
The Start of Their New Life or What's Next? or Sunside!

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

-0710- Youth Dormitory - Main lobby

A week had passed, and it was now the group's turn to take the elevator to sunrise.

'After five long years we get to see the sun,' said Ingrid. Standing beside her were Ivory, Kelly, Victoria, Yasha, and the rest of the girls.

Each one of them nodded while hiding their excitement. Their eyes constantly shifted between the elevator and the three boys that accompanied Caesar's sunside.

Ivory: 'Those motherfuckers won't say a word about the sun!'

Kelly: 'I know, It's so irritating! They just stand there looking down at us.'

Yasha: 'Especially Samir, that fucker makes you feel like a dog for asking.'

All of them: 'I KNOW!'

Ingrid: 'They went for massages.'

The girls stopped. Their eyes lingered Ivory before snapping to Kai and the boys.

'Girl, you better be lying,' said Victoria.

Ivory: 'Why would I lie? Kai wouldn't talk about the meeting. But he told me they got massages, mud baths, and even pedicures. Just look at their nails. Hell, even Caesar's uptight ass joined in.'

Yasha: 'She's not lying. Rishul used to have the dirtiest nails!'

Kelly: 'I spent five years begging for a simple pedicure. And that mother-- let's get them.'

Girls: 'What?'

'LET'S GET THEM!' Yelled Victoria.

'Run!' Yelled Samir, waving his nails to taunt the group. While She and the girls went from eyeing the boys, to charging them. Sarah walked in causing everything to stop.

'Can we talk?' Asked Sarah. While most of the girls rolled their eyes Victoria watched Caesar.

'One last time,' said Caesar.

Victoria clenched a fist. His voice wasn't cold and emotionless like it would normally be. Its warmth made her yearn for the same thing.

'I know how you feel,' said Ivory. Her face fell on Rishul, who departed to join Sarah and Caesar. At the same time, Yasha thought back to Clark. 'I finally understand that silly face you'd make.'

'I can't understand what they see in her,' chimed Ingrid. Her words made Victoria look to Kai without saying a word...they all did.

'It's not her beauty. Down here, and up there, you'll find better. However, she's just...different. It's hard to explain.'

'Will he leave us for her?' Asked Victoria.

'Doubtful, even Clark wouldn't. The dream's too important,' responded Samir. As he said that Rishul hugged Sarah before returning to the group. They all looked on, trying to sense whatever Caesar and Sarah were saying psionically.

'Leave it,' said Rishul.

'I thought you liked her?' Asked Kai.

'You insensitive ass,' chimed Kelly.

'Yeah, maybe? At one point I probably. But besides the betrayal, they have something...' Rishul paused.

'Don't do it, don't do it. Please don't...' she muttered, not caring if the others could hear. To their shock. Sarah cried into Caesar's chest, hugging him with her hands gripped tightly around his waist. Yet he stood unmoved, looking down upon her head.

'I can't,' said Caesar.

His fist clenched while his eyes closed then opened with clarity. 'I care for you, I do. But I as their leader I can no longer place their lives at risk. Doing so would not only jeopardize us but the generations that have passed and will come.'

Sarah nodded understanding full well he was right. As he turned away, she glanced up. The scientists grinned back; her future would be bleak. 'But until then, only you matter,' thought Sarah. As she turned Caesar around, the girls gasped seeing her kiss him.

"Enough of this! Subject Kerrigan, return to your cell!" snarled Tom.

Sarah just stood there. Smiling to the friends, who stepped onto the elevator. As the door closed, Popovich's voice rang out. "Enjoy it while you can subject Kerrigan. You'll sniff happiness again."

The group's mood turned somber on the elevator to ascension as Samir dubbed it. Went dull and lifeless. Caesar stared at the door, ignoring their lingering gazes.

As the doors opened to display a wide lounge. The sun rose, its rays pierced through the balcony window, displaying a massive, multi-room rooftop dormitory.

'This will be our home for the next five years,' said Caesar.

The kids gawked as the sun's rays reflected off the furniture creating the illusion of a room draped in gold. The kids teared up, shuttering at the sight before their eyes. While Caesar stepped onto the balcony. Placing his hands upon the railing as he looked down to the city below.

The rest soon followed, what stood before them left most hollow. And left Caesar even more depressed.

'Call me naive but as a kid, I always look towards the golden buildings while telling myself. "One day that'll be me." This was what kept me going. But now that I'm here, I feel hallow. And more lifeless than ever. There aren't any builds paved in gold. Or people filled with kindness.

You can't even see the trees down below. And the people are as rotten as those within the slums. Yet they raise their heads. Thinking themselves to be clean and holy while they hide behind wealth, power, and fear, corrupting a system, already ill.'

Kelly nodded, stepping towards the balcony railing. Her blond hair fluttered in the wind. 'That's the secret. When you grow up here. Like some of us. You learn to smile, be kind, and manipulate perception.'

Victoria stepped forward, then Rishul, and Ingrid.

'Before being abandoned for not meeting the family standards.' Chimed Ingrid, her eyes lingered on a camera.

Everyone else stepped forward, as Lokee spoke up. 'From down below they look like gold. Yet from up above, it's just steel and cement.'

'Exactly,' said Suki.

The kids turned to see her materializing in her all-black ghost suit.

'Did you debrief them?'

She asked Caesar.

Caesar said nothing. His eyes remained trained on the seemingly endless buildings, connected by sky-high bridges.

The kids looked between Caesar and Suki before glancing at Rishul, Samir, and Kai. Who saluted Suki while awaiting her instructions. "Listen up. I'll only say this once so you better be focused."

They nodded then saluted Suki as well. "Going forward, the 24 of you will receive personalized ghost training from men within my unit. Occasionally you will be tasked will assassination, extraction, or termination missions.

At the same time, you will be placed in military programs that fit your skill sets to the letter. Failure to keep up with ghost work and school work. Will get you transferred out of the young command's program."

"Excuse me, commander. But I count 30 people here. Some of which we haven't met," said Bazir.

Caesar finally spoke up. His psionic energy rippled throughout their minds, making sure everyone would hear his thoughts.

'Let me make this clear. We have five years to get as strong as possible. The tools to do so, and the reprieve to do so.

That motherfucker can't touch us for five years! So if you can't meet my or her standards, then friendship be damned! Because we'll have all your ass transferred back.'

His words silenced the group. They weren't cold, anger, passionate, or filled with any other emotion. Meaning Caesar was serious, and Caesar would be ok.

'Wait? Outside of Rishul, Samir, and Kai. Who are the others exempted? Why were they exempted? And how do we earn the same?' Asked Kelly.

'Rishul, Samir, Kai. Lokee, Victoria, and Yasha. Were exempted because they have a great work ethic, have earned my trust, and meet my standard for telepathy. Most of you, only have two. With telepathy being the third and most crucial. Even as I speak some of you still don't understand,' finished Caesar.

'You...trust me!!?' Asked Victoria. She and everyone that knew her was visibly shocked to hear it.

'I'm learning,' said Caesar. She smiled at those words. 'Progress!'

'Oh, But why is telepathy more important than trust?' Asked Ingrid.

This time Rishul stepped forward, speaking with rage. "If we can't trust you. After all, EVERYONE! Has been through! Then I'll burn your asses alive. Before moving on with my life--"

Caesar, speaking while Kai eyed everyone: "There won't be another Sarah or Henry situation. We're not going to fight or talk it out. We're going to kill your sleep then move on."

Suki: "Now that we're done. Feel free to enjoy your new home. I look forward to seeing awkwardness emerge."

"What?" said the kids.

Samir: "We've spent 5 years learning to kill. And 3 years suppressing emotion. We're awkward. And attractive. Especially the girls."

Caesar: "Victoria."

Victoria: "HEY!" 'Wait? He thinks I'm attractive!'

Samir: 'So, what's the new mission?'

Caesar: 'Train, learn, practice.'