're right, Rai! Your forgetfulness led to quite an interesting day. You got to see an exciting match between Kakashi and me!" He flexed his biceps with pride.

Rai couldn't help but grin at Gai's infectious enthusiasm. "Sure did. It was quite a sight. Speaking of, you and Kakashi seem really close. Are you guys, you know, together or something?" he asked, a playful smirk on his face.

Gai's eyes nearly bulged out of his head at the suggestion. "Wha- No! What on earth gave you that idea, Rai?" he sputtered, clearly caught off guard.

Rai's grin broadened at Gai's flustered reaction. "Oh? But the way you two were looking at each other after the spar... it seemed filled with more than just 'battle passion'," he explained, trying to maintain a serious expression.

Gai's expression was a mix of shock and embarrassment. "Th-that's the heat of battle, Rai! It's the fervor of youthful competition!" he stammered, his face flushing a deep crimson.

Rai, unyielding in his tease, raised an eyebrow at Gai. "Oh, really? Are you sure it's not the fervor of youthful love?" He shot back, the corners of his mouth curving into an impish smile. Gai sputtered in surprise, his face a bright shade of red. "Wha— No! It's... We're rivals, Rai! Just rivals!" He managed to spit out defensively.

Rai couldn't help but chuckle at Gai's flustered response. He had rarely seen the usually boisterous and confident shinobi this off-balance. "You know what they say, Gai. Two rivals finding love in the heat of battle... Sounds like a top-selling book, doesn't it?" He smirked mischievously. "Maybe I should consider writing it."

Gai let out a nervous chuckle, still visibly embarrassed by Rai's relentless teasing. "Ha...ha... You're quite the joker, Rai," he managed to say trying to regain his composure.

"Alright, I'll stop with the teasing for now," Rai conceded, his laughter subsiding. "On a serious, I recently mastered my first jutsu and was hoping to get some practice in here. Do you have any more training scheduled for today, Gai? Also, what's the remaining duration for your booking of this training ground?" Rai asked, wanting to make sure he wouldn't be intruding on Gai's plans.

Gai flashed a friendly smile, shaking his head in response. "I'm finished with my session for today. The ground was only booked for an hour, and there should be roughly half that time remaining," he clarified. "Feel free to utilize the remainder of the time, Rai.

Gai motioned towards the training grounds and said, "I'll recuperate on the sidelines and observe your practice. Any available equipment is at your disposal."

Before starting his practice, Rai looked at Gai and said, "Actually, Gai, would you mind checking out my jutsu and giving me some tips? I'm still kinda new to this, and I bet you could really help me get better."

Gai's countenance shifted as Rai requested his advice on his jutsu. He drew in a deep breath and met Rai's gaze with a serious look. "I must apologize, Rai, but my expertise doesn't extend to ninjutsu or genjutsu," he admitted, shaking his head.

Gai stared at the ground and continued, "My aptitude in those two areas is quite limited, so I've focused exclusively on taijutsu. It's not that I'm unwilling to help you, but I wouldn't want to provide inaccurate guidance." He glanced back up at Rai with a small smile. "However, I'm confident that there are other shinobi in the village who could help you with ninjutsu and genjutsu if you're interested."

Rai felt a wave of guilt as he listened to Gai's explanation. He realized that he had been thoughtless in assuming that Gai could help him with ninjutsu, and felt regretful for putting him in an awkward position. "I apologize, Gai. I didn't realize," he said contritely.

Gai smiled and placed a hand on Rai's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, my friend. It's natural that you would think I could assist you with ninjutsu," he said comfortingly. "However, the truth is, I'm no longer embarrassed by this limitation. I became a genin using only taijutsu, and I have every confidence that I will continue to progress by focusing on this discipline."

He offered Rai an enthusiastic thumbs-up. "Feel free to practice your jutsu, Rai," he said with a warm smile. "And remember, if you ever need assistance with taijutsu, I'm here for you."

Just as Gai was about to sit down on the side, Rai spoke up suddenly. "Hold on, Gai, I think you might actually be able to help me," he said, facing Gai.

Rai took a deep breath before continuing, "I'm practicing the Nara clan's Shadow Paralysis Jutsu, and in order to advance further, I need to immobilize my mother for at least 30 seconds before I can learn anything more. But I'm struggling to maintain the hold long enough."

He looked at Gai with hope. "Do you think you could help me with that?"

Gai smiled and nodded at Rai. "Of course, I'd be glad to help. What do you need me to do?"

Rai grinned with relief. "Thank you, Gai. All I need you to do is stand still, and I'll handle the rest." He walked over to Gai and stood in front of him, facing his direction. "Just remain motionless, alright?" he asked Gai, who responded with a decisive nod.

Rai took a deep breath, began molding his chakra, and formed the Ne (rat) hand seal.