


---Big Brother.

Mathew POV

What a better way to start your day then a time out, yeyy timeout said no one ever.

Daddy is being mean , he got a new job but refuse to take me with him saying it's /"too dangerous/" and /"not a place he'll take me to/".

Well if it's that dangerous he shouldn't be going either, when I told him, may I add yelled my opinion, he put me in timeout.

I wasn't going down without a fight god forbid, I fought him, kicked and screamed. Until he landed few slaps on my already sore bum, don't play with guns kids.

So here I am in the corner waiting for this damn punishment to end, it's taking forever. I heard a knock on the door, probably someone came to catch daddy, he should let me out to say goodbye.

I don't like goodbyes what if something bad happens to him or he doesn't come back, I love my daddy I don't want to lose him.