
Ghost - A Naruto Fanfic

Follow the journey of a young man who suddenly finds himself transported into the mystical world of Naruto. But as he navigates this new and unfamiliar world, he begins to realize that things are not quite as they seem. As he struggles to find his place in this mystical realm, he is faced with a series of challenges that test his mettle and his resolve. But with each new obstacle, he also discovers new opportunities and potential within himself, as he delves deeper into the secrets of chakra. As he grapples with the darkness that lurks around every corner, he must also confront his own inner demons and fears. Will he be able to resist the pull of the dark side, or will he succumb to its seductive power? ________________________________ This Naruto fan-fiction offers a more realistic portrayal of a person transported into the Naruto world. The protagonist doesn't become overpowered too quickly and doesn't kill hundreds of people with ease. Instead, the story delves into Jutsu creation and fuinjutsu, providing technical information that adds depth to the narrative. The story isn't a harem novel, and while there may be love interests, the focus is more on the adventure and exploration of the Naruto world. Please give this novel a chance and i sincerely believe that it will offer a unique and refreshing take on the Naruto world. There may be instances of graphic violence, blood, and gore in the story. I advise readers who may be sensitive to such content to approach the novel with caution. _________________________________ You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon: www.patreon.com/MoneyBall683 ____________________________________ DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership over any of the characters in this Fan-fic other than my OC's. The cover pic is also not mine.

MoneyBall · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Duel of Prodigies

You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patréon:


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Rai launched himself forward, his fist streaking towards Shisui's face. Shisui, however, narrowly dodged the attack, swaying his head to the side just in time, his response swift and precise.

Capitalizing on the momentum, Shisui lashed out with a swift counter-attack, his leg sweeping out in a low arc aimed at Rai's legs. But Rai was quick on his feet, deftly hopping over the sweep and retaliating with a roundhouse kick.

Shisui crouched low, just in time to evade the whirling kick. Seeing his chance, he moved in closer, his fists a blur as they came swinging towards Rai. The latter was no less fast, his arms working like a shield, deflecting and countering Shisui's rapid strikes.

Rai lunged for another punch, aiming for Shisui's face. But Shisui twisted his body with an uncanny agility, making Rai's fist fly over his shoulder. In a quick turnaround, Shisui closed in on Rai, his elbow targeting Rai's chest. Rai reacted quickly, leaning back just in time, his own fist flying towards Shisui's face. But Shisui was just as quick, ducking under the punch and aiming a low kick at Rai's waist.

Rai, showing an impressive level of flexibility, bent his body in an almost impossible angle, narrowly avoiding Shisui's kick. Straightening himself quickly, he stepped into Shisui's guard, the palm of his hand thrusting forward like a spear. It hit Shisui square in the chest, sending him skidding backwards.

Shisui managed to catch himself before he could fall, his feet digging into the ground, creating furrows in the dirt. His eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Rai, clearly impressed.

He had barely a moment to steady himself before Rai was upon him again, an almost unceasing storm of punches. Backhand, fronthand, jabs - they came at him in a relentless flurry, each one as unpredictable and quick as a lightning strike. Shisui was left to defend, a constant battle to block each strike as they came.

Though Shisui was quick, the relentless assault from Rai began to wear him down. He was fast, but Rai was faster, his attacks a constant stream that left Shisui no room to breathe. Sweat trickled down his face, his breaths came in ragged gasps.

Suddenly, Rai feigned a punch, causing Shisui to raise his guard. Capitalizing on Shisui's momentary distraction, Rai shifted his weight low, and with a surge of power coursing through his leg, unleashed a ferocious kick to Shisui's unprotected chest.

Rai's kick connected solidly with Shisui's chest, the impact so strong that it lifted Shisui off the ground. Shisui's eyes widened in surprise as he felt his feet leave the earth, and the next moment, he was hurtling backward through the air.

He collided with the earth with a gut-wrenching thud, a cloud of dust billowing around him as he skidded across the floor. His body tumbled, rolling over and over in the dirt, the momentum from Rai's ferocious kick forcing him to roll uncontrollably until he finally came to a halt.

For a moment, Shisui laid there, his body sprawled out and unmoving. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he fought to draw breath back into his lungs, his eyes closed as he battled the waves of pain rolling over him. But he couldn't afford to stay down. Ignoring the burning pain in his chest, he forced himself to roll onto his stomach and push up from the ground, determination burning in his eyes.

Gritting his teeth, Shisui hauled himself onto his hands and knees. He stayed there for a moment, swaying slightly as he fought against the lingering dizziness. He willed his legs to support him, his muscles trembling slightly as he rose.

Rai watched as Shisui got up, a look of surprise on his face. He hadn't expected Shisui to recover so quickly, but he was impressed by his determination.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Shisui settled back into his fighting stance, his eyes never leaving Rai. He managed to crack a small grin, his voice coming out in a ragged breath. "That was a good kick, Rai," he said, "But don't think you've won just yet."

Shisui charged towards Rai, His right leg snapped up, a lightning-fast kick aimed straight for Rai's head. But Rai was quicker. He dropped into a split, his body just inches from the path of Shisui's kick, and then using his hands for balance, he flipped his body upside down in one swift, fluid motion.

Rai's legs spun around in a powerful roundhouse kick. Shisui, still recovering from his missed attack, didn't have time to dodge. Rai's foot connected with his face, sending him flying backwards once again.

Shisui landed hard on his back, the impact leaving him dazed. He groaned, clutching his throbbing face.

"You..." Shisui groaned, sitting up and cradling his throbbing face with one hand. He blinked a few times to clear his vision, then looked at Rai, eyes narrowing in confusion. "What the hell was that?" He demanded, trying to sound angry despite the ringing in his ears.

Rai just grinned at him, a sparkle of triumph in his eyes. "Just a little something I've been working on," he replied, looking quite pleased with himself. "You okay?"

Shisui grumbled something under his breath, too quiet for Rai to hear, but he slowly pushed himself back to his feet. He was still a bit wobbly, and there was a visible bruise forming on his face. Yet, despite the pain, his resolve seemed unbroken, his spirit as fiery as ever. After all, he was an Uchiha.

The air around them seemed to hum with tension as Rai locked his gaze on Shisui. "It's time to end this," Rai declared, his voice ringing clear and resonant in the stillness.

And with that, Rai bolted. His legs were a blur as he sprinted towards Shisui, the distance between them closing in mere moments. When he was just a few feet away, Rai exploded upwards, his body twisting in mid-air.

His leg shot out, connecting with Shisui's chest once, twice, and then a third time in rapid succession, his foot hitting with the force of a sledgehammer. Each kick was delivered with such precision and power that it sent Shisui hurtling backwards, skidding across the ground until he was a crumpled heap of limbs in the dirt.

Rai landed on his feet with the grace of a cat, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. He stood there for a moment, his chest heaving as he drank in the sight of his opponent. A rush of emotion welled up inside him - relief, pride, and a newfound confidence. For once, he wasn't the one on the receiving end of a beating.

Ever since Rai had discovered the truth about this world, he had been seeking out Gai for frequent sparring sessions. He had felt a desperate need to improve, to grow stronger. His reality had been shattered, and he needed something to hold onto. The martial arts, the sweaty, bruising spars with Gai – they grounded him, gave him a sense of control when everything else seemed to be spinning out of his grasp.

Those sparring sessions had been brutal, Gai showing no mercy as he taught Rai the hard truths of combat. But Rai had welcomed the pain, the exhaustion. It meant he was growing, improving. And now, as he looked at Shisui on the ground, Rai realized just how far he'd come.

For the first time, he wasn't the one being picked up off the ground. Today, he was the one standing tall. He couldn't help but wonder if this was a turning point, a sign of things to come.

Rai's brief moment of triumph faded as he realized the reality of the situation. The person he had just beaten was Shisui, a child barely six years old. A sense of unease washed over him, replacing the triumphant feelings he had just experienced.

He remembered his recent sparring sessions with Gai. Every time they sparred, Gai had taken him down easily, even when he wasn't going all out. The memories of those defeats were still fresh in his mind. The bruises had faded, but the lessons remained. He knew he had a long way to go before he could truly compete against the likes of Gai.

Sure, today he had won, but it was against a child. He couldn't let this victory go to his head. Instead, he should use it as a stepping stone, a reminder of how far he still had to go.

He glanced over at Shisui, who was still laying on the ground, clutching his face. Rai felt a pang of guilt. He knew he had to get stronger, but he didn't want to hurt his friends in the process. He made a mental note to go easier on Shisui next time.

With a deep sigh, Rai walked over to Shisui, who was still on the ground. He extended a hand to help Shisui up, a soft smile playing on his lips. "You alright, Shisui?" he asked, his voice full of genuine concern.


POV Shisui:

I stared across the training ground at Shikarai, my heart pounding in my chest. I knew he was good, but I hadn't expected him to be this good. Every move he made was calculated, his strikes were precise and powerful, and his speed... It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I felt a rush of adrenaline as we began to spar, my own skills being pushed to their limit.

He came at me with a flurry of attacks, each one faster and more powerful than the last. I tried to keep up, but he was always one step ahead. Just when I thought I had him figured out, he would switch tactics and catch me off guard. It was like trying to catch a leaf in the wind.

I managed to land a few hits, but they were nothing compared to what he was dishing out. Each blow he landed sent a jolt of pain through my body, and I could tell that he wasn't even going all out.

His movements were fluid and precise, each one carefully calculated to deliver the maximum amount of force. The way he was able to twist and contort his body to avoid my attacks was nothing short of amazing. I had never seen anything like it.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy mixed with admiration. Finally, there was someone my own age that I couldn't even remotely compare to. I've always prided myself on being one of the best in the Uchiha clan for my age. The elders would often compliment me on my skills and potential. But Rai, he was something else entirely.

The fight had been a wake-up call. I was no longer the best. Not when Rai was around. For the first time, I found myself in the shadow of another, and it was a feeling I didn't particularly enjoy.

But, rather than dampen my spirits, this realization ignited a spark within me. A spark of competitiveness, of determination, of a drive to better myself. I would rise to this challenge. I would not allow myself to be left behind. I would work harder, train longer, push myself further.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, I felt a shadow fall over me. Looking up, I saw Rai standing there, a concerned look on his face. "You alright, Shisui?" he asked.

I was momentarily taken aback by his question. After our intense spar, I had expected him to be triumphant, maybe even a little smug. But instead, he was looking at me with worry in his eyes. I couldn't help but feel a little touched by his concern. "Yeah, I'm good, Rai," I assured him, managing a small smile. "Just need a moment to catch my breath."

As I lay there, catching my breath and looking up at Rai, I felt something I hadn't felt with my clan mates. It was a sense of camaraderie, a bond that extended beyond the rigid structure of the clan. It felt... different.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I had found someone who could truly understand me, someone who saw me as more than just the best of my age in the clan. Rai saw me as Shisui, nothing more. And that was something I hadn't realized I was missing until now.