
gho(st)²ories (yan/obsessive chrollo x reader)

You were so happy to finally be able to live alone only to find out that you are not as alone as you would like to be. Your deceased great aunt left you not only a house with spiders in every corner, but so much more that you can't seem to get rid of and which is becoming a greater danger.

milli0n_of_dreams · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Act 6, Chapter 5

You felt Chrollo's body move, but his arms didn't break away from you and your arms stayed in place.

Silently you just let him pull you along gently.

He led you into the living room, sank onto the couch and gently pulled you down with him.

Your body was now pressed even closer to his than before.

The hand on your head continued to stroke your hair up and down, the hand resting in the middle of your back continued to slide down.

It stopped at the lower part of your back and Chrollo spread his fingers to take up as much of the area there as he could.

You blushed, but since your face was still pressed into his chest, he couldn't see it.

He gently rested his chin on your head and you closed your eyes, letting yourself sink deeper into his touch.

How could someone who was dead feel so warm?

"Would you like to tell me what's going on?" Chrollo asked.

You would have preferred to just sit there with him, enjoy his warmth and listen to his heartbeat.

"I've just got a lot on my mind..." you murmured, pressing your face even tighter against his chest.

If you could have disappeared into it, you would already be.

"But something happened, there's more than just a full head (y/n).  The way you looked when you walked in the door, I have no choice but to worry about you." You liked the way your name sounded in his voice, how gently it rolled across his lips.

It wasn't that you didn't want to tell Chrollo what happened.

But you wanted your trip to the library kept secret.

Not only because it was supposed to be a surprise, but also because you didn't want him to take any blame for getting so terribly wet and almost running over an animal.

In any case, you believed that it must have been an animal, even if you were subconsciously certain that no forest animals of this size and shape existed.

And since you didn't want to make Chrollo feel like you didn't trust him, you decide to tell him at least part of it.

"Hisoka just got on my nerves again today, that ruined my day from the start.  Then it started pouring after the end of the shift and I got completely soaked because a shop I wanted to go to was closed.  Then when I was on the way home, I think I almost ran over a huge animal.  I couldn't see very well anyway because of the rain and then this...I think today was just a bit too much for me." you confessed.

You didn't lie, you just left a few things out.

But Chrollo didn't need to know that either.

He was about to say something when a loud sneeze shot across the room from you.

"Sorry..." you said quickly but Chrollo just laughed.

He broke away from you and you hated your body for destroying such a beautiful moment.

"You should take a hot bath, otherwise you'll get sick." Chrollo ran his hand over your hair one last time before he completely broke away from you.

"I don't have much strength left anyway." he hung on before he got up and disappeared behind you the next moment.

A moment later you could hear water rushing from above and when you turned around Chrollo was down again, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"I made you bath water." He smiled at his words.

You responded with one yourself and thanked him.

Less than an hour later you had climbed into the hot bath water and spent around an hour there.

The hot water around you felt incredibly good on your skin after the cold rain and your cold, soaked clothes felt a ton heavy when you shrugged them off.

You stayed in the hot bath water until it wasn't even lukewarm when you got out.

Your eyes went black and you felt dizzy, but you put it down to the heat of the water, and you put the headache that followed down to the water.

You had already laid out your sleeping things in the bathroom and when you had them on you went downstairs.

Chrollo was probably waiting for you in the living room because when you came down the stairs you already saw him sitting on the sofa.

When he saw you he smiled and you smiled back.

You finally decided to watch a movie together.

Unfortunately you didn't last long and after just under half an hour your eyelids became so heavy that you couldn't stop them and they fell shut.

You slid closer and closer to Chrollo half asleep until your head landed first on his shoulder and then on his chest.

You felt Chrollo put an arm around your shoulders before you fell asleep completely.

You woke up again in the middle of the night.

Despite the blanket that was always draped over you on your sofa, you were freezing cold.

The television was still on, but whatever program was on only dimly lit the room.

You cocked your head and looked around.

You fell into chrollo.

You could remember sliding onto Chrollo half asleep but his strength seemed to have left him over time as you were literally lying inside him.

That also seemed to be the reason for the endless cold on your body.

You sit up, yawning heartily before your eyes rest on Chrollo again.

He was still sitting like when you guys turned the movie on, only his head was thrown back and resting on the edge of the sofa.

One of his arms was originally around you, you could tell by his position, while the other was on the edge of the sofa.

His legs were slightly spread and you blushed slightly when you realized that your head had been in his lap.